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Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:14 pm
my chest..
>>; Tha'ts what I get for washing him..
He smelled like a butt, so I washed him.. He just howled like a dying kittens..
THEN, I tried to blo-dry him..
He tore me UP..
I always seem to get hurt...
Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:29 pm
Ouch ouch ouch.... I always thought cats were evil.. except my friend's cat, she's adorable
Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:30 pm
Teddy Bear IS adorable..
Until he gets mad at me..
>>; Then, he either farts at me, or bites..
>>; Or, in a very PAINFUL situation, tears me up with his claws of irrepressible kitty dhoom..
Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:34 pm
Farts on you, eh?
Well isn't that pleasant.
I'm getting a puppy sometime next year.. I can't wait!
Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:46 pm
Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:30 pm
meh. Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol should take care of any bacteria that the cats left for you.
Chest wounds aren't too bad. They're easy to forget about so long as they're shallow and they don't involve breaking bones.
Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:06 pm
The middle one aint shallow..
And them claws sliced through my shirt..
Right down across..
Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:13 pm
Ryddelboxxer wrote:....Ack..
The middle one aint shallow..
And them claws sliced through my shirt..
Right down across..
At least now you can be an extra in the next werewolf movie that comes out

And cats are evil. EVIL!!!!
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:19 am
Your shirts must really suck if a cat can dramatically slice through them to leave gashes on your chest.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:28 am
Christopher wrote:Your shirts must really suck if a cat can dramatically slice through them to leave gashes on your chest.
Maybe he wasn't wearing a shirt since he was bathing his cat, might get all wet anyhow.
I know when I had my dog and we had to bath him inside because it was winter, he did quite a bit of damage on my arms and such. He disliked water a ton and bathing him in a small place was just hazardous.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:35 am
I was wearing a.. Girls.. shirt.. --;
PLASE dont make me explain..
It was flimsy material.. Muslin, and lace.. He tore the shirt..
Becky is gonna kill me..
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:46 am
Wow, I've never even seen muslin before.
At any rate, if you don't want to be murdered by Becky, why don't you sew up the slashes? All it takes is a bit of white thread and a needle -- easy. Unless the lace and the muslin are dyed to be non-white, in which case you'll need thread of a different colour to match.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:51 am
..Mnn.. i'm not good at sewing.. i'll beg my mom..
And even if I did.. The'res blood on it.. >>;
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:56 am
And I am afraid of cats, I hate them, wow four scratches
Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:14 am
Well most cats hate to be bathed. There are a few breeds of cat that like water, but most hate it. And they hate anything perfumey and they hate water in their ears and eyes. But if you get a small damp and put some dove soap on it or something that isn't strong smelling, you can kind of sponge the cat off. It takes a lot longer doing it this way though, especially if the cat is very dirty. But If the towel isn't very wet, and you are gentle, the cat might even like it. It kind of feels like being licked clean I guess. Most cats I have had would let me do that much. And had one that would hate taking a bath but would let me wipe his fur. I only did it after they got grease on his fur and wouldn't lick it off because it tasted bad. I had one cat that always got inside or under cars and stuff so I had to do that sometimes. Anyway, if you do it like that then even if you don't get it all the cat will finish cleaning itself. Most cats don't smell, unless they are sick or have just went. But most will clean themselves. If it is very hairy, you can buy this jelly stuff to give them that helps with hairballs. It may not be grooming itself because of hairballs.
Also, most cats are such good groomers that you don't have to force them to take a pill. Some cats will see a pill in their food and eat around it or won't eat food with a pill sprinked in it, but if you mix the pill with butter or something and put it on the cats paw, it will lick it off eventually. That is the best way to give it to the cat.
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