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Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:42 pm
Looks like my mom and I both contracted a stomach virus. I feel like crap -- nausea, fatigue, all that jazz -- and I can't keep anything down. Not even water. So I'm starving but I can't eat, and I'm parched but I can't drink. Wonderful.
Any advice on how to deal with this?
Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:47 pm
Go see a doctor. Not being able to drink or eat sounds pretty serious.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:51 pm
Yeah, if this persists for another 12 hours, I'm planning to. Right now, I'm trying to suck on ice cubes, see if that works.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:53 pm
Hope you recover soon.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:55 pm
warm/hot water seems to stay down a lot easier then cold tap water, and sip it slowly. and once you are able to drink normal things again take some pedialyte up if you can to bring your electolites back in balance.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:56 pm
Take very very tiny sips at a time. Like seriously. One tiny sip, wiat a few minutes, next tiny sip. Sucking on ice cubes are fun though
Yeah, doctor sounds like a good idea :/ feel better!
Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:04 pm
Well, I'm not TOO sure what to do, I never got a stomach virus. A doctor sounds good.
Try eating non-oily foods that have low liquid content. That helps me if I have stomach FLU(not virus but the FLU).
Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:25 pm
Hot Dr. Pepper.
Or this tonic I made a few years ago... dunno if ye can find all the ingredients though.
Pinapple Punch (enough to fill a film canister about halfway)
One cap Lemon Juice
A Life-saver mint
Rye bread crumbs (a few)
A teeny bit of chicken boullion
Mix all liquids in film canister
Add spices and crumbs. Stir for long time.
Add mint... let dissolve.
Add boullion. Let dissolve. Drink.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:48 pm
Whenever I get sick, I get so sick that I can't keep anything down, not even water. See a doctor, if nothing else they can at least give you a prescription for a medication to stop the nausea.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:51 pm
Eo, that sounds vile! Enough to make anyone throw up.
I've never had a stomach virus but I'd suggest that the doctor's is the best place to go.

Hope you get well soon.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:58 pm
Hey, look, you've been sick nuff bare times already, right? Just keep drinking the water and puking it back up. What difference is being sick 34 more times gonna make, eh? Some of the water has to go through!
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:08 pm
Eo wrote:Hot Dr. Pepper.
Or this tonic I made a few years ago... dunno if ye can find all the ingredients though.
Pinapple Punch (enough to fill a film canister about halfway)
One cap Lemon Juice
A Life-saver mint
Rye bread crumbs (a few)
A teeny bit of chicken boullion
Mix all liquids in film canister
Add spices and crumbs. Stir for long time.
Add mint... let dissolve.
Add boullion. Let dissolve. Drink.
That..actually sounded kinda good to me.
Well, my first response to the title of the thread is projectile vomiting into a bucket at different lengths, each bucket being worth more points as you pull them farther a way. But I think plenty of bed rest and a doctor would probably aid you more than a vomit cannon.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:15 pm
Skullsplitter wrote:Hey, look, you've been sick nuff bare times already, right? Just keep drinking the water and puking it back up. What difference is being sick 34 more times gonna make, eh? Some of the water has to go through!
Well, throwing up doesn't feel too good...y'know with stomach acids and all...
But I've been freezing water bottles and sucking on the ice, and I haven't puked in...five hours. It's a start.
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:17 pm
Eo wrote:Hot Dr. Pepper.
Or this tonic I made a few years ago... dunno if ye can find all the ingredients though.
Pinapple Punch (enough to fill a film canister about halfway)
One cap Lemon Juice
A Life-saver mint
Rye bread crumbs (a few)
A teeny bit of chicken boullion
Mix all liquids in film canister
Add spices and crumbs. Stir for long time.
Add mint... let dissolve.
Add boullion. Let dissolve. Drink.
I would suggest Eo's concoction as a tasty beverage, which may or may not have healing qualities. Other than that, just go see a doctor who's earned his sheepskin, you wouldn't want some other untrained med student probing your tummy, now would you?
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:30 pm
I'd give Eo's crazy concoction a try, but I'm missing like 2/3's of the ingredients, and I'd have a difficult time convincing my mom that it'll work, lol.
We're sending my brother on a grocery store run to get some 7-Up and bouillon, since I read on the internet that it's the next step up once you can keep liquids down. Need to replenish our sugar/salt levels and get some calories in.
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