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Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:25 pm
A friend of ours who has eccentric hobbies came over last night with some liquid nitrogen. We had lots of fun eating graham crackers dipped into LN, and smoking like dragons, freezing roses, exploding bubbles, making ice cream (yum!).
Has anybody here had fun with liquid nitrogen?
Fri Dec 24, 2004 9:07 pm
Ooh yeah, I saw an article in Popular Science a year or two ago on how to make ice cream with liquid nitrogen. It's supposed to be creamier than regular ice cream because the mix freezes instantly. The dipping sounds dangerous though. o.O
Fri Dec 24, 2004 9:21 pm
You can pour it on the floor and it dissapears instantly. *nods*
Umm. Put a banana in it to freeze, pull it out, and watch the banana melt?
Don't ever swallow liquid nitrogen... it does serious burning damage to you.
Fri Dec 24, 2004 9:44 pm
Hrm, I'm so confused. You said you ate crackers dipped in LN, but ahoteinrun said it'll burn you badly if you do? Oo Are there exceptions, or something?
Still...that sounds pretty cool.
Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:02 pm
You should dip flowers in it and then smash them, that always looks nice.
Does liquid nitrogen burn? I dont know, probably not, but give it a try.
and finally, heat up a glass over some fire and spray liquid nitrogen on it. Cover up all of your body with protection since hopefully the glass will shatter, perhaps exploding in a glorious orgy of noise. Have a friend film it for hilarious post-reconstructive surgery laughs.
Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:05 pm
It does burn actually if you swallow it.
Theres an old trick you can do, swirling it around in your mouth.
But, if you swallow it, it has no where to dissipate (I think i'm using the right word, who knows, i'm not in science), and gets stuck, and thusly burns.
Some college student idiot did that, he was supposed to spit it out, but instead he swallowed it and got burns down his esophogus.
Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:58 pm
Where do you even get Liquid Nitrogen?
Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:13 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:It does burn actually if you swallow it.
Theres an old trick you can do, swirling it around in your mouth.
But, if you swallow it, it has no where to dissipate (I think i'm using the right word, who knows, i'm not in science), and gets stuck, and thusly burns.
Some college student idiot did that, he was supposed to spit it out, but instead he swallowed it and got burns down his esophogus.
Yeah, I read about that in my Darwin Awards book. O_o
Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:18 am
i've had liquid nirtogen icecream. i went to a lecture on the "physics of icecream" (shortly after one on explosions) and they made some. twas yummy
Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:24 am
All I know is science classes don't seem to have a problem getting it. I saw a demonstration of stuff to do with liquid nitrogen on a college tour once. We did the usual stuff, making ice cream, dipping rose petals in there, and then we dumped some on the tile floor. It slithers across real oddly, and with the specks of dirt it picks up that look like nuclei, it looks like a bunch of single celled organisms.
Sat Dec 25, 2004 5:07 am
Sock wrote:Hrm, I'm so confused. You said you ate crackers dipped in LN, but ahoteinrun said it'll burn you badly if you do? Oo Are there exceptions, or something?
Still...that sounds pretty cool.

Chewing up the crackers can be a little uncomfortable because the pieces temporarily freeze to the inside of your lip, but if you chew them up with your mouth closed, it shoots out nice blasts of ice vapor (or whatever that stuff is evaporating off it it) out of your nose, giving a very nice Puff the Magic Dragon effect.
Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:52 pm
sounds like alot of fun but where did ur friend get liquid nitrogen for public use?
Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:01 pm
Sheesh, sounds scary but fun to me. I'd probably be the wuss who would be afraid to anything. Though the rose does sound nifty.
Hmm...liquid nitrogen ice cream. Sounds strangely delicious.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 2:41 am
Reminds me of Mighty Ducks 3... where they use Liquid Nitrogen to freeze the Varsity team's uniforms.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 3:42 am
jakecubee wrote:sounds like alot of fun but where did ur friend get liquid nitrogen for public use?
The company he works for uses alot of the stuff, so he was able to get a tank of the stuff for $5, instead of the $100 that someone else might have payed for the same amount of LN.
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