I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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The Alchemist RPG [OPEN][Not-started]

Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:12 am

~*Main Story*~
Unlike the Series with Ed searching for the way of creating a Philosipher Stone. You, as well as many others, are searching for a woman named Millanta, the Stone Alchemist. Millanta is a key person through out the game. Millanta has researched the Philosipher Stone and disappeared. Unplayable characters from the series that will show up later on are Scar and the Homunculus. Everyone starts in Twin Peak City, it's the main port for the island that is farthest south-east island.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v363/ ... an0006.jpg
Wish that photobucket didn't scrink it.

[b]Name: [/b]
[b]State Alchemist name (If they have one): [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Element: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Background: [/b]

(You can have the same element as another person, I’m sure that some alchemist has the same ability)

~*My Characters*~
Name: Millanta
State Alchemist name (If they have one): Stone Alchemist
Age: 20
Element: Ground (rock)
Background: She was no more than the age of 17 she had already seen things that would send grown men set into an insane assailant. Millanta had lost her both her legs and an arm in a train/car accident. Even though she lost her parents in this accident, Millinta keeps living and she became an alchemist of the state and is doing her own studies away from prying eyes.

Name: Natsu
State Alchemist name (If they have one): Burning Alchemist
Age: 22
Element: Fire
Appearance: She has dark brown hair, red eyes, and brown skin color (Yes she is the same as Scar only not so against alchemy). She wears cameo pants, Black Tank top.
Background: Natsu lost her right arm in a fight against a gang in her old city. She moved to Twin Peak City. She trained for many years to become an alchemist and she now is called Burning Alchemist.

Name: Justice
State Alchemist name (If they have one): Non
Age: Appearance of 10
Element: Unknown
Appearance: white eyes, blonde hair down to the middle of her back.
Background: When she shows up you will know

Every so often I will be posting a little bit of what Millanta has done such as failure and successes and she will be in green while Natsu will be in black.

~*Characters in the RPG
Millinta- Amma_Rose- when found will become member of the group
Natsu- Amma_Rose
Justice- Amma_Rose- Will come later on

~*Will start when at least two people join.*~
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