This board is for anything to do with the Pink Poogle Toy Forum. If you have a question or want to suggest any ideas, then this is the place to do it.
Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:57 am
Hi everyone,
I noticed that PPT doesn't have any link-back buttons. (or maybe I didn't pay attention) In my limited spare time, I decided to create one, and I finished it. Please tell me what you think of it. Thanks!
Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:07 pm
That looks cool, good work
Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:54 pm
Nice =).
We did have one, but that one went missing with all the shake up recently :/. IDB used to use it.
The Neodex uses this one

to link back up to the pinkpt home. It also featured as the favicon for PinkPT a while ago.
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