Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:46 am
Frustrated by another set of bad news for Mr. P's family (though it could've been worse on one aspect, it's still a huge mess of a situation).
On the positive side, at least things for us (myself, Mr. P, and Little P) are finally starting to settle back down to normal. Hopefully by the end of next week, we'll be completely back on a "normal" least for the 8ish weeks or so!
Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:59 pm
I started the new year off by letting people from my social circle know that they are thought of, though the release was a little by "accident" due to starting it in November and depression squashing a lot of my drive. But it was a good start for the year, and i got a lot of positive feedback. The time has otherwise be up and down with me. I've had good days just as much as bad days at this point, and I'm on a good vibe in the now. So that's a win I say.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:57 am
Uuuuugh. Little P got the stomach bug that's been going around here.
Super pregnant + bad smells (gotta love that heightened sense of smell during pregnancy) + seeing it + bending a lot to clean = very very bad.
Whether or not I get it has yet to be seen, but thank goodness Mr. P stayed home from work today to help with it. It's still hard though, as it's Little P's first stomach bug, and he doesn't understand why we won't let him eat things he normally can, even when he asks for them nicely.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:04 am
Uncharacteristically Depressed. Probably more so than ever before. Usually this feeling passes, but it hasn't yet for about 4 days. Perhaps too much going on. Wondering if I should be aggressively looking for another "day" job. *sigh*
Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:19 pm
Blue, hope you stop feeling blue soon, or at least can start taking steps to do so. (You know I think you're crazy to put up with what you do at your current job, but you do seem to enjoy it, so it's really up to you.)
I'm feeling sick. I think it's just a really bad cold, but I also have lost my voice, and the decongestants are barely helping (actually, I assume they're working, but I can't imagine what it would be like without them).
Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:37 am
Blue wrote:Uncharacteristically Depressed. Probably more so than ever before. Usually this feeling passes, but it hasn't yet for about 4 days. Perhaps too much going on. Wondering if I should be aggressively looking for another "day" job. *sigh*
oh noes! a someone who was in the blues like me many weeks ago even though I
still get low BUT I'M OKAY NOW so I must make ye smile! A bit! I try! To make smile! YES!!! Chicken.
But yes, been there, done that. It's actually amazing how much your perspective can shift when in the lows. The things that are otherwise the normal routine seem the most horrible thing ever. Not that your situation is actually "good" and you'll "get over it" but I'm just reminiscing about my bouts and how I relate. But the wondrous thing about it all is that it does pass. Feels like forever, but it goes away, and you'll eventually wonder like myself how things could have gotten so complicated. Is the hope at least, because I'll likely look at this later and think I'm being dumb. The nature of the beast!
Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:29 am
Jacob wrote:Blue wrote:Uncharacteristically Depressed. Probably more so than ever before. Usually this feeling passes, but it hasn't yet for about 4 days. Perhaps too much going on. Wondering if I should be aggressively looking for another "day" job. *sigh*
oh noes! a someone who was in the blues like me many weeks ago even though I
still get low BUT I'M OKAY NOW so I must make ye smile! A bit! I try! To make smile! YES!!! Chicken.
But yes, been there, done that. It's actually amazing how much your perspective can shift when in the lows. The things that are otherwise the normal routine seem the most horrible thing ever. Not that your situation is actually "good" and you'll "get over it" but I'm just reminiscing about my bouts and how I relate. But the wondrous thing about it all is that it does pass. Feels like forever, but it goes away, and you'll eventually wonder like myself how things could have gotten so complicated. Is the hope at least, because I'll likely look at this later and think I'm being dumb. The nature of the beast!

Thanks, Jacob. I'm quoting you so you can't change your post later
And I know you're right. This too shall pass.
Heh. Arrow.

P.S. Glad you're doing better now
Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:47 pm
Relieved. Mr. P got back safely from his trip to his Grandpa's funeral, even though there was some serious snow going on there (for example: it dumped 6 inches of snow on them in the 2 hours after the funeral ended...and that wasn't all of it). At least now Little P is happy again - he is such a Daddy's boy that he was a mess during the time he was gone!
Can life go back to "normal" now, please? Even if it's only for a couple weeks?
Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:24 am
Sickly. Worked hard through the day, then got a little stomach pain and needed a nap. Okay in the now, and while I wouldn't say I'm depressed, I'm not too happy due to knowing someone who
made me happy every time I saw him has passed. It's...a little uplifting in a way? In that I have this persons legacy to spread from here on out: buckets of joy. Hoping I can handle them from here on out.
Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:11 am
Bah. I've been told to "take it easy" for the next week and a half at minimum. I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my hyper toddler to burn off his energy since I won't be able to do a whole lot out of the house. Sigh.
Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:41 am
Tired. Very very tired.
Good luck, Pickles.
ETA: And wet. It's raining as I walk to my car. And if course, I have *two* umbrellas in my trunk :/
On the plus side, we really need the rain.
1/31 ETA: So very ready for the weekend. I have no plans to anything for two days... except sleep, go to my nephew's birthday party on Saturday night, do some car repairs, sleep, watch the Super Bowl, nap, do some computer maintenance/backups/clean-up, eat, nap, then get some sleeeeeep.
Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:20 am
Content. Pretty much spent the whole day with someone I barely know and even went to a Superbowl gathering...which I never do. But it was a good day of being content with the days actions.
Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:12 am
Productive. Little P chose this week to focus on learning how to jump (which used up a lot of his energy which was great since I was pretty much stuck in the house the whole time).
We've caught up on MOST of the things that we wanted to be sure got done before Baby P comes (including me finally finishing a project I was supposed to have gotten done Mid-October!), and I'm finally to the point where I don't have to take it super duper easy (though, hah, now I have so little energy for the most part, that taking it easy is not so bad...). Only a little bit of organizing left to do, and then it's just keeping up with regular chores from here on out!
Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:15 am
Light-hearted. Decided to break in my kilt in today, and wearing sweats under it so as to keep warm under it. Still need space heater in room because Winter in the northern midwest. Mmmm hmmm. Looking forward to getting a few more things done before rest. MMMM HMMM!
Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:19 pm
Iced in. I want to go out and get some sunshine before it starts raining again, but it's way too icy out there to be safe.

A little worried we might lose power, but the longer the rain holds off, the less ice and more snow we'll get (and the less likely a power outage is).
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