Oh, Zeeerooo! I'm looking for a Role Playing friend of mine by the name of Draconis... I don't think she resigned up, but shes still a PPT Member...

It's really weird... one time I was walking across the playground, and my eyes were closed (I didn't have to worry much about hitting any kids because it was after school hours). Suddenly, there was an image of the swingset in my mind... I opened my eyes up, and was a few feet in front of the swings, a couple more steps and I would have knocked into it. Of course, I know that Playground so well, and the sun was shining so that it would cause a shadow towards me, so it might have been the mixture of the two.
I can do the radio thing, too... its really weird. It's like, 'Woah! That's way weird... I was just thinking of how that song would come on...'
Meh. If I have anything else, than I don't know about it. Probably nothing out of the ordinary... My brother has super-sensitive hearing though... and he yells at us for chewing with our mouths open when we know for a fact they are closed... he might have a hole or something in his eardrum though.