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Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:38 am
For some reason, my family and I will be vacationing at a ski resort for winter vacation, even though none of us know how to ski. Well, there's a first time for everything..Does anyone have any tips to make that first time more fun? What do I need to pack that I wouldn't pack otherwise? What does it feel like to fall with skis on? What does it feel like to have skis on?
Any advice would be appreciated!
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:45 am
The only advice I can give, is don't ski into the side of a mountain. It hurts.
Mmm. Falling in skies isn't so bad... unless you're completely out of control. Since the only grace, and ability I have involves being on horse back, or doing stealthy things (like playing Mission Impossible), skiing and I do not get along. So I tend to just stand there, and a gust of wind will come along and i'll fall over.
I'd take sunscreen though, because you can sunburn on snow pretty darn fast, and chapstick; because of windburn. *nods*
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:52 am
Don't die, fall, did I mention die?
Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:06 am
If you're just starting out, don't bother with poles. Its just another long, metal pointy thing to get in your way and hamper your efforts to get down the mountain alive.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:07 am
coming2atvnearu wrote:If you're just starting out, don't bother with poles. Its just another long, metal pointy thing to get in your way and hamper your efforts to get down the mountain alive.
Now I've never been skiing, but I thought those were a pretty important steering mechanism?
Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:36 am
No, poles are useless. In fact, if you're under 12, a lot of resorts won't let you have them.
All steering is done with your hips and abdomen, because those are the muscles you use to rotate your body above your legs. Steering on skis is just rotating your legs under your body - same thing.
Stay slow. Don't do any of that racing garbage, because...well, you're not an italian daredevil. I think.
And most resorts offer lessons, usually they're cheap. Take them.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:14 am
Lessons are WORTH IT. Even if it isn't much, it's worth it. Don't start out on anything very hard. Burn your Poles. Bwahahaha! Take sunscreen. Those are my tips.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:59 am
Take lots and lots of chapstick. Also do NOT go skiing the first day because you need to get used to the altitude change. Only use the bunny slopes (green 1 diamonds from what I believe) until you're absolutely sure you're ready to move onto the blue ones. >_o And yes, take skiing lessons if possible. If you try going down by yourself without any clue how to do it whatsoever, it won't be pretty.
And when you fall, it kind of hurts if you were skiing then fell. Sometimes your skiis pop off if you fall and land on them, which leads to a big mess x.x
And bring feet warmers / hand warmers to put in your wool socks (yes, you have to wear thick socks - thin ones are not pleasant) and your mittens (mittens are waaay better than gloves for skiing IMHO) Wear 3 layers of clothing under your ski bib. @.@
Um... oh yeah, bring those thick heavy goggles that are tinted weirdly too. If you wear glasses take them off if possible. And after you take off/put on your goggles the world will look very strange for a moment. I advise you not to ski when it looks like that >_@
Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:33 am
My tips?
Don't go up the wrong ramp. I'm serious on that! The one and only time I have gone skiing, I went up the experts ramp. I meant to go up the beginners ramp. I had a nice ride back, but I spent the rest of the day in the lodge. It was scary...
Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:38 am
oh and the obligatory; dont eat the yellow snow.
or any food you cant immedietly recognise, i wont tell you that particular horror story, but lets just say it ended badly.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:40 am
I've always preferred to ski with the poles. It helps me balance or something.
I really don't have any tips, since I've gone skiing all my life. I prefer staying at the hotel and going swimming though. But as other people have said, bring chapstick, sun screen, and goggles. And learn how to walk up stairs without using you're ankles.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:44 am
Just make sure your packed with clothes cause it can get cold up in those mountains, and ever-so-often go inside the "lounge" so you don't freeze to death.=D Other than thats it should be a blast.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:22 am
I have been skiing and trust me it is a wonderful experience. I am sure you would have a lot of fun, just remember to but not finger ones...(my instructer advised us to use the none figery ones so if you fall it wont be that easy to bend a finger) were lots of warm cloths waterproof jacket, lots of chapstick of course, lots of socks..(the ski boots you slot onto the skii's can easily give you a blister so make sure you wear three socks...

), don't use those pole thing they are just way is to ski without them and have fun!
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:03 pm
Try not to veer off course ... once I did that and smashed straight into a fence >.< Ouchness.
Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:22 pm
Just don't ski into a tree. Or into another person ^_^
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