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 Post subject: I think I'm going insane...*worried*
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 5:48 pm 
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This is weird. This is too weird. I'm pretty sure that yesterday me and 'ex' boyfriend decided to date each other again. I woke up this morning and couldn't remember whether I had dreamed it or if it really happened! Something as important as this! Everything's all foggy in my mind, it's weird.

I'm kinda worried even more now. Not only is everything hazy and I'm forgetting things, but I'm not even hearing things anymore. I came home at 5:pm. My brother comes home around that time too, but he would have arrived at around 5:30 this time. He had been knocking the door for ages and I didn't hear him. Not once did I hear him. I tried to remember what I was doing but it's all gone blank. I know I didn't have the headphones on because they were in the place where I left them this morning. So why didn't I hear him? And he had been knocking for TWO HOURS.

I'm not hearing things anymore, I'm losing memory by the truckloads just lately, I'm starting to do things wrong that I would have taken for granted ages ago...what the heck is wrong with me?

I think I'm going insane. Really. This isn't a joke, I really think I'm going insane.

I have had issues regarding mental health before but nothing as serious as this. I've still got those problems although there are some things I've managed to overcome. The psychiatric nurse I was seeing discharged me a few months back because she didn't think anything was wrong with me. She had reason to believe that. I was fine for a bit then and she thought I was getting better with whatever problems I had. She thought it was mainly due to Asperger Syndrome. But it's more than that. I'm losing my mind, I really am.

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

Neo account: ginger23456

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 6:20 pm 
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Your psychiatric nurse discharged you?
What exactly is she blaming on your aspergers?

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:14 pm 
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ahoteinrun wrote:
Your psychiatric nurse discharged you?
What exactly is she blaming on your aspergers?

Yes. I was getting better. Well, not better exactly, but I was going through one of my good patches. When I'm in one of those I'm really confident and nothing gets me down. But then I start to go all horrible again. She blamed the depression side of it on Aspergers. It's true though, people with Asperger's have so many thoughts and feelings going through their heads and it does depress me a lot.

I'm just really worried now though. My mind feels like it's not really there, everything is always so blurry now. I try to remember things but I can't. Most times when I think of things that have happened earlier or a week ago it's all distorted. I remember certain things only to find out that they didn't really happen, my mind had just thought they had. And then when something important happens it just goes out of my mind completely. Everything feels so muddled. Something could have happened and I think I've dreamed it.

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

Neo account: ginger23456

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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 2:57 am 
Beyond Godly
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I wish a few of you would quit poking fun at what seems to be a serious problem.

Ginger, by any chance, are you taking any drugs for this problem? If so, perhaps what you are experiencing are side effects to those drugs. My daughter is still having serious side effects from a drug that she was given for migraine headaches and at one point, she told me that she just wasn't "thinking right anymore." Come to find out, it was the drug doing this to her, not anything inside of her. And, when she stopped the drug, that particular side efffect disappeared.

I really think you need to see a real doctor--not a nurse, no offense to nurses, but they don't have a medical degree. And, if you can't remember everything or feel flustered when talking to a doctor, write it down first. And, if the first one doesn't help you, try another and another and another--until you feel that this particular doctor is actually listening to you. It took me several doctors before I finally found one to figure out that my daughter's symptoms were due to the medicine she had taken. So many dismissed her symptoms--because she is a pre-teen girl, they assumed that she was making them up to get out of going to school. Idiots. Despite the medical degree, still idiots.

Hang in there, OK? And, let others who are close to you know about this. Because they might be able to give good observations about your behavior to a doctor. And, they might be very good people to give you hugs in real life. Because you really seem to need one.

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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:31 am 
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The sort of "haziness" and forgetting you describe reminds me of what my wife (like many others with fibromyalgia) refers to as her "fibro-fog." It's medically documented as associated with that syndrome.

I don't know enough about aspergers to know whether the "fog" symptom is associated with that as well, but it wouldn't surprise me (depression is associated with both).

It might not be so much a lack of hearing as just not noticing the sound of knocking, etc., because it isn't getting through the fog.

And I agree with Morningstar that the fogginess could also be a side-effect of medication.

Yes, definitely talk with a doctor, preferably one who specializes in aspergers and related syndromes.

And while I have nothing against psychologists and other counselors, for this a psychiatrist -- i.e., an M.D. -- would seem to be a good idea.

hiddenneggs / Will
"But then again, i think the main reason people invented civilization was to get together and complain about the wild animals eating them." --mousapelli

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 12:19 am 
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Morningstar wrote:
I wish a few of you would quit poking fun at what seems to be a serious problem.

Ginger, by any chance, are you taking any drugs for this problem? If so, perhaps what you are experiencing are side effects to those drugs. My daughter is still having serious side effects from a drug that she was given for migraine headaches and at one point, she told me that she just wasn't "thinking right anymore." Come to find out, it was the drug doing this to her, not anything inside of her. And, when she stopped the drug, that particular side efffect disappeared.

I really think you need to see a real doctor--not a nurse, no offense to nurses, but they don't have a medical degree. And, if you can't remember everything or feel flustered when talking to a doctor, write it down first. And, if the first one doesn't help you, try another and another and another--until you feel that this particular doctor is actually listening to you. It took me several doctors before I finally found one to figure out that my daughter's symptoms were due to the medicine she had taken. So many dismissed her symptoms--because she is a pre-teen girl, they assumed that she was making them up to get out of going to school. Idiots. Despite the medical degree, still idiots.

Hang in there, OK? And, let others who are close to you know about this. Because they might be able to give good observations about your behavior to a doctor. And, they might be very good people to give you hugs in real life. Because you really seem to need one.

No, I'm not taking any medication at all. I have taken more than my fair shair of painkillers though because I've had headaches almost every day for about a month now. I don't know if the tablets would have anything to do with it. Now that I've mentioned it though, the headaches, could they be related? It could be stress because I do know that I have the symptoms. One problem though; I have nothing to be stressed about.

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

Neo account: ginger23456

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 2:12 am 
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...Chill out.
Your stressing about this, and stress does funny things to your body, so most of this is probably self-inflicted.

Just relax, ok? Really, you are probably experiencing this because of something stressful, got stressed by it, forgot something, got stressed by that, which caused you to forget... And its a vicious circle.

Honestly, my dad used to get headaches and forget everything short term. Then he found out it was stress related.


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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 2:38 am 
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Just try to get involved into lots of physical activities or sports. Those can get rid of your stress, and help you to sharpen your senses as well as helping you to feel alive.

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 2:40 am 
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I'm sure I had posted here before but aparently not =/

If you are really worried about keeping track of time, I suggest keeping a log of your day, checking in every hour, that kind of stuff.

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 2:41 am 
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VeraX wrote:
...Chill out.
Your stressing about this, and stress does funny things to your body, so most of this is probably self-inflicted.

So easy to say for someone who hasn't gone through something like this. No offense, VeraX and I do agree that stress can do amazing things to your body. But, many, many people, including doctors, dismiss true illness due to stress, PMS, depression--instead of seeing what is actually happening. Sure, stress can cause certain illnesses. But, saying that it is stress doesn't mean that the illness isn't there, doesn't mean that the person is making it up or is psychsomatic.

And, I speak from experience, as does Hiddenneggs. About 15 years ago, I had chronic fatigue for over 6 months--as did a lot of other people around the same time. It was dismissed as a "yuppie disease," because no one could figure out exactly what caused it. However, just because no one knew what caused it or how it worked, does not mean that many, many people weren't virtually debilitated due to it. I know I was.

Not to brag, but I am a very smart person and I was at Northwestern Law School at the time. I got an upper respiratory infection and sore throat and then it hit like a ton of bricks. I could no longer think. I could no longer remember anything. I first realised something was wrong when I could not remember anything about a law case that I had read and fully understood an hour before. The professor was talking about the case and it was if I had never heard about that case before--even though I had read the thing an hour before.

All I could do was sleep. I ached all over. A good day was getting up to take a shower and try to walk the dog around the block. I was actually afraid to cross the street because I caught myself crossing without looking both ways--I had forgotten to do that. It was if my brain wasn't getting oxygen into it. I can't explain it fully but anyone who has had it or its counterpart, epstein barr, knows exactly what I mean.

And, I had had virtually no stress at that time. Sure I was in law school, but I was actually doing the best I had ever done.

I eventually got over it--by telling myself that I couldn't go on like this. But, there were many, many people--just like me--going through hell. And not knowing why. Hiddenneggs knows what I mean. His wife is going through something very similar.

So, I am sorry to rant, but I just get a little aggravated when people say chill out, or it is all in your head, or you must be crazy. Because unless you have been there, you really don't have a clue.

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 3:10 am 
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Morningstar wrote:
VeraX wrote:
...Chill out.
Your stressing about this, and stress does funny things to your body, so most of this is probably self-inflicted.

So easy to say for someone who hasn't gone through something like this. No offense, VeraX and I do agree that stress can do amazing things to your body. But, many, many people, including doctors, dismiss true illness due to stress, PMS, depression--instead of seeing what is actually happening. Sure, stress can cause certain illnesses. But, saying that it is stress doesn't mean that the illness isn't there, doesn't mean that the person is making it up or is psychsomatic.

Do you know that VeraX hasn't gone through something like this? VeraX is right, stress can do many strange things to the body. And just as many doctors dismiss true illness due to stress, many over diagnose and over medicate.
I feel that anyone should be wary if they're experiencing these symptoms. But I think it is wise for everyone to remember that we are not doctors here, we are not psychiatrists, we are only members on a forum. And we cannot give you a prognosis Ginger. We can only offer you support.

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 3:36 am 
Beyond Godly
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ahoteinrun wrote:
Morningstar wrote:
VeraX wrote:
...Chill out.
Your stressing about this, and stress does funny things to your body, so most of this is probably self-inflicted.

So easy to say for someone who hasn't gone through something like this. No offense, VeraX and I do agree that stress can do amazing things to your body. But, many, many people, including doctors, dismiss true illness due to stress, PMS, depression--instead of seeing what is actually happening. Sure, stress can cause certain illnesses. But, saying that it is stress doesn't mean that the illness isn't there, doesn't mean that the person is making it up or is psychsomatic.

Do you know that VeraX hasn't gone through something like this? VeraX is right, stress can do many strange things to the body. And just as many doctors dismiss true illness due to stress, many over diagnose and over medicate.
I feel that anyone should be wary if they're experiencing these symptoms. But I think it is wise for everyone to remember that we are not doctors here, we are not psychiatrists, we are only members on a forum. And we cannot give you a prognosis Ginger. We can only offer you support.

So true, Inrun. I just wanted to point out that though something is caused by stress, it doesn't mean it isn't a real disease. My brother just had a heart attack, probably stress induced. However, just realizing that it is stress doesn't mean he can now make it go away. And, just because it was stress-related doesn't mean it isn't a real disease.

I apologize, VeraX. I didn't mean anything personally.

And, Ginger, you should be checking this situation out with a doctor. Though, I will always be here for hugs, OK?

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 1:08 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Dont get stressed.
stress can, does and probably will kill you if it gets out of hand.
and dont worry about losing track of time, the reality and dream have become so blurred for me that i have no idea which of my memorys are real.
(well, okay, i know some of them are real and others obviously not (the one where i took control of the universe at the head of a vast army of evil was evidently not)

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:22 pm 
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All I can say is go to the doctor.

The only thing I'm familiar with that causes symptoms similar to these is a stroke.

Mini-strokes can happen without the person knowing it. My grandma had one and she couldn't remember where anything was or what she was doing.

However the only way to know what it is for sure is to go see a doctor.
And we'll be here to support you.

Awesome set by Tomatie

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