Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 4:28 am
Know why? All Christmas stuff will be on sale. Like, you know those little Chcolate eggs/santas/bells? Well a bag of those will be like 25 cents.
Also, toys ang games will be on sale. I suggest you get I Would Die For You/ Feel the Magic XY/XX and a DS, they will be like $10 cheaper!
I read in the newspaper that Pokemon Advanced Generation toys will be:
Deluxe: $9.99
Medium: $2.99
Buy those too!
So get out those boots and sweaters and stock up TOMORROW!
Sun Dec 26, 2004 4:43 am
You forget to mention that most places that sell calendars will be discounting those (closer to the new year, the more the discount

Sun Dec 26, 2004 4:47 am
My mom works at Walgreens so she'll probably bring home a ton of candy and Christmas stuff for next year (with the discount she gets she buys bunches of stuff there - man she bought so much candy after Halloween).
Can't wait for the candy *_*
Sun Dec 26, 2004 5:19 am
Meh... I'd love to, but I'm not going to go 50 miles just to go shopping... I'd love to, though. They probably won't have the stuff I want on sale, though...
Hmm... think the library will be open?

I have some books to turn in!
Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:05 am
Zero wrote:My mom works at Walgreens so she'll probably bring home a ton of candy and Christmas stuff for next year (with the discount she gets she buys bunches of stuff there - man she bought so much candy after Halloween).
Can't wait for the candy *_*
Ew, Wallgreens. ;P I work at CVS. Our candy was 75% off today. I bought about ten boxes of Raspberry filled chocolate sticks. Yum!
I wouldn't purposely go shopping tomorrow unless I could get something really nice for five dollars. *shudder* I'm even dreading going out on Monday, but I need new clothes badly and if I don't take advantage of my gift cards soon I'll forget I have them. :/
Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:33 am
Hahah those Myer Stocktake Sales or post Christmas sales... hundreds of screaming ladies at the door waiting to get in and fight over bargains!
Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:17 am
Oi...going out tomorrow is what EVERYONE here does. Cause it's a Canadian holiday- Boxing Day. First things first, some people like to open their presents on Boxing Day rather than on Christmas Eve/Day. But also...
Everything goes drastically down in price and outrageously on sale, which causes major traffic jams, parking lot jams, mall jams, store jams, outfitting jams, cashier jams...basically a nightmare, with the exception of the prices. ;P
Now, to contemplate whether to go suffer through long waits, or to stay home...
Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:35 am
Obviously the correct answer would be to stay home.
Unless you went out and camped out, meaning you aren't reading this now.
Crowds suck. Long lines suck. Therefore... stay home tomorrow!
*jumps into bed* I'll stay there tomorrow
Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:23 am
See. Thats the advantage of having a big sister who works in a Big W in the entertainment section. Not only can she put things by for me, she can serve me quicker and give me a 10% discount on all items purchased. SCORE!
Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:52 am
ScottNak wrote:Obviously the correct answer would be to stay home.
Unless you went out and camped out, meaning you aren't reading this now.

Crowds suck. Long lines suck. Therefore... stay home tomorrow!
*jumps into bed* I'll stay there tomorrow

No guts, no glory.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:02 am
Considering going would be a nice time to start using my gift cards.
...Then again, I should leave the sales to people birthday shopping for me.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:20 pm
I am going out tomorrow for two reasons:
1- My favourite cosmetics shop is doing a promotion. For every £15 you spend, you can get something free that was made this year. This promotion continues into the New Year until everything from 2004 is gone, but it starts tomorrow. Hopefully there's be some decent gift boxes (£20 and above) left to get my hands on
2- I'm visiting a friend in Blackpool.
Sun Dec 26, 2004 1:11 pm
Ok.. Myer had fridges and DVD players and designer jeans going for $1 @_@ It was on the news. Some people got hurt in the stampede omg @_@
Sun Dec 26, 2004 1:29 pm
Runevalkyrie wrote:You forget to mention that most places that sell calendars will be discounting those (closer to the new year, the more the discount

Nah. You buy them in March. Because I never write in dates until then, anyway
Sun Dec 26, 2004 2:14 pm
Shoyru_Lover wrote:Ok.. Myer had fridges and DVD players and designer jeans going for $1 @_@ It was on the news. Some people got hurt in the stampede omg @_@
*takes watch out his pocket and holds to Yukio's face* You will get me a DVD Player... You will get me a DVD Player...
Stampede?! Wow. The most we get in Scotland is a fistfight over the last of something.
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