Cassi wrote:
Trinity wrote:
after I'd sung Sherman the Worm.
Completely unrelated, but is that the one about the Pepsi? XD
Nope. It goes:
I was sittin' on my backporch, chewing on my bubble gum *Insert chewing noises*
Playing with my yo-yo, doo-up, doo-up
When along came Sherman the Worm
He was this big *hold fingers slightly apart*
And I said, "Sherman, what's up wit' you man!"
And he said, "Duh, I just ate a *insert random object here*
And it keeps going on and on, with Sherman getting bigger and bigger
Hehe...that reminds me of my times at Reading Olympics, especially in middle school. We'd sing random stuff, one of my friends and I would quiz each other on Phantom of the Opera lyrics, and the boys would eat the cold, left-over pizza that was on the bus. Most of us were all in the PEN (Program for ENrichment) class, so we all got along really well. Congrats on second place...that's great for a first outing :-).
That sounds almost completely like my day. What I did was:
-Stay after school to have a pizza party before the bus came at 5:30(I ate 5 slices of pizza

-My friend and I quizzed each other on the books
-We went outside and saw baby ducks
-We started to wait in front of the school for the bus, and another friend randomly braided my hair
-Bus came and picked us up, nothing much happened, except my friends and I talked about PotO and sung some of the songs; and we waved to random people
-Tied first round, tied second round, won third round
-Friends and I get hyper before boarding the bus, and I call out stuff about it being 'Amegeddon Spring'(Armegeddon Summer was on our reading list) and how we'd burst into flames if we didn't stay on Mount *Insert area name here*, and my friends joined in
-On the bus, I eventually calmed down with Armegeddon Spring, and sang Sherman the worm at the top of my lungs; everyone else chimes in and we sing ramdom songs
-We get dropped off at school, and then go home
Yay for RO! And thanks for all the congratulations, guys.