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Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:12 am
Im a boy and I'm probably getting both ears pierced for Christmas... But what kind of earrings should I get? What do you think looks good? And gauges are out of the question.
**And this is not a "Should I get both ears pierced" thread... it's a "When I do get both ears pierced, what kind of earrings should I get?" thread. Because I simply don't care how stupid or immoral you think it is

Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:30 pm
Well since you're a boy....maybe you can tell me what person are you like...e.g Like sports a goth very boyish hate girls.....something like that and i then i can think of some suitable earings. I am very picky about earings, but if you are npt bothered to answer that um maybe some silver grey skull earings or whole gold ones which can be for a girl or boy! ^_^
Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:19 am
Hmm, either silver studs, or maybe discreet thin gold-ish rings? That's what I usually see nowadays. Is this cartilage or lobe?
Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:32 am
Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:28 am
Lobe or cartilige?
Don't get those horrible fang things. Everyone seems to have them, and I think they look more like a girls thing.
Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:49 am
I guess I would like to refer to my self as sorta punk... My favorite color's pink, so I was *maybe* thinking some pink ball/studs/whatever they'd be called. Not a light pink, but like a bold hot pink... I was also thinking some black ball/studs/whatevers... Oh and if it helps, I'm (secretly...) bisexual, but I don't really act bisexual.
And I like those fang lookin earrings...
Oh, and its cartilage.
Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:52 am
Tonu wrote:I guess I would like to refer to my self as sorta punk... My favorite color's pink, so I was *maybe* thinking some pink ball/studs/whatever they'd be called. Not a light pink, but like a bold hot pink... I was also thinking some black ball/studs/whatevers... Oh and if it helps, I'm (secretly...) bisexual, but I don't really act bisexual.
And I like those fang lookin earrings...

Oh, and its cartilage.
Crazy.. Most guys I know that like pink (including me) like light pink more..
Well IF you're punkish then maybe a fang in one ear and a stud (hot pink.

) in the other.. Makes sense to me at least.
Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:00 am
OOoooooOOOooo earrings!!!
Okay, I'm liking the hot pink idea a lot. Any guy that wears hot pink is awesome, even on his ears. I wonder if they have hot pink fangs...That would look awesome. If you can find those, if they exist, I highly suggest.

Use what you've got and flaunt it! Flaunt it baby, flaunt it!
Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:10 am
Yeah, those pink fang earrings would look wicked. And if they don't have them... you could always paint 'em pink!
Hmmm... My brother has one of his ears pierced, I believe he has like, a diamond stud or a hoop or something... *shrugs* Don't really know man, I don't have pierced ears, so yeah. Pink studs would look cool, too.
Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:06 am
Since it's cartilage piercing, I must say, be careful. Don't get it done with a piercing gun -- they can hit a nerve, and they're not trained to do piercings at the places that use them. (I know, I've been on both sides of that equation, and I can tell you all about how little I was trained, and about the time I did have one done with a piercing gun, and they hit a nerve...) Find a professional (and clean) piercing shop, and get it done there. Also, it'll heal much faster and be less likely to get infected if you have a quality hoop with a tension ball put in to start with. If you want to hear more of me going on about safety and how to choose a good place to do it, drop me a PM. (=
With that said, once it's healed, I vote for something with a festive back, so that it looks like the whole object is going through your ear. Not enough people wear those. Or
Seriously? I'd go with hot pink fangs if you can find them, and something with a dark gemstone-like thing or austrian crystal would also be good.
Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:15 am
Oooh! How bout one like Bill Weasley's? Just a great fang? That'd be cool.
Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:54 am
Hot pink fangs
would be awesome... And if I couldn'y find any, the regular fang in the left ear and a hot pink stud in the right ear would be just as equally awesome, if not more... I appreciate the help you guys have given me, and I'll tell you what I decide!
Oh, and earlier I said I was getting the cartilage pierced, but I meant lobe!

Do you guys who thought it'd look good still think it will?
Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:02 am
Well I'd love to see a fang in caritilidge, but lobe is just he same. Stay with pink stud and regular fang.
Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:21 pm
One of my punkish friends that is a boy got his ear pierced but lost the earring so he stuck a hook that he found on his garage floor through his ear. It wasn't like a fisher's hook either, it was freaking huge! Surprisingly enough, it didn't get infected or anything although now he has a much bigger hole in his ear than there's supposed to be.
I wouldn't recommend it or anything because it's rather dangerous, but it did look pretty cool...
Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:26 pm
Icono is right. Be very careful when getting the piercing. I had my lobes pierced in some jewelry store and the girl didn't hold the lobe when she shot the earring through. I have a startle reaction (such fun--I jump a mile when I hear anything like a shot) and, of course, jumped when the gun went off. The stud went in the lobe (and not my neck, luckily), but not straight through--sort of downwards (higher in the front than the back). It was continually infected--and I finally gave up and let it close up.
So, when my daughter wanted hers done, I took her to the pediatrician's office. They do ear piercings all of the time there--it is a little more costly (I think it was $50), but a lot safer in the long run. And, no problem whatsoever.
By the way, Tonu, hot pink sounds great--but, depends on your hair color, too--It might not look good on a redhead or someone with a lot of pink in their skin. A friend of mine (male gay--can I say that here?) has really great earrings that are gunmetal grey--not silver and not black, but a shiny dark grey. He has black hair and blue eyes and they really look great on him. They aren't painted, but some sort of metal. His are in his cartilage. He wears a big old diamond--real--in one lobe.
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