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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 3:04 pm 
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(nope join one join's never too late...well if we have like 25 pages then it's too late ^^...and thank you for starting off Jill)


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 3:16 pm 
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Alexandra stared at the ink-covered piece of parchment with interest.

The Manor of Dragons? she thought to herself, I think I've read about that. Isn't it... no it can't be.

The story she was referring to had said that the Manor of Dragons held sacrificial rituals. Legend told it that the Manor was the cause of many disappearances almost a century ago.

But what do they want with me? she continued, still staring at the letter.

Rejoin your noble blood? Alex thought to herself as she continued reading.

"So, are you going?" came a voice behind her that made her jump. She turned around quickly.

"Get away, vermin", she sighed to her younger brother who was always eavesdropping on her. His name was Roy, and to Alex, he was the most annoying being in the world.

"Well, are you?" he prodded.

"Yes, I am. And you're not going to tell a soul about it if you know what's good for you." Alex told him menacingly.

He shrugged and ran off to join his idiot buddies, who had been playing a game that seemed to be a cross between football and basketball.

Alex sighed in his direction and reread her letter- over and over and over until she had it completely memorized.

((That was a terrible first post. :oops: ))

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:40 pm 
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Tirea glanced over the letter. She laughed quietly. "Thcya right. Like I'm royalty."

But she wondered. Now she knew where she came from, but she didn't really know that much about her parents... she absemindedly reached into her pocket and rubbed a slightly dragon shaped stone, her only item that came from them.

She glanced behind her. Tracy, her adopted mother, had come out to see what had taken her so long. "I got some mail." Tirea said, but refused to say more.

The next day the car came for her.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:13 pm 
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Alex awoke the next morning to find her letter still in her hand. She figured she must of fallen asleep while studying it. She reread the letter and realized that a car would come to pick her up in the evening. She rubbed her eyes, stifled a yawn and ran into her parent's bedroom. Her mother was still asleep, but her father was sitting in an armchair, reading a book.

"Dad!" Alex nearly yelled, causing her mother to roll over in her sleep.

"Hush, honey. What is it?" he whispered to her.

"I'm going to spend the night at... Lucy's house tonight." she quickly lied.

"Very well, then. Do you need to borrow the car?" her dad replied

"Umm... no. Her... uncle will pick me up." Alex bit her lip. She wasn't used to lying.

"Uncle? I don't know this uncle. I don't feel right letting you go into a stranger's car, Alex." her father replied sternly.

"He's... uh... captain of the Los Angeles police force", Alex nodded triumphantly, although she realized how stupid that sounded.

"What's he doing in Wisconsin?" her father interrogated.

"Family visit", Alex replied.

"Well-" her father began.

"Thanks Dad, I have to go pack now. I'll be back sometime tomorrow." she grinned and fled.

And at 8:00 sharp, a sleek, black car pulled into the driveway.

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:33 pm 
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"This must be it..."
Ruby said looking at the gates to the Manor.
"How am I supposed to get in?"
As soon as Ruby had asked, the gates opened with an eeriely creaky sound. Ruby jumped back but assumed there must be automatic sensors or something of the sort to open the gates.
" we go I guess..." Ruby said as she started up the path towards the Manor front door.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:54 pm 

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Mpinzani looked upward, t'ward the pallace of the brick building. She shrugged, then stepped inward t'ward the front steps. She shivered, then put her hands into her hoody-pocket. Sighing softly, she walked past the Irish girl. Paying no attention, slender and lanky legs carried her up the concrete steps. She beated 'pon the wooden door with a glove-covered fist, waiting for the idiot who sent her the letter to open the chamber. She pulled the note from her pocket and reread it. "What's this about, anyway?" she asked. In all honesty, she didn't ask it to anyone. In fact, she knew not that she had said it. It was a problem she had, thinking things so much that she said it without knowing.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:36 pm 
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Ardys scanned the letter more times than was necessary. There was no return address on the envelope, and it would be much too simple to assume the letter had come straight from this Manor of Dragons.

What kind of name was that, anyway? Ardys knew that she was going to have to stifle a very large snort if there were no dragons at the Manor when she arrived. It was probably just some ridiculous name that the sender of the letter had come up with, in order to make the place seem more intimidating. It probably wasn't even manor-size.

Ardys finally decided that she would give the situation the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, this was an excellent excuse to get away from home for a while. The summer sunlight seemed to be boring into the house, and it was awfully difficult to work on college applications when you couldn't even draw the curtains to avoid being blinded. Maybe, if this place had been made-up like a house from one of those clichéd horror movies, then it would be storming constantly and the manor would be cool and dark. Ardys smiled at the thought. That would be a rather soothing change.

Packing her bags was a challenge, of sorts. Her suitcase seemed to have shrank considerably since the last time she had used it. She was sure she had been able to fit more than seven books, as well as all of her desired clothing, inside of it when packing for her last vacation. However, that had been more than a year and a half ago, and she had advanced quite a bit in her studies since then. Her schoolbooks grew larger every year, not to mention heavier. At last, with a quick jump on the the top of the suitcase to slam it shut as far as it would go, Ardys was able to zip it up properly.

Ardys' next dilemma was contacting her parents. They had left a week ago to go on an expedition to St. Martinique in the Caribbean. As photographers, they planned to spend about two weeks on the beautiful island, taking pictures of the landscape, as well as doing a photography shoot for a convention that was taking place in one of the hotels. They had left Ardys in charge of the house, trusting her not to do anything that an average, stereotypical teenager would do, such as throwing a party or doing something equally stupid. Ardys knew better.

Her first thought was to call one of them on their mobile phone. However, after attempting to contact both of them and only getting their automated voicemail messages, she gave up and settled for writing a note.

Dearest Mother and Father,

I have been invited to stay at a Manor, of sorts, for a few days. A letter arrived in the mail, asking me specifically to come. I assumed that you wouldn't mind too much, considering the fact that you trusted me enough to stay alone in the house and take care of myself. I doubt this will be much different.

I did try to contact both of you on you cell phones, but neither of you ever picked up, and I'm a bit too pressed for time to try to get ahold of you again. I ensure you that if this Manor that I am going to has a phone, I will try to contact you again sometime during my stay. If you come home, find this letter, and I still haven't contacted you yet, then you can assume that the Manor has no means of communication.

I am going to try and keep my little visit short, but I
do think I deserve some sort of break, as I have been working very hard lately. In order to satisfy your curiosity, yes, I have brought as many of my books and study materials as I could fit into my suitcase, so you know that I'm not going to be completely wasting my time while I'm away.

I do not know precisely when I will be coming back, but both of you should keep your hats on, because I'm not running away forever. I'm just taking a little vacation. I look forward to seeing you again once I return.

Much love,

Ardys read the letter over a few times. It was true, she didn't know exactly how long she would be at the manor. If she got back home before her parents did, then she would simply contact them again, explain that she had left for a short while (The reason she may have missed any of their calls) and say that she was back again. At any rate, she decided that they should not mind too much. After all, she was nearly an adult, and she was most definitely intelligent and mature enough already to make her own desicions.

So that evening around 8:00, when a sleek black car with tinted windows arrived to chauffer her to the Manor of Dragons, Ardys simply pulled her luggage out into the warm summer evening, loaded it into the trunk of the car, and climbed inside.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:48 pm 
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The inside of the black car was incredibly spacious. But the strange part was, there were no true windows. Where each window pane was suppose the be, there was a mirror. Alex gazed into one of them, but... she saw no reflection.

"Excuse me?" she timidly asked the gruff-looking driver, "The mirrors-"

"Don't show reflections. Yes, I know. Keep quiet. We're almost at the manor." the driver said, cutting her off. He had a hard voice that Alex imagined an evil villian using.

Alex had the urge to ask more questions, but she maintained silence and continued to wonder about the mirrors, until a few minutes later, when the car pulled up to large, rusty gates.

"We've arrived. Get out." the driver said gruffly.

"But the gates-"

"Go." the driver insisted, so Alex exited the car and began to walk to the gates, which remained closed... until she came within ten feet in front of them- then, as if by magic, they swung open. Alex took a deep breath and walked through them, wondering what awaited her on the other side.

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:36 am 
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Right when Zega got the letter in her mail box, she was excited. She was the most bored person ever, and she would be happy to get away. She ran inside and took out a small bag. She packed clothes and 3 books. She also packed a small leather bounded journal, a quill pen, ink, and 4 charcole pencils. When that was all done and good, she took out a necklace she had had forever. It was her most prized possession. On it it held a glass dragon. It was small, but when you looked at it it burst with colour unseen when not worn. She put it on her neck and looked in the mirror. Her flashing green eyes were standing out against the bright blue outfit she was wearing. The necklace was glowing purple and yellow, swirling all around.

Zega heard a beep outside and grabbed her bag. There was a black limo outside waiting for her. She tryed to glance in the window to see who was driving but the windows were tinted. She opened the door and sat inside.
Zega looked out the window as she normally did in an automobile but was dismayed to discover she could not see out. She took out her journal and her charcole pencils and began to draw.
She drew a girl standing on a cliff. The girl was holding a baby dragon. It was curled up in her arms, fast asleep while the girl nurtured it. The wind was blowing the girl's hair back and the sun was setting.
Zega finished the picture and put everything away when the limo stopped. She slowly got out and looked at the Manor.

It was huge, the biggest building she had ever seen.. There was gargoyals on the top and ivy on the walls. Zega was spooked, yet all at once facinated. She walked near the gate and it opened. Zega stepped in them with only a moment's hesitation. She saw another girl who was just in front of her. The girl had blonde hair and a small suitcase. She had the letter tucked under her arm. "Hey," Zega shouted to the girl, "Wait up!"

[Previously Known As Zega]
The Game. You Just Lost It.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:26 am 
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Tirea was ready to go. She had packed a packed a few books--about dragons of course--and her clothes. She had put on one of her favorites, a fencing outfit. It was loose, and breathed, but didn't get to cool or hot.

She had explained a little about where she was going to Tracy the night before. Jim, her adopted father, had been on a business trip.

When the limousine arrived she got in and glanced around. She could not see out, because each of the windows were covered by a mirror, in which she could see no reflection. She didn't mind. She had seen stranger, and this wasn't one of the highest.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:35 am 
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Jadzia stood at the huge gates and looked up. With Cascata still rested on her shoulder, Jadzia stared at the gates; the gargoyles suddenly moved and looked at her. "Will you quit staring? Oi gates, open up already!" The gates opened and Jadzia grinned.

"Thanks." Jadzia said to the Gargoyles, and Cascata purred.
She walked towards the manor and it was a long path from the gates to the actual manor. She stopped and gazed at the path; "I'm not going to walk this much! Come on Cascata, let me get something." She took off her backpack and took out her rollerblades. Cascata made a sound that expressed something between "you're so clever" and "oh ugh, you brought that along?!".

With rollerblades, Jadzia reached the large door on the manor much quicker and easier. She saw that some other girls are already there, all together looking at the door, thus with a natural reaction, Jadzia, too, looked at the door. Her eyes widened, I swear I saw that head moving over there. Just then, Cascata has decided that she stayed on Jadzia's shoulders a little too long; she leaped on to the ground and purred loudly. And that caught Jadzia's attention. Jadzia scooped up Cascata and started petting her. "You don't have to yell. Then again, that's better than scratching." Cascata let out a satisfactory purr and snuggled in Jadzia's arms to get more comfortable.

((great, now I really feel I'm really bad at rping ><))

memories of yesterday; because you've left me at the beginning

Last edited by _jaye_ on Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:00 am 
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The ride had been an odd one. The driver of the car kept looking in the mirror and back at Ardys, as if he was half expecting her to ask questions or something. But Ardys asked no questions. She wasn't stupid; she knew where they were going.

The one thing that Ardys would have liked to know was why the windows were tinted like they were. They were like mirrors, with their flawless silver sheen and incredible, almost hypnotizing, shinyness. However, they bore no reflection of the girl with long brown hair and wide, inquiring eyes who was seated there in the back of the car.

After some time, (An hour and twenty minutes or so, Ardys estimated) the car finally slowed to a stop. They had arrived. The driver looked in the mirror and back at Ardys. Before he had a chance to say anything to her, she opened the door and stepped out.

It was just as Ardys had suspected. Past the high, iron gates and through the slowly accumulating fog, she could just make out the shape of a tall, almost castle-like building. Heh, well at least I know that they hadn't been lying about it being a manor. Ardys thought gleefully. It was the perfect setting for a horror movie. A long, narrow pathway leading up to the menacing haunted mansion, with gargoyles leering down at you from the eaves of the roof and a dark, grey storm cloud looming overhead, threatening to burst open at any second.

Ardys strode up to the gate, passing in front of the car and flashing the driver an I-hope-this-isn't-supposed-to-be-scaring-me smile. The gates swung open with a long, hollow creak, but Ardys wasn't intimidated. She walked confidently up the drive toward the manor.

Funny, Ardys thought, finally reaching the stairs that lead up to the doors, One would think I would have seen a dragon or two by this time. After all, this is the Manor of Dragons.

A number of other people had gathered at the doorway already.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:02 am 
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RRrringggg . . . . . .

RRrringggg . . . . . .

Alexa sighed and pointedly ignored the phone. She silently hoped the caller would just hang up and she could continue reading.

RRrringggg . . . . . .

RRrringggg . . . . . .


I'll just let the answering machine get it. After all, that's what it's for.

"Hey, Alexa. This is Sally. I know you're there, hon," a warm voice spoke from the harsh machine. Alexa reached over and picked up.

"Oh, hi! Sorry about that. I was expecting it to be someone else."

"Ugh, Alex, would you just talk to him? You know he's not going to give up."

Alexa sighed. "I know. I'm just not in the mood right now. I need a break. He keeps asking me where our relationship is going and I just don't know what to say. With my publisher breathing down my back and everything else . . ."

"You know this has nothing to do with your work. Brad is a good man. He just wants to be there for you. If I were you, I wouldn't chance losing a catch like him," Sally laughed softly.

Alexa stood up and walked around her living room, moving knickknacks, looking for something to fiddle with. "I know, Sally. Things are just . . . complicated right now." Alexa's two cats stretched and yawned from the top of her couch. They watched her for a bit, then commensed bathing themselves.

"Alright. I take it from your silence that you'd like me to drop the issue. So, why did you call me earlier? Is anything up?"

"Actually, yes." Alexa paused at her end table where she had placed the new mail, on top was a strange black envelope. She picked it up and and looked it over again as she spoke. "I received a weird bit of mail today."

"Really? How so?"

"Well, it's from some Manor of Dragons. Have you ever heard of this place?"

"It doesn't ring any bells."

"It says it's an invitation to rediscover my heritage and to rejoin my noble blood. It says I have to spend the night at the Manor and I will be told more. It sounds like others are going to be there as well. A car will come to pick me up at 8 o'clock sharp. It came in a black envelope without a return address or stamp, just a wax seal with a dragon insignia."

"How weird is that. Are you going?"

Alexa paused. She picked up a picture of her mother, gazed at it, then placed it down gently and walked to the other side of the room before her emotions swelled up.

"I've thought it over and I think I should. I mean, I'm not getting anything done around here. I think I need a change of scenery for a while. Some new experiences might do me good." Alexa forced out a laugh, but it sounded hollow.

"Are you sure? This sounds a bit odd. I mean, you don't even know who sent you this invitation or where the manor is. I won't even go into how upset Brad will be when he finds out you left."

"Brad . . . ." Alexa sighed. "I told you we are taking a break. I just need to get out of here. I'm starting to feel like the walls are closing in on me."

"Alexa, honey, it's only been two weeks since your mother . . ."

"Please, I don't want to talk about that. Can't you just be excited for me? Happy that I want to actually do something besides mope around here?"

"You know I want what's best for you, but . . ."

"No buts. Listen, Sally. You know I treasure your opinion, but I need to do this."

"You know I trust you. I'll back your decision even if I don't agree with it."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Alexa smiled and sat down to pet her cats. They rubbed up against her hand and purred. "I called because I wanted to ask if you could please take care of Saphira and Boris for me. I'd hate to leave them home alone, even though they can easily get outside. I also need you to water the plants, feed the fish, and bring in the mail for me."

"Of course, no problem at all. I'd be glad to. I haven't spent some good quality time with those felines in a while anyway."

"Thanks, also . . . . is there anyway you could . . ."

"Talk to Brad for you? Oh, hon, you know I wish you'd just tell him yourself. I'll talk to him and explain where you went, though."

"Thanks a lot, Sally. You're the best."

"That's what I've been told. By the way, are you leaving today?"

"I guess so. That's what the letter said. I'm just going to pack a few things after we get off the phone and wait for the car."

"Okay, then. You have a nice time. You really do need a break. Just be careful, please? Don't stay away forever and call me when you can. I can only stay so long without my best friend."

"You know I will. Thanks for being so understanding. I'll call you as soon as I can."

"Okay. I'll stop over first thing tomorrow morning on my way to work. Have a wonderful time and I'll talk to you soon."

"Thanks again. I'll talk to you soon, too."

Alexa hung up the phone and rested her head against the back of the couch. She closed her eyes for a couple minutes and thought about what she was about to do. It was so unlike her, but she needed to get away for a while or she would go crazy. She sighed as she felt the cats get comfortable behind her and a furry tail gently brushed against her cheek. She twirled the black envelope in her fingers and wondered what she was getting herself into.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:19 am 
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((Jasujo, I've never noticed you RP in these forums before. If this is your first time, you're doing an awesome job of it! :)))

Alex paused when she heard someone calling behind her.

"Y-yes?" she stuttered. The place was very eerie and Alex had the creepy feeling that a monster would jump out at her any second. Ahe turned around and right behind her was... a normal person.

Alex sighed in relief and motioned for the girl to join her.

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:43 pm 
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"Wow there are quite a group of people over here..." Despite Jadzia's job as a music therapist, she was a shy girl who doesn't interact with people a lot, which is probably one of the reasons why she has A LOT of pets. It hurt her she couldn't bring all of her pets, so she brought her closest and her favourite cat. Strictly speaking, Cascata was still a kitten.

Cascata was feeling a bit too active and leaped out of Jadzia's arm and ran to the group of girls. Unlike Jadzia, she was more outgoing. Jadzia ran after Cascata, apologizing and blushing as the kitten begging every girl to play with it. Finally Jadzia got hold of Cascata and started stroking her, cooing her to be still and behave. The next thing she knew, she was next to the crowd of people. Jadzia, like any shy girl, started to turn red and tried to move away from the crowd when Cascata ran off again to the crowd.

Jadzia sighed. "Cascata...I'm too boring for you aren't I?" she decided to let Cascata loose, and watched enviously at Cascata as she played. "If only I could be like that..." Jadzia turned round and bumped into something. Or rather, someone. "Ow! Sorry!"

That someone was a man, almost twice Jadzia's size.

memories of yesterday; because you've left me at the beginning

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