zorg wrote:
My school year head is so ridiculously stupid. Because i'm sick, my parents had to go in and do my subject selections for next year without me. (and i got to lie in

But after saying university was stupid and ridiculous amount of pressure was put on kids at this school to go to university (which isn't true, she is always telling us not to go). She started going on about architecture for some reason
And how stupid it was and nobody should do it, and they're training loads of new architects and they aren't having and jobs (my selections don't point ATALL to doing architecture...

She failed to realise, that aswell as being prof of design, my mum (who was there) was acting subdean of the architecture school

I just had to share it
oh, how i wish she'd been there when i was visiting your school!! she would have copped an earful from me!!!
i can't believe that you go to one of the better non-private schools in the city, and they're actually saying to you 'you shouldn't go to university'.
ooh, to introduce her to tony blair... hehe. he'd have a fit. but then he's sending mixed messages himself about uni. says everyone should go, but then raises the price... STUPID!!!
(oh btw zorgy, email me what subjects you chose in the end!)