You are: .:CD:.
Persona: Martin Prince
Role: “Dreamer”
Side: Good
As Martin Prince, you have extensive knowledge of the universe. (Yeah, you’re a nerd) But because of this, you know when there’s something wrong celestially. Each night you’ll be able to go and take a closer look at someone in Springfield. By the end of night, you’ll be able to determine if that person is an alien or not. Also, you can’t go drinking during this game. You’re a kid!!
1) Each night, send me a list of 3 names. Whoever is on top and still alive will be investigated. You will receive a response of whether or not that person is an alien.
2) You also have sharp skills of deduction. Once in this game, you can request to have someone’s list copied to you that would be used that night. That “someone” will be random, however you will be given a choice of 4 names of who’s list that it could’ve been. You cannot use this ability if there are 7 or less people alive.
3) Because you’re that smart and that you have an IQ of 612… uh… I mean 216, you’ve found a way to create a shield that gives you an additional 40% to the base 20% every one has. (I’ve already activated it for you)
Sorry for being so inactive... *grumbles about being executed*

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