Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:15 am
What temperature of shower/bath water do you prefer? I like hot water except when I need to wake up. Then I use cold.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:16 am
Depends on the weather. On a really hot day, cold, on any other day, hot.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:33 am
Somewhere in between. But I HATE cold showers, and don't quite mind hot ones.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:36 am
Hot. I'm cold all the time, so I have to have hot baths/showers.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:46 am
Somewhere in between. Cold is okay if I'm expecting it and haven't forgotten to turn on the heater by accident

Hot is really unbearable, though.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:59 am
Always hot, and the hotter the better
I get goosebumps if I use cold.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:24 am
I go back and forth. I usually start a little hot (but not too hot!) then I start burning up and I use cold near the end..
Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:47 am
Sapphire Faerie wrote:Hot. I'm cold all the time, so I have to have hot baths/showers.
What she said.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 8:49 am
The opposite of the temperature outside.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:16 pm
My showers are always on the hottest possible setting
Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:49 pm
I'm not happy unless my skin is bright bright red when I get out of the shower. (Aka, as hot as I can get it)
Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:08 pm
I like in between I don't like to be to hot but I hate being cold although being hot is better that being cold.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:32 pm
atomicblonde wrote:I'm not happy unless my skin is bright bright red when I get out of the shower. (Aka, as hot as I can get it)

What she said. I hate cold showers. In the summer I will take medium showers (Hot and cold). But mostly hot.
Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:52 pm
I always take hot showers. I can't stand cold ones. X_x
Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:05 pm
I love hot showers, I usually only take colder/lukewarm ones if it's really hot outside.
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