Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Dec 27, 2004 5:32 am
Let us start the story.
So we're out in the middle o' no where, at my great grandma's house, no real buildings around for miles, and she's got this dog. Mean ol' thing, evil as Bajeebus, and it just loves to growl. So I'm sittin' there, and we're about to leave, right? So I lean down to give this dog a pat on it's big head, and it jumps up a-growlin'. And so I back up, and fall backwards into this here couch, and this dog just jumps again, teeth thrashin' and biting all mean and stuff. And so I try to cover my face, right, and this dog just throws my hands back somehow or another and it's big teeth just rip into my skin. Now, right about now, mom and dad and the rest of my family here is just laughin' and havin' themselves a good ol' time. So when mom goes and turns around, she goes ballistic. Screamin' and cryin', and rushin' to the kitchen. So Grams decides to start bawlin', thinkin' it's all her fault, even if it ain't. And so they throw me a tissue and some peroxide, before we hafta run about thirty miles into the actual WORLD to get me to the emergency room. And so we're finally there. Now, I'm wearing me a brand new yellow sweater, it's almost white, and here I've got blood dripping down my cheek. Well, that doesn't really matter, because I end up having to take this thing off. And this doctor guy here, well, he's a guy. So I'm embarassed, but he lays this towel thing over my face and there's a warm blanket over my chest and legs so I'm nice and cozy. The good thing is, my face went numb and I can't feel the needles do more than tickle my skin. So I'm just waiting for these stitches to go in, and finally, we're done. The only thing is, we're in West Virginia here and we really live in Oklahoma. And it really sucks, 'cuz we leave and I've got these stitches. But it's the day before Christmas Eve. Which REALLY sucks because I can't barely eat or drink or talk (maybe that's good for everyone else?) And then eventually we leave, at like 4:00 this morning. Dad and Mom have to drag me into restaurants, where people give me frightening looks. Just great. And then we finally get home, after driving 17 hours and getting scary looks. It was just lovely. And then we're finally home, tired and bothered, annoyed but bored. So...Merry Christmas to all! Did anyone else have any injuries? ^_^"
Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:16 am
Owww. I'm sorry to hear that!

I don't think the doggie meant to hurt you like that. Maybe he thought you were going to hit him? Always possible.
Anyways, sorry again.
Especially sorry you had to take your shirt off in front of a guy. Double ow. (I hope you atleast had a bra or something on.)
EDIT: Oh, I know. I fell a bit down the stairs and hit my butt and it hurts really bad.
Last edited by
Kitten Medli on Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:36 pm
Ergh. Eeevil doggy. I hope you learnt a lesson from this; never pat a dog who likes to growl on its head.

*hugs* Anywaaay, it's all good now, right?
Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:27 pm
Other injuries?
I got a few papercuts? Damn stupid wrapping paper.
Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:13 pm
Thanks everybody. And Paul, I feel your pain.

Anyway, yeah, I'm fine now. Dad took out the stitches today, and I can actually eat. ^_^
Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:45 pm
Aww poor Shrew!
Nothing more than ordinary injuries have happened to me thankfully.