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A Pteri I made...

Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:01 pm

This is hand-drawn, and you can see that my skills aren't the best... Well, FAR from that.


It looks much nicer on the paper, but my digital camera isn't the best, hehe.

I have a 7 from drawing at school, so don't wonder why it's so bad... I made it using the how to draw guide at Neopets.

I want some comments, and some tips to train my skills. :)

Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:01 pm

Not bad at all... with some more practice and a little more patience you'll do much better I'm sure.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:45 am

Thanks! I need to train the eye drawing, I'm not good at drawing eyes... I might try drawing with Paint Shop Pro, too. :)

Sun Dec 05, 2004 6:03 pm

Not too shabby, just need to work on preportioning and a little depth perception and it would look alot better, practice makes perfect. :D
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