Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:56 am
I think Misc. would be the most appropriate place for this..
So, what ticks you off?
For me it's:
1. People who interrupt you (this goes with #2)
2. People who don't listen to you (especially if they then try to make a point afterwards)
3. People who are/act immature
Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:17 am
people who stand right over the conveyor belt with your suitcases on in airports. it makes much more sence to stand say, a metre back, and step forward when you see yours. And then they give you really doggy looks when you hit them with your suitcase while getting it off because they were stoodd so close!!! (sorry, that really is one of my biggest pet peeves)
Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:29 am
No need to apologize...I certainly had ahard time keeping mine civil...grr!
Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:50 am
For some reason, I absolutely hate it when people misuse "there", "their", and "they're". I have no idea why but it makes me think very lowly of people when they can't use it right *shrugs*
Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:58 am
I have the oddest pet peeve that there is...
Rrrrg...I have no idea why. But when people take their hand and rub it all over the pizza box, it drives me mad! And every time we get pizza, someone is bound to do it just to annoy me.
Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:05 am
I hate it when people type using letter instead of words and spell words incorrectly on purpose (Eg. B rite bak, C U Latta)
I hate it when people walk through the wrong doors at school. When traffic is going through one door, wouldn't it make more sense to go through the other?
I hate people that go and tell people everything you say... no matter what you say. That really irks me.
Narrow minded people. Basically people that discrimnate against people based on anything (their religion, race, lifestyle, etc.). Those kind of people tick me off the most. Even though it never really includes me, I hate it when people do it.
Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:14 am
AFI_Sorrow wrote:I have the oddest pet peeve that there is...
Rrrrg...I have no idea why. But when people take their hand and rub it all over the pizza box, it drives me mad! And every time we get pizza, someone is bound to do it just to annoy me.

What the...?
When people yell at me for absolutely no reason. Or when you just woke up and are just getting the sleep out of your eyes and they blame you for playing on the Game Boy when the Game Boy is all the way in the living room. Yeah.
Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:24 am
AFI_Sorrow wrote:I have the oddest pet peeve that there is...
Rrrrg...I have no idea why. But when people take their hand and rub it all over the pizza box, it drives me mad! And every time we get pizza, someone is bound to do it just to annoy me.

*rubs pizza box*
Rubbing cloth together bothers me. It just makes me wanna go mad. Mostly when it's wet.
Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:33 am
Kitten Medli wrote:AFI_Sorrow wrote:I have the oddest pet peeve that there is...
Rrrrg...I have no idea why. But when people take their hand and rub it all over the pizza box, it drives me mad! And every time we get pizza, someone is bound to do it just to annoy me.

*rubs pizza box*
Rubbing cloth together bothers me. It just makes me wanna go mad. Mostly when it's wet.

Heehee, see? Rubbing things together often makes annoying sounds. *dances*
I feel like a dog when the dog whistle goes off whenever someone rubs a pizza box. Blaargh!
Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:58 am
Twizzler0171 wrote:AFI_Sorrow wrote:I have the oddest pet peeve that there is...
Rrrrg...I have no idea why. But when people take their hand and rub it all over the pizza box, it drives me mad! And every time we get pizza, someone is bound to do it just to annoy me.

What the...?
When people yell at me for absolutely no reason. Or when you just woke up and are just getting the sleep out of your eyes and they blame you for playing on the Game Boy when the Game Boy is all the way in the living room. Yeah.
Haha. That happens to me. My mom steals my cameboy and paddles to the gamecube every night cos I don't get enough sleep when they're around.
How the gamcube thing works though, I'll never know. I have to creak my way right past their room just to get to it!
Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:30 am
haha I have a few that I can say off the top of my head but usually quite a huge number of things bug me.
1) People who change lanes without the use of their blinker.
2) People who don't know how to flush public toilets.
3) People who pick their noses in public. (Especially while at restaurants -shudders-)
Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:15 am
Kugetsu wrote:I hate it when people type using letter instead of words and spell words incorrectly on purpose (Eg. B rite bak, C U Latta)
that bugs me on msn and stuff. especially when what they write spelt wrong has the same number, or more letters, than the correct spelling! but i dont mind it in text messages because you only have a certain number of letters to use and it makes sence to go back and remove letters if your message is too long.
Tue Dec 21, 2004 1:21 am
I hate when people get ice at fast food resturants. The drinks are already cold!!
I also hate when people create threads in the wrong section, and the mods don't notice, and I can't say anything because that would be backseat modding.
Tue Dec 21, 2004 1:53 am
#1 When you walk behind someone and they go soooo slow that you just want to kill yourself because you can't pass them.
#2 Whe you're in a hallway and people stop RIGHT in the middle of the hall and take up so much space that you can't get passed them because they think thier conversation is so much more important than anyone else's lives.
I'm getting frustrated just talking about it.
Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:02 am
Illegible handwriting.
People who won't read my books because they're "too hard" >_>;
If there's a square on the tablecloth, the paper has to be lined up exactly with the square.
People who come to school sick, and know they're sick.
Coloring with colored pencils on glossy paper. *shudder*
Hair that falls out when you brush your hair, or after you take a shower. It grosses me out. I can't stand to have a hair on my sweatshirt, or pants, or whatever.
*can't think of anything else*
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