has been one of "those" days today
firstly, my shoe laces break as i get on the bus, not bad in itself but when you consider nowhere in chesterfield (where i live) sells my size shoes (13, UK) you see the rub of such a thing.
next, halfway to college, and the bus sputters and stops (at a bus stop thankfully) driver gets out and looks at the engine.
one loudy uttered obsenity later and everyones ferried off to wait for the next one, good job i caught the early bus eh?
then came science...well nothing much except its biology and i hate biology.
(had a good conversation with somone mind, shall leave it at "shes not my gendre" and you can figure that one out for yourself)
lunch.. well spent lunch in the computer room being scared rigind by my friends hideous spelling.
"U" would be prefferably to his .. well, scrawl.
next we have maths

why does fate want to mock me?
i do the exams perfectly, but NOOO coursework always gets me and im redoing maths again (i wish dry smilie was back, oh well ¬_¬)
still, another convo with afformentioned girl and were good.
after college i spend three hours in town doing an awful lot of nothing, insulting short guy, and generally getting on my friends nerves by singing something or another.
in retrospect why am i posting this?
well im sick of birthday threads for a start, and im in an unusally great mood, so dont go spoiling it.
so a point...umm, what makes youre day?
for me, simply talking to said girl (not naming any names, because with my luck shes here and is iashi or somthing)
what single, most basic thing can turn the worst of days (biology AND maths, yeauch) into a great one, and for me, im retiring to my sleep hole.
edit: just noticed i put my name up ther...oh well, if anyones stupid enough to admit knowing me they deserve everything they get.