Synopsis: The game is Werewolf. It's similar to the game Mafia (and has been ripped off by a certain movie which shan't be said out loud, 'cause that would be crying wolf. Honestly... its that popular.) The premise is simple: Kill off your opponents before they kill you. Every day you will get the opportunity to excute someone. Every night the baddies (evil players) will get the opportunity to kill someone. Once one "team" has clinched a victory, the game will end immediately. Hopefully to your favor.
* Executions will take place at 8:00:00 PM (Pacific)
* Night ends at 8:45:00 PM (Pacific)
[I realize this is later than usual, but with my Monday classes ending at 6 I really have no choice]
* The following is my
School Schedule Keep that in mind whenever doing anything.
* Lists may be sent
ANY TIME for that day/night cycle. Do realize that most lists are processed IN ORDER of recieval.
* All times are respect to PPT forum board time. If your timestamp reads the time of the given deadline (ie: 8:00 for votes, 8:45 for night lists) they are VOID.
PLATINUM RULE: RESPECT EACH OTHER. Criticizing is OK. Pointing out problems is OK. Mindless/abusive attacks is NOT. You get the age old CARD enforcement. You violate something... you'll get that nasty yellow card. That will stay with you for a LONG time. You get another one, you're out of the game. FOREVER. This also applies for the gameitself. I'll ban this game if I have to. (Which I will HATE to do)
1. Note that ALL roles are given out randomly and without bias. What someone was one game or how experienced they are in the game itself has no bearing to what role they recieve. It's all determined by Mr. Randomizer
2. Once you have died in this game, you will NO LONGER be allowed to post in this thread. You will be able to post in the Commentary thread where there may or may not be other activities for you to participate in. Look at the "DEADIES RULES" later in this post for more info.
3. You are to never claim that "SCOTT SAID" (or of that nature) at any time. You are also not allowed to model/make up anything on/off the forum that would look like something I would send (Ie: ROLE SHEET or PMs)
4. You are not allowed to copy/forward/quote/telepathically send PMs in any form (on/Off the site)
5. Stay active. There will be a check daily on activity. Look below for more info.
6. If you are modkilled/leave the game prematurely you will be blacklisted and possibly banned from playing any future games. You will also be banned from the Graveyard and any activities accompanied with it.
7. Lying is part of the game. Don't be hurt/offended to see one of your best friends has lied to you in order to advance the game. It's just a game guys. It's just a game. Game. Game. Life. No wait! I mean game.
8. You may NEVER vote for yourself and you may NEVER attack a teammate if on an EVIL team directly). In addition, EVIL PLAYERS MAY
10. Confused on anything? Ask. Don't assume. Ask before acting. It'll save you headaches. Any ambiguities will be smoothed out under my interpretation (since I did write the stuff n' all

11. Any mistakes/delays that occur may result in delays... these can happen without warning.
Secret Powers
Secret powers may exist in the game. Secret powers CAN be discussed this game. Yes, that's right. Talk about 'em. I don't care. Unless they say you can't. Then I do.
These Secret Powers will come in the form of ITEMS. An Item has Special Properties that may or may not help you or another person. If you die, a SP will go to the person who killed you (generally).
You may vote to execute 1 person per day. You must vote in the following method:
VOTE: (Person A)
If you wish to retract that vote:
UNVOTE: (Person B)
If you try to vote a 2nd time without unvoting the 1st, I will note that on the next recent vote tally and not count it.
You also may vote for NO EXECUTION. Do so in the following method:
I'VE GONE DRINKING! I have a stash of Duff beer that everyone (assuming they are allowed to) can get a hold of.
However, if you choose this method, you have a 50% chance of your role failing, since... you're drunk.
There will be a character who carries out these executions. Note that just because a character is carrying out the execution, does not mean that some person holds them as their persona. (IE: I haave fictional character Blagooba carry out the execution. Someone in the game may be Blagooba.)
Each character holds different characteristics. A profile of this info will be given at some time during the day.
The executioner will tell you the value required for an execution to be considered successful.
Night Ordering
As stated, roles are read in order of being recieved and in thef ollowing class order:
Baddie Kills
Other Roles
Exceptions are always fun. They exist.
They exist. Everyone has a 20% base. Certain roles have elevated shields.
* Shields never exceed 100%.
* Shields drop by 10% every day.
If attacked or executed and you have a shield, a random number will be generated for you. If that number is less than you shield strength, you survive, and the shield decreases by that amount.
You will lose a minimum of 25% for each execution and 15% for any attack.
Shields come into play AFTER role/SP protections.
Activity Check Every day The executioner will ask a trivia question about the game. You will need to answer that question to me Via PM preferably WITH YOUR NIGHT LIST. If you do not need to send a night list, then just PM me whenever you can.
You will NOT be able to vote w/o answering the question. (Cause the executioner will feel insulted...)
The Bar
Moe's bar is the place to be during the day. Especially when you want to get away from what's going on during the day. There are two public seats open in the Bar. If you wish to go in the bar, you must post ON THE THREAD, Going To Moe's Bar (in bold and in BLUE). If two people have already posted that, you can put yourslef in line by posting Waiting in line (in bold and in BLUE).
While in there, you are immune from anything that goes on during Day. After execution, you will be kicked out of the bar. Also, uou may be kicked out of the bar at any time for whatever reason. If there is someone waiting in line, they will be next to go in.
However, this beer is a bit more stronger than my secret stash, so if you decide to hide here, you have a 75% chance of your role failing! You can't enter the bar 2 days in a row.
The Dead
You've been killed form the game. Too bad. But you still have rules to follow.
1) You cannot talk to any living player about the game via PM or off-board contacts (AIM, Phone, Teleportation, Mind transfusion, etc.)
2) Any speculations that you make on the Commentary must be backed up by proof. Violations will cause you to get banned.
3) Upon the death of 8 players, you can vote to revive 1 player as a zombie. That player will be able to live for only 1 day/night cycle. They can exercise any of their old role abilities, given that they haven't been passed on to any other player (ie: heir). After 1 day/night cycle, they die and return to the graveyard. This cannot be done day 11 & beyond.
For 8~11, a 75% majority is required.
12~17 players, 60% required.
18+ players, 50% required.
Pledge your revival vote in the following method:
REVIVE: (PErson C)
Your vote resets at the end of night. You cannot unvote your revive.
4) Separate Trivia questiosn will be givven so you can Have some fu n too
(*Dranzer*)-- Louie (Mafia) -- E4
.:CD:.-- Martin Prince -- E3
.:Requiem:.-- Prof. Frink -- N3
Alex-- Princess Kashmir -- N3
Anubis-- Kodos -- N6
Bangel-- Bart Simpson -- N2
Breakthrough-- Lenny Leanord -- N5
Christopher-- Lisa Simpson -- N2
gemma58-- Rev. Lovejoy -- N1
Inexistence-- Flanders (Evil) -- D11
Jamie-- Kang -- N5
Khristian-- Marge Simpson -- N7
Kugetsu-- Don Vittorio -- N10
Matt-- Serak -- E8
Monique-- Fat Tony -- E10
o_0-- Moe Syszlak -- N6
Pixa-- Arnie Pie -- N5
sirclucky-- Groundskeeper WIlly -- E7
teddymon-- Mayor Quimby -- N4
the_dog_god-- Maggie Simpson -- N4/Revive D10
Twizzler0171 (replaced Mandy)
Wind-- Johnny Tightlips -- N8
Last edited by
ScottNak on Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:38 pm, edited 18 times in total.