Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
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My arts

Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:59 am

I was busy drawing yesterday and I like how this particular little piece turned out. It's a picture of my FDD {fan-made digimon} Aquamon with a cute little Pitchmon sitting on her head <3.


It was a gift picture for the people at the digimon RP I'm a part of. People have been all stressed and ill latelly so I thought I'd give them something to cheer them up ^_^. All comments are appreciated {as is concrit ^_~}.

I also have a DA account: http://aquadestiny.deviantart.com/. My gallery is mostly composed of pictures of the digimon above, but that's because I've been drawing her for ages and I'm trying different styles now. Hope you all enjoy the art ^_^.
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