Welcome to PPT's Graphics Academy</center>
Welcome to PPT's Finest Graphic Academy. We're currently hosting our Annual Graphics Competition. Where we will crown one of you as this year's PPT Honorary Student. Do you want to learn more about this competition?
You will be given a new assignment every week. You must fulfill that assignment, whether it's a blog, set or wallpaper. You must also fulfill all of the requirements given by us that round.
Hand your assignments in by posting on the thread in your following format.
[Insert your graphic here]
Image(s) used:
Program(s) used:
Our professors will grade your assignments out of ten and the people with the lowest average will be eliminated.
Grades:There are two ways to measure your grades in PPT's Graphics Academy.
Firstly, you have your Average Grade, which is the professors' average score for your assignment that round. Also, you have your cumulative grade, which is the professor's ratings each round accumulated.
Ranks:Depending on your grades, you will be put in different categories, or "ranks". The ranks are S, A, B and C. Everyone starts at C rank. The higher your rank is, the harder your assignments can be. However, the higher your rank is, the harder it is for you to get eliminated. Here is a chart of the ranks, how many accumulative points you need to enter the rank, the average grade you'll need each assignment to stay in that rank. how many people can be eliminated from that rank, and the assignments you'll possibly receive.
S - 90 Points - 9.0 - 0 - Anything is possible
A - 50 Points - 8.0 - 1 - Sets, LJ Icons, Blogs, Banners, Wallpapers
B - 20 Points - 7.0 - 2 - Sets, LJ Icons, Blogs, Banners
C - 00 Points - 0.0 - 3+ - Sets, LJ Icons
The people with the lowest average in C will be eliminated, then B, then A. For example, if I say during an assignment that up to 4 people can be eliminated, I'll eliminate the people first from C, but if there is only one person in C rank, then I can only eliminate 2 from B rank. If there aren't any people in B, I'll eliminate 1 person from A, so only 2 people will be eliminated if that happens. Nobody will ever be eliminated from S rank, however, if I find that people are doing great and nobody is getting eliminated, I will raise the grade average for S ranks. Ranks will be eliminated the final round. If there happens to be a tie, the person with more cumulative points will be eliminated.
If you happen to score below your rank's average score, you will drop down one rank, and you cannot increase in rank for another two rounds. You can, however, continue dropping.
Awards:Winner of this competition will recieve the title of PPT Honorary Student, and 50,000 in neopoints.
Rules of Conduct:1. Posting a graphic that you have not made is absolutely not tolerated. You will be disqualified from this competition and a moderator will be contacted. You may also not post Collaborations (work between more than one person), the work you post must be entirely yours.
2. You may not use drawings/photographs/images from deviantArt unless you have explicit permission from the artist.
3. You must include ALL images you used that is not part of your program's presets. This includes background images, images you used for texture, abstract 3-D renders and more.
4. Please be respectful of all other peers and staff.
5. If you do not hand in an assignment, you will be eliminated immediately.
6. If you are going to be away for any period of time, let me know in advance so I can give you your assignment beforehand.
7. Please PM all other questions to me.
Professor ProfilesWe here at PPT's Graphic Academy feel it's only fair that students know how our professors rate and what ticks them off.
What I am looking for in a graphic:
1. Overall Appeal
2. Quality of Graphics (JPEG/GIF artifacts)
3. Text (I don’t mind text that you can’t read, but as long as it looks good. If text doesn't look good on a graphic, don’t put any text on at all).
4. Creativity
Vector Art
Creative Borders
Creative Text
Clean Looking Graphics
PNG Transparency
Bad Quality Images
Monotonous Colors
Mr. Neopet_Online
What I am looking for in a graphic:
Balance, if there's more color than content, or the text over powers the graphic then it's just not good, you need balance in everythng.
Relaxed hues
Peaceful colors
Fun images.
Pixelated text
Half arsed jobs.... You get the jist
Mr. Pixa
What you look for in a graphic:
1. Creativity! Something different and out of the blue.
2. Intelligent use of colour.
3. Appropriate inserts of devices, brushes, borders, animation, for example.
4. Aesthetic graphics in general.
Chocolate... oh...
Life, action, exciting graphics!
Nice text, appropriate fonts.
All round polished graphics.
Overuse of effects.
Attempting to work with poor images, it never ends well. ):
Poor compression.
Mr. BlueZ
What I am looking for in a graphic:
1. Nicely Designed, Well Balanced Graphics
2. Use of Colors
3. Graphics that give you a feel
Well Designed Graphics
Nice Colors
Opposite of Likes
Student Roster
Scores: Click HERE!
S Rank
A Rank
B Rank
C Rank
DM was on fire!
Kitten Medli
Last edited by
WIS on Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:17 pm, edited 34 times in total.