For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:38 am
I play this on another forum and wondered if it would take off here. It's pretty simple. This week is "A", so try to start all your words in your post with the letter "A".
All words must be in sentences. Just listing the words isn't the game.
The majority of the words in the post must start with the letter of the list.
Posts don't have to do with previous posts (like a story), but it is funny when they do!
Words don't have to be in English, but if they're not, please post the translation next to it. (thanks)
My post:
AQ ate Adam's asparagus!
Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:58 am
Adam attacked an aphid all for asparagus and aubergines!
Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:18 am
Adam also ate asparagues, and anticipated an amazing animal...
(That doesn't make sense. Oh well!

Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:52 am
Adam asked Aunt Annie about and anticipated an answer about an amazing animal.
(Okay that makes no sense either, at least "A" is a vowel. By the way in the first part it really is Adam asked Aunt Annie about it and...but I'm working with the letter here!)
Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:52 am
and an anteater ate all Adam's asparagus. Asparagus are all alone?
Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:08 am
Above, an author adds an amazingly alliterative answer.

I had to put alliteration in there somewhere, seeing as how it starts with A.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:24 am
Ammer axes Abby's aphid after Amy appears aching.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:53 am
After Ammer axes Abby, Alex asks Ammer's Aunt Alice "Are acaras and ashias angry at Adam?"
Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:07 am
Ammer's Aunt Alice answered about Ashias and Acaras ardently attacking Adam.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:39 am
Annie analysed Adams apples, and also ate an asparagus.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:07 am
All asparagus attacked Aunt Annie and Aunt Annie's aligator ate an absolutely average apple.
Afterwards, Adam's aunt Angel also averagely angled a antler avec (with) another aluminium abominable anteater.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:21 am
After an amazing aftermath, Adam aptly and arrogantly arranged asparagus.
(whew! thats good! feel free to comment, here or pm)
Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:31 pm
Also, Aunt Annie agonizedly arranged apples.
Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:57 pm
"Actung! Actung!" Anya ist arm. Aber Andrew ist nicht arm, Andrew ist ein Artz. Ein Auger Artz!
{Alert/Warning! Alert/Warning! Anya is poor, but Andrew is not. Adrew is a doctor. An eye doctor)
Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:53 pm
Allo! Allo? Are animals always anticipating analytic answers?
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