Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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memoryBlade's Requestation Board (Close Please - Thanks)

Tue May 02, 2006 12:58 am

Hiya there! I'm pretty new to the boards, but I'm a graphics addict. >_<

I require that you read and abide by the following guidelines. I'm picky. It's a habit that's developed over the months. Pardon me please.

Guidelines : Read and follow or meep?
• Check who's on the waiting list
• You must provide at least one picture that is of decent quality. The maximum amount of pictures will be stated in Specifications
• Do not bother me about your request unless I have not been active in this topic for 2 weeks. Then you can inquire about your request
• I will only do 3-4 requests per week.
• I have the right to decline any request. Keep that in mind.
• I do not mind being not creditted. However, do not steal.

Specifications : to give you an idea of how long requests usually take from start to finish - not from the time you request to the time I deliver
• Signatures : 2-4 hours depending on level of difficulty : MAX # of pictures - 3
• Avatars : 30 minutes - 1 hour : MAX - 2
• Web layouts : 5-7 hours : MAX - 4
• Blends of 500x500 : 4-6 hours : MAX - 6
• Ect. [Blogs, welcome signs, 404 signs, and so on] : 1-3 hours : max - 2

Examples : for your amusement and wondering
-taken off to reduce bandwidth use-


• Examples of pictures that I would be able to work with : 1 2 3
• Examples that I would be fussing all day to myself about : 1 2

Helpful hints : for a probable better result
• I am mainly a signature designer. Note signature?
• I love high quality pictures
• I like color. I don't like working with one color though.
• I am aware of the 400x100 dimensions sig rule at PPT, please remember to fill the last part of the form.

Finally, the actual form

Typical Digital Art Form
[b]Type of Graphic{s}[/b]
*[b]Color Scheme:[/b]
[b]PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?:[/b]

* - optional

Current Digital Art Requests : Type : Status : OPEN
Last edited by memoryblade on Sun May 21, 2006 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 02, 2006 4:23 am


I must have an MSN avatar!

Type of Graphic{s} Msn Avatar
Text: WIS
Picture{s}: ... ses104.jpg
*Color Scheme: Blues, Greens, Cool colors. :)
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?:

Thanks! *gives you a High Quality pic*

Wed May 03, 2006 1:06 am

Here's your MSN icon, WIS. :)

Think I messed up on the typography. Tell me if you want anything changed. ^-^

Wed May 03, 2006 1:35 am

memoryblade wrote:Here's your MSN icon, WIS. :)

Think I messed up on the typography. Tell me if you want anything changed. ^-^

Excellent as always! ^__^

Wed May 03, 2006 6:44 am

Your style is extremely admirable. :D

Type of Graphic{s} Avatar and Signature please
Text: LAQ
Picture{s}: (just the figure on the right please)
*Style: Recents
*Color Scheme:
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?: Yes please

If the image isn't to your liking, please let me know. Thanks! :)

Thu May 04, 2006 12:57 am

Here's yours, LAQ
Tell me if you want any changes

Fri May 05, 2006 2:03 am

memoryblade wrote:Here's yours, LAQ
Tell me if you want any changes

Stunning. <3 Thank you so much!

Mon May 08, 2006 12:18 am

I would love a set please....

Type of Graphic{s} Avatar and sig please
Text: Susannahmio
*Subtext: "Mayhap we'll meet again, in the clearing at the end of the path."
*Style: You decide
*Color Scheme: Surprise me
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?: Yes
Last edited by Susannahmio on Mon May 08, 2006 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 08, 2006 12:18 am

Type of Graphic{s} Avatar
Text: Kidwaiy
Picture{s}: ... x05xmc.jpg
*Color Scheme: Something that matches the sig and looks good
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?: Yes please

Type of Graphic{s} Signature
Text: Gwen Stefani
*Subtext: Cool
Picture{s}: ... __Cool.jpg
*Color Scheme: Something that matches with the avatar and looks good.
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?: Yes Please

Also can you make it the same size as the set I have right now, thank you.

Mon May 08, 2006 9:18 pm

Type of Graphic{s} Signature and Avatar
Text: Evanescence
*Subtext: The Open Door, October 3rd
Picture{s}: ... cbdd0a.jpg (Ignore the thing in the keyhole, it was a joke)
*Style: Whatever way you want it.
*Color Scheme:
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?: Yes and no. I'll be using the set on PPT later on but I want to use it primarily on an evanescence fansite.

I was also wondering if you could make two versions of the signature? One would be whatever way you like it and the other would be the same way, but the filesize should be 10kb or less. It's just the signature rules is pretty strict on the evanescence forum.

Also, the writing and everything is on the link I gave you so you don't have to choose a main font. Just place everything I gave, "Evanescence", "The Open Door", "October 3rd" on the signature.
Last edited by Ammer on Wed May 10, 2006 11:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 09, 2006 10:43 pm


Sorry if I'm not able to fill out the rest by Friday. This is the last week of school and tests really count towards the final averages. Hope ya'll don't mind. ^.^;

Tue May 09, 2006 11:09 pm

memoryblade wrote:ImageImage

Sorry if I'm not able to fill out the rest by Friday. This is the last week of school and tests really count towards the final averages. Hope ya'll don't mind. ^.^;

Very cool!!! Your very good at the manipulation! Thanks!

Wed May 10, 2006 12:18 am

Maybe I won't take so long. These are really easier because of the size. ^-^

Pickup for Kidwaiy

Wed May 10, 2006 1:17 am

memoryblade wrote:Maybe I won't take so long. These are really easier because of the size. ^-^

Pickup for Kidwaiy

I love the set but you forgot to put in the sub-text which is "Cool" and can you please make the signature darker and make the font for Gwen Stefani bigger? I really like the set.

Wed May 10, 2006 4:38 pm


Type of Graphic{s} set
Text: DM on the av, DM was on fire! on the signature
*Subtext: The way to begin
Picture{s}: this one, and if you blend this one in the background...I shall <3 you...if I didn't already. :P
*Style: whatever you can come up with
*Color Scheme: pinks
PPT usable (applies to sigs/avatars/sets)?: yes'm.
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