Lol, better late then never, eh?

I had to rush online to get this thread in before the end of the day. I have a couple minutes to spare.

I had planned on posting this earlier, but we had a little electrical problem and I couldn't get online until now.
Our little Gwen turned 2 years old today (Dec. 7th)! Yay!

Wow, the girls are getting so big. :happy/sad mom smile:

We had a little party at my parents' house with dinner and cake and ice cream. She got a bunch of cute presents, as did the other girls. We're going to do a little something else for her this weekend. So, today the celebrations start!

(We celebrate each person's birthday for about a week.)
If anyone would like to say happy birthday to little Gwen, feel free to post here and I will read everything to her later.

Also, if anyone would like to send her a gift, the girls' username is halligan_jones. There should be a couple trades set up here: ... igan_jones
Thanks to everyone that sends birthday wishes and happy birthday little Gwen!