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 Post subject: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:49 pm 
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We've done this before and it was a really awesome idea, so it's being revived for 2008!

What are your goals for 2009?
Any specific New Years resolutions?
What would you like to tell your future self?

The Rules:

  • You are allowed one post and one post only. You can tell yourself anything you want or remind yourself of something.
  • Don't respond to anyone else's posts.

Around this time in 2009, we'll revive this thread and you can see if you've kept your New Years resolutions and the advice you gave yourself!

This thread will be closed on Saturday, January 17th.

It was an honor serving you PPT. I will miss you.
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 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:04 pm 
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I loved this last time!!

Hi Future Rachel!

What shall I say to you? Well I hope that by this time next year you have some more results and have also published a paper; if you haven't you have my permission to go kick Norm's arse. He may have a black belt in karate but that doesnt matter! Hopefully you're feeling a bit more motivated towards everything, as you'll be on the home stretch! Keep up the hard work!

I hope you're still into climbing, what grades are you climbing now? Have you done any leading yet? I haven't been climbing much lately but i want to get back into it. Also, sewing, are you still doing lots of sewing? What kind of things are you making?

And lastly, Future Rach, I hope that you don't go into complete hibernation again next winter like you did in 2008 - I hope you didn't. Hopefully you have been going running, or even joined the gym. Please let you have been doing some exercise.

All the Best
Past Rachel xx

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:33 pm 
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Uh, hi. Sooo...what's up? Is TFS abandoned and/or finished? What about W06? And what's the 2009-end IWC cliffie? still...oh, what about the UPCO? Tell me everything. The LZTP? Do you have any idea what-all I'm talking about with all these acronyms? :P I'm just having fun with you. How's your life? Could 2009 possibly have been worse than 2008?! :o Has that one NPC stopped the cold-shoulder act yet? (Hahaha.) Can you drive? Are you done being forced to take academic subjects even though you'll have technically graduated? What's with the country? Uh...heh, just how're you doing? There's some questions I'm afraid to ask...don't want to jinx it...nor do I want to bring up unpleasant memories for you if something bad happened and you somehow suppress them. So the end.


No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:19 am 
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Dear 2009 Katherine,

How are you doing? I hope you're still writing and continuing with your movie making obsession. Also, are you done Cross my Heart yet? Did you win NaNo this year? Find any good books? Enjoying your new school? Did you like your trip to Florida? Remember to at least try and keep your room clean. And still remember to be a kid sometimes, even though you look like you are 18. I hope that you and the Officials have gotten together lately. Go call them all right now if you haven't. I hope you're having fun!

2008 Katherine

P.S. I hope things with Jake, Jasper and Emmett are all better. And I hope you found out if they like you or not. And right this moment, I hope you've had your first kiss, and it was a good one. Remember to keep Emmett away from Rosalie. And keep Jasper away too. And Jacob. And almost everyone you know. And I hope that Mike and Eric are finally leaving you alone! I pity you if they aren't.

Set by the amazing Kitten Medli.
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 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:24 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Hello D-cha of the Future,
I hope you still go by D-cha. :P
And if not...what the hell were you thinking?!
D-cha hopes that you're still actively playing Subeta and sometimes playing Neopets (because sometimes is better than no times). She hopes that you finished Stuck on You/Love Locked Down and maybe even Love and Magic. She hopes you're still the art *nounshecantsay* like she is now. She hopes she quits referring to herself in the third person.
In short, I hope that by 2010 you've become a true young adult. I hope you have a car, I hope you work. I hope that when you can, you get to meet Medli and all the friends you've met over the years. I hope that your grandmother is living with you. I hope you become a kick-butt graphics maker (or even more so than now?) and that you're still the GD's Prommie Linux Nerd.
...and I hope that you can one day tell the difference between "then" and "than".

With love,
D-cha of the Past


Last edited by DM was on fire! on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:07 pm 
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*Waves to Future May*

Why hello there stranger :) Things certainly were better for you in 2008 than 2007! You adopted an adorable kitten, found a great job (possibly the best job you've ever had), and you're still dating the man of your dreams. When you read this in about a year, I hope that you still have that great job... Don't do anything to screw it up. Perhaps you'll be back at graduate school, perhaps not, but I know you'll probably be looking and taking some piano lessons to help with that future endeavor. By this time next year, three of your friends will be married and you'll have gotten to go to one of the weddings. Maybe you'll go on your first real vacation with your boyfriend, visiting the wonderful area of Washington, DC. Some high expectations, but maybe, just maybe, by this time next year, you'll either own a house or be engaged. Right now, I'm hoping for both, but that's 'cos a girl can dream...

Your New Years resolutions for 2009 are...

  • Lose 20 pounds and fit into a size 4 at Gap.
  • Spend less time on the computer and more time with my boyfriend.
  • Go out and do things, like go to the movie theater, play mini-golf, etc.

I hope 2009 was a great year for you!

Love always,
Past May xoxo

Edited to add in New Years resolutions and fix style tags.

It was an honor serving you PPT. I will miss you.
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 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:51 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Hello me. I hope things are looking up for you, you jerk. Umm lets see..I hope things are better then than they are now. If you're still loafing around feeling sorry for yourself, I'm going to seriously kill you. You'll be 17 by the time you read this, so it's time to get up and start doing something worthwhile with your life. How was RE5? Cool I hope. Mmm Wesker. Is FFXIII out yet? Mmm Snow. Me, I can only hope that you're still being you, and not letting other people influence you.

PS, NaNoWiMo. Freaking do it rite.


 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:11 pm 
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Hi me! o_o Have you finished that story you started to write for last year's NaNo? Have you found the right name for that character yet? Do you still know the person who inspired them? Did you do NaNo this year? Are you still called Helenarth occaisionally? Have you learnt to play guitar yet? Write anything else? Did you go to MCM this year? Was the France trip what you thought it would be? Have you died your hair yet? Do you still use your blog? Is your playlist still completely random? Do you still forget what house number you live at? (You'd better not. o_o)

I don't exist. omo

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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To future me:

Good luck with university & college applications. Your past me is still clueless.

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:49 am 
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Hey Stuart,

Have you got your Honda CBF 250 yet? I hope you pass tafe and get entry into uni. How are ya two jobs going?

Bring KISS to my Hometown

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:43 am 
PPT Toddler
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*travels in time machine*
Dear Future John,
I hope I am able to congratulate you on getting good grades in school! Good Luck on getting an A* in ICT GCSEs. Are you going to give up chocolate like you wanted to? Are you going to start getting a little fitter? Maybe a Level 9 in the Bleep Test? That would certainly be better than your current level 6! I would have so many more things to say.. but I have no time to state them! Just one last thing, have confidence in yourself!
~Ancient John XD

Thank you, Secret Santa!
I wonder who that was...?

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:31 pm 
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Hi future self:

I hope you have long hair. I've been trying to grow it out, but our past selves keep cutting it. I think they get impatient waiting for it to grow, so they cut it. I am hoping the JJ things have settled themselves by then, and no one has imploded. I hope the world hasn't imploded on itself either. You should be in a different city than the one I'm in currently. Otherwise, shame on you for procrastinating. I give you permission to celebrate New Years for 2010.
Stay out of trouble.

- Past self.

Thank you. :)

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:24 pm 
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Mmm...salutations future self.

I hope you are still pursuing that art career despite of the economic recession that we're plundering into. Work hard on your classes and remember the people who constantly support you. I hope you found a better roommate (someone who shares the same foundation as you) and that you are still friends with your old roommates and such. Lastly, I hope you're not worrying about a relationship (or perhaps lack thereof?), but remember there's someone who constantly care for you regardless of how "you" you become. Don't lose sight of yourself, but continue to strengthen it by surrounding yourself with constant fellowship.

A year from now, I really want to see how your walk has drawn closer to the one who matters most. Learn to love better, not more, but express your love for others in a personal way.

That is all. Enjoy 2009.


 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:59 am 

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Why Hello Ella!
Have you still continued with school? You better have! Just remember that even though this year hasn't started this great you can always finish it with a bang ;) Hopefully you've moved and really pursued those dreams you keep having about acting and teaching.

Has your hair grown out? It should be long by now!
How about that blog you've always wanted to start up? Does is look fantastic or what? An what about this webcomic you have always wanted to start?
Just remember the more important things in life and try not forget who you are. STOP PROCRASTINATING and get that healthy you that you have always wanted!!!

That is all Future me.
Good luck!

set by Sakura

 Post subject: Re: Time Capsule 2008!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:37 pm 
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Hola Lee de la futura. Como estas?

Do you still hate Spanish? As long as you aren't flunking anything I'm ok. Remember when you got your Core i7 system running? Remember the excitement? You've probably broken it by now... just kidding! ;)

Be you always Lee! Cause that's who you are!

Pssst. Mirror's Edge is 25% downloaded off Steam! The excitement!

Never forget the past!

-The Old Lee

Set by Byakuya'<3

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