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 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:47 pm 
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Hang in there, Siniri! No fun being in an ice storm. Hopefully you have an alternate heat source if the power goes out!

I am headachy. Mostly due to sinus pressure from the wild temperature swings we have been having. I almost hate to mention that it's 75°F here right now, and expected to hit 80° today...

Also - whoever designed where the turn signal flasher module is located in the Lincoln Aviator should be shot. Or forced to perform the replacement themselves on every car in which it fails. *Seriously* :x


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:24 am 
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Riding off the rest of the good feelings I got from Valentine's Day, which arose from a horrible day but turned awesome because I took a shower...really. :roll: They are mostly gone at this point, but doing my best to remind myself of the moments of how the same thoughts which now fill me with dread didn't bother my much at that time. Trying to understand what doesn't make sense. Anyway, a happy belated Valentine's Day to the lot of you. Spread your love if there should be some in your heart. Better out than in. :hug:


:P Help support the NeoDex!!! :P


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:38 pm 
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Tired. Work is getting crazy right now.

I am happy that I was able to fix my furnace at home tonight - before it starts getting "cold". Bad pilot/burner/switch assembly had to be replaced. It wasn't sending the signal to turn on the main gas to feed the burners.

2/28/14 update: In the dark... We lost power at work. Oh boy. Starting everything back up isn't going to be fun...


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:42 pm 
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Tired and a little frustrated. Little P has been having trouble getting to bed at night, resulting in very grumpy mornings. (However, Baby P sleeps for 8-10 hours straight and is an angel!) Add to that the fact that Mr P has had longer work for the last two months (literally from the day that his mom left - so I went from having lots of help with chores to almost none)'s been rough. We're hoping things settle down for him at work soon.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:17 pm 
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Pickles, you *just* had your second kid, right? ("Just" is a relevant term...every time I look you up on the social medias, I type in "Pickles" then have a hard time remembering who you are IRL) Congrats on your second kid! Hang in there! Work hours can get crazy, but there's usually a good roller coaster between super-busy-time and not-so-busy time. I hear that kids also grow up way faster than one might think, but you're doing a great job. :)

I'm feeling hungry. Probably because I haven't eaten breakfast and it's almost lunchtime. Also, I'm one of those peoples who are always perpetually hungry.


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:08 pm 
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@Zilary - Thanks. And "just"...well, over 3 months ago now. Baby P's getting big, fast. :) Too fast! :( At least she's still a great sleeper, though! They changed up how things worked within Mr. P's team at a really bad time (which left fewer people to deal with big messes...hence the longer hours when a whole bunch happened at once). Before this change up, though, he only had long work hours every couple weeks...and then, only for like, a day or two, not weeks on end. Things seem to be settling down now, and hopefully they'll stay that way!

In other news...potty training Little P is oh so much fun (although, admittedly, there are some quite amusing things that have happened during the process). We started last Saturday, and he's doing pretty good already - getting to the potty ~75% of the time already! Remind me to think of the funny times the next time I'm cleaning up messes all over the kitchen... ;)

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 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:21 am 
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Very tired. I really hate my cable company for going "all digital" last month. It has been one hassle after another. I am also convinced that they all get paid extra for irritating customers. The more they irritate, the bigger their bonus.


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:47 pm 
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Surprisingly rested for how the last few days have gone. First, we were out doing a ton of things out in the heat (even if it was mornings!). Little P has been sick since Thurs night, so he's been grumpy and having trouble sleeping for the last two nights - but this morning, he slept in, giving us all a break!

Also, accomplished. I've already made significant progress on the scrapbook I'm making for Baby P. Hopefully it'll be as up to date as I can have it by the time we have visitors again! :)

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:16 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Annoyed. I have a coupon for a free oil change from AAA. I just called to schedule an appointment, and they said the first available appointment is September 3rd. Who schedules an oil change 3 months in advance? Of course it's long after the coupon expires, too. You wanted me to try your auto care service, AAA? I just did. You failed. I don't think that coupon worked the way you thought it would.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:58 pm 
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Unmotivated. I still have an hour left of work and I feel like I've already done my brainload's worth of work today.


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:49 am 
Beyond Godly
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Still alive.

And as I say, any day in which I'm still alive is a victory.

(Hi guys!)

 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:39 am 
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Hi Asthaloth! Awesome to hear from you! Glad to hear you are alive.

Myself, I'm great. I actually took a week's vacation from darned near everything. Almost no work work, limited admin stuff, etc. I ate, slept and did vacation-y stuff. $pent a full day at Sea World, which was great :)

Sadly, I tended bar today and I go back to "real" work tomorrow. Catching up is going to be a bear.

August 4th update:
Oh how quickly things change. I am grossly overwhelmed. I have had very little time for Neopets lately (or most online things for that matter). While I usually carry a heavy load, too many things have come to a head recently and I'm now overburdened and digging my way out. The capper was my house AC compressor failing on Friday. It's been much too humid to be comfortable this weekend while I sort out a replacement at a reasonable cost.

August 5th update:
AC fixed and one other major item completed. Stress level dropped significantly. Much better day today :)

September 23rd update:
16 hour workdays are nuts. Well, that was AT work. Now I'm at home doing MORE. Gargh.


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:51 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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16 hour workdays are insane, Blue. Hope things have slowed down.

Today I went for a hike up steep muddy, rocky, wet-leaf-strewn trails, even partway across the top of a dam... and then discovered that it's much more dangerous trying to load things into the car. I shifted to the left when I heard a bee buzzing to my right, and then the buzzing stopped, so I straightened up -- and apparently whacked it with my hair, which freaked it out. And made it fly down the neck of my shirt, where I discovered it was most likely not a bee since it stung me multiple times (the biggest welt was the size of a dime, with a red area over 2" in diameter around it, on the back of my shoulder, but I can see two other spots on my neck and one behind my right ear. And I think there's another in the small of my back and maybe one on my scalp under my hair.

Thank goodness teabags help relieve the sting. I might have to wear a collared shirt tomorrow or have to explain "No, it really truly was a bee, I swear!"

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:53 am 
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Ouch, Siniri! That sounds awful. I hope the welts go down quickly with the teabags. My full-on 16 hour days are much less lately. This week has been fun so far - all day (single) meeting on Monday, followed by a three (full) day on-site training. Good content, but very long days... Days where not so much of my regular stuff got done. Now to catch up. Yay.

On the plus side... Tomorrow's Friday :)


 Post subject: Re: How are you feeling? (Lickety Split)
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:15 pm 
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Ugh, both of the above sound terrible.

I'm pretty upset right now. My best friend growing up's mom passed away earlier today. She was like a second mom to me when my parents split (and even took me in and reasoned me back to sense the one time I literally ran away from my dad's house shortly after he remarried). With Baby P's allergies still restricting my diet, there's basically no way I'll be able to go to the funeral, at least, not that I know of that doesn't involve me eating nothing but almond butter sandwiches for meals for multiple days in a row.

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