My friend discovered this website by listening to the radio station that runs it one day, and she shared it with me. I don't know if this isn't allowed here or something, but I really wanted to show this to you all.
This is run by a disk jockey on a local radio station around here (southern Illinois) who goes by "Cornbread". What you do is just enter your name and email address, select a soldier that you'd like to adopt, and then their contact information will be sent to you.
I thought this was really, really awesome and I wanted you guys to see it. I understand this might belong in Promotions and Pluggings, but it was more to me than just some website on a band or whatnot, so I decided to post it here.
My friend and I adopted a soldier together, Jay Brewster, mainly because it said he was a fan of country music and the both of us are avid country music fans and have tons of things to send to him.
Just wanted to point out that it was there, incase any of you guys want to adopt anyone. (Not to mention you can submit soldiers to be adopted, too, incase you have a loved one fighting).