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Anubis' Request Board! {Pickups - 0, Pending - 0}

Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:13 pm

Okee, my sets aren't very good, but I need practise. So please request. :)

Rules... uhm, no rules really, since they're quite bad I ask you to request them, even if you're not going to use 'em, just for my benefit, as I need practise and I'm running out of ideas to make them for myself. :roll: Credit would be nice, but it's not obligatory... so yah. Use the form as well. And I can't do animation. Plus, I like big pictures, I'm fairly rubbish with small ones, I end up duplicating the picture... so yes. Thanks! :roll:

I'm usually fairly quick with results, unless I go away, so if you're a bit bored of waiting and don't mind a semi-decent set, yah. XD

And try not to die when I offer you the results. I use Paint and am in the works of trying to understand PSP7. Go figure.

Set Form

Font (optional):
Font Colour:
Anything else?:


Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

'N' that's all folks... request away. :roll:
Last edited by Anubis on Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:36 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:14 pm

Hey Anubis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Well I felt I needed a new set and I can't really be bothered looking for a good picture and I'm not really sure what I want ... :roll: So! You have the lucky task of choosing for me!!! Random stuff .... :)

Am I confusing you?? o_O

Hmm, yes. Ok - I'd like a set from you. BUT you choose what ... just something completely different or whatever you want - if you have a favourite picture, or absolutely ... WHATEVER!!!

Image: You choose :D
Text: maniac
Subtext: Don't have to have it ... just something that goes - or randomness :P
Font (optional): -------
Font Colour: ---------
Anything else?: Errrrr, please make it ... nice?? :roflol: :P

Last note:- You know me, just something you think I may like 8) :D

Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:59 am

Hehe, okee, no promises on how good it'll be/how much you will like it if I do this, though. :P

EDIT: Here ya go. Hope you like it. ^^

Image Image

Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:28 pm


me likes :D 8) Thank you!

.... uploaded and using ;)

What is it?????? o_O :roflol:

Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:33 pm

XD It's an exploding comet. Thanks. ^^

I recently found PSP7 on my computer, so I've been mucking around a bit with that... :P
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