One of my pet peeves are posers. My whole school is literally filled up with wannabes. All these kids acting like they've heard all the rock bands, and acting like they love Marilyn Manson, and want to be depressed and sad perpetually, when they're only advertising what they see on MTV. MTV ruined music. And they call themselves Music Television! I saw a girl the other day wearing a Ramones T-shirt. I bet she couldn't name one song by the Ramones. I don't know, it just really irks me when I see people trying to act like what they're not. I know that some people are actually (sorry, I hate to label people, but I have to) Goths and Punks, and Skaters, but most really aren't. They're just trying to show whats new in the media loop, just to fit in with the cool kids. Tell me your thoughts on it.

I Feel Asleep!
Anyone who understood the "The Matrix Trilogy" is a nihilist.