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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 1:48 am 
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(i dont mean to sound rude or anything eo, but you did kinda ignore my post where Meiou bumped into Maarl.)

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 1:53 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Meiou wrote:
(i dont mean to sound rude or anything eo, but you did kinda ignore my post where Meiou bumped into Maarl.)

[I was sort of going to comment as well on how he was at Sheridans, then hurtling through the streets in his coach but...meh].

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:25 am 
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[Eo, did you just say that Eo is a girl who disguises as a boy called Dernan most of the time?]

The crowds were dispersing from whatever it was that had held their attention previously. It probably wasn't important, but if it were still there at least Jane would be entertained - if it was entertaining - for a while. She sighed and leaned against the wall of the shop, watching the line extend outwards and regretting going back outside. Not only was it filthy hot but there was no way she would get back in without people shouting, "Pusher!"

Reaching forward for Donkey, she said to it, "Let's find you a place to stay while Sheridan does her work." Now that was a problem. Where in town would keep a donkey for a few days and treat it nicely? And would it be expensive? The Porters were not admist the depths of poverty but they definitely needed to scrimp and save whenever they could. Going to a ball would be extravagant if it hadn't been for Sheridan.

[I hope it's okay with you Ravyn, that Jane came to town on Sheridan's invitation?]


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:44 am 
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[no problem at all love! ^^ i think its an awesome idea =D]

Sheridan grinned as she saw Jane's lovely face. Her features might have seemed on the simple side, but she was fetching and lovely none-the-less. She gave her a small wave as a customer approached her counter.

"Scuse me Miss. If its not too much trouble could you tell me if my costume and mask are ready yet? " he said.

"Just a moment sir, I'll retrieve it from the back room." she said with a polite smile. Stepping lightly and quickly, Sheridan went into the back room, and came back with his costume and mask as quickly as a rabbit flees from its prey. "Here you are sir." She was glad that he had paid in advance, it made things easier.. The little shop's line of customers seemed to be endless.. But Maarl's masque ball had brought in so many customers that she was hoping she'd be able to take a week off to visit Jane and her father one weekend.. It had been so long since she'd seen the countryside.[/i]

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:56 am 
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Meiou smiled and took them they were different then the others made of actual fur hed brought in for her. When donned he would resemble an anthro rabbit. He placed a handfull of money mostly 10 platnium 5 gold, and 3 silver into a jar that was on the counter. "If youd like some help i can put my stuff in the back and give you a hand."

Last edited by Meiou on Sat Jun 26, 2004 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:15 am 
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Location: Erm.. That island place hanging off of New York :D
"Oh! That would be lovely!" Sheridan exclaimed, she had so wished she could have spoken to Jane as soon as she had seen her, but so many people had swarmed in just a moment after. Realizing how brash her statement had been, she blushed and added softly, rather embarassed, "If you're not too busy that is.."

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:31 am 
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He smiled and jumped the counter rather easily setting his bag down and his costume an mask. He then started to help her with the customers. "I really have nothing better to do so I really dont mind."

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:50 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Christoph weaved his way through the crowd at doorway, and almost tripped over the numerous pairs of feet. The atmosphere as usual was that of admiration for things they couldn't afford. He walked down to the back of the shop where the goods were cheaper and crowd less dense hoping to find something simple for him to take, 'Honestly man, how could you have forgotten a mask!' he thought to himself.

The masks even in the back were of high quality if not as bright and extravegant as the ones in the front, walking down the ailes an elegant mask caught his eye. It was a simple mask that covered only the eyes and nose, under the left eye was a bolt shaped azure streak. It was fading a bit towards grey than the bright white it had probably once been but as his pocket wasn't bottomless it would do nicely.

Christoph took his place in the line of customers that wanted upon Sheridans attention, even though Sheridan was tending to a friend instead.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 6:38 am 
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Merlin pushed some people aside. Already they were dispersing. Maarl had dissapeared. He gasped, noticing the victim. He kneeled down next to Eo/Dernan.

"Can you stand?"

Set by WIS!

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:04 pm 
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Location: Erm.. That island place hanging off of New York :D
Sheridan grinned at Meiou, glad to have someone else's help.. The day was hectic already.

Pulling a bell out from under the counter, she rang it so the sweet sound filled the entire store. "Attention!" she said loudly, to be heard over the din of her small shop, "If you are here to pick up your order, please speak to this kind gentleman over here. If you are here to place an order, speak with me. Thank you!"

The line split from one massive one into two still rather large, but smaller lines.

"The customers name is pinned on their order, which is kept in the back room, along with their price if they didn't prepay. Cash box is under the counter a little east to where you're standing.... Thanks." She flashed another grin in Meiou's direction and turned to help a customer.

Smiling politely, she said, "How may I help you?"

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 6:21 pm 
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Eta growled impatiently. Well. He either was ignoring her, or hadn't got the damn note. She hoped it was the latter.
Fraily clinging to the wall as she got up, she hobbled in a back alley, moaning and rattling her tin. As soon as she was in, she flung it off, revealing the deep purple cloak that she wore usually, embroidered with silver leaves. Finery, perhaps, but not impractical.
She decided heading to Sheridans would be best. Maybe Christoph would be there...


otherwise known as the one who left PPT...and now lurks. *evil laughter*

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 11:24 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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With a shout from the front desk the line split in half, bringing Christoph to the front of his own. He had not placed a pre-order but at least he was lucky enough that he had entered Sheridans long before the torrent of others. Sheridan smiled politely and said "May I help you?" after a quick exchange of a few platiunum pieces, 'Even for something out of the back its still quite expensive, it'll be rolled oats for me for the next week'.

Christoph took the mask and tried to carefully place it into his shopping sack, unfortuneately his cape was still in there, so as soon as he got back onto the street he swung it back over his shoulders. The black robe that had been leaning up against a wall on the opposite side of the street seemed to be heading with intent towards him, though he didn't notice himself as he was too wrapped up in his purchase.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:22 am 
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[All right, Eo, after seven months you finally got me to the RP board. Besides the post-fodder, I mean. Let's face it, after the database change it doesn't feel too spurring anymore to race for posts.]

-Name: Baroness Laurelyn
-Gender: Female
-Age: 31
-Appearance: Flowing light-brown hair down to her shoulders, sparkling brown eyes, a laughing demeanor and clothed in general finery.
Weapons: (optional) She considers it unbefitting of a lady. If need presses her, she will hire a bodyguard, but she has never yet been pressed.
-Other: She has a keen eye for any potential gossip, so she can entertain the guests at the next gathering. Anything off-color, anything at all, she will repeat. When the off-color occurence involves her, she becomes quite indignant, but the rest of the time she treats it as a joke. Not as popular as she believes herself.

Laurelyn was casting about the town already in costume, as she hadn't burdened herself by buying her things in town on the very day of the celebration. No, she had had her dark-blue silken dress with its pale, pearl-encrusted satin sash stitched by her handmaidens, and her scale-gilt mask with its dove feathers made by the local artisan. She had certainly come out the better for it - she would see this ball in full - and then some - and talk with many indeed.

She floated over to a rather stately-looking dark-haired man, holding her beautiful mask to her eyes. "Good evening to you! On the way here, you know, I saw a quite shockingly pale boy - just lying there in the street, didn't seem very well at all - I expect a carriage ran clear over him, the way he looked!" She gave a silvery laugh. "Someone was certainly in a hurry for the festivities! Next time they had better look where they are going!"

The dark-haired man gave a nod of assent and a chuckle. Encouraged, Laurelyn launched into her tale of how the duke who was hosting the celebration was swindled by a fortune teller.

The man blinked back, surprised. "From what I've heard of Maarl, he doesn't go in for such nonsense as fortune-telling. And he wouldn't be so ambivalent about being swindled, oho no."

Laurelyn turned pink. "Well, I heard it from the Countess Irma herself!"

The man smirked and turned away. So he was no better than Weylin. Too bad, he really was handsome... but no matter, she would find plenty of acquaintances here.

[Edited because Eo informed me the ball doesn't take place until the next day. Whoops.]

Do what you will; but I will hinder it if I may.

-- Eowyn of the Mark

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:32 am 
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[[Oh, sorry about the ignoring you bumping into me, just regard it as Maarl never caring what the lower class do?]]

*Through a sort of mist before her eyes [[My god, did I steal that from Eomer as well?]], the visage of a man swam before Eo. Forcing herself to respond, regaining breath, she gasped "Yes" like a hanged man cut off the noose at the last second. The vision of a masked man with golden hair came back to her... Maarl... the dagger... the disguise! Quickly she... he... struggled to regain composure, but found it difficult until the spots in her vision disappeared and sight came back.*

[[Spots in vision not blood, I went all blind and my vision went spotty when something very fast and heavy hit my head, that bit was from experience, never mind that it was a friend's head... O.O reading my post I wonder if anyone else will get BH references...]]

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:09 pm 
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Eta swished in-conspicuously behind Christoph, mentally checking each and every concealed weapon on her person...and the ones un-concealed. She drew back her hood, shaking her braids out of the way. She wasn't one to blend in today...although, thinking about it, she passed with top marks in concealment in the Guild of Assasins initiation ceremony.

But, to get a job, she had never revealed that secret.



otherwise known as the one who left PPT...and now lurks. *evil laughter*

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