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Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:31 am
Some of you may remember a thread I made a while ago, concerning water that had been clogged up in my ears. Well, it happened again. I completely forgot about wearing earplugs in the pool. Anyway, this time it's worse. I can barely hear out of my right ear. I get raging headaches ALOT, not to mention that pain in the ear itself. I know this is the result of clogged up water in my ear that won't come out for simple shaking...
So, does anyone have any miracle home remedies to help me out? Thanks so much for your help.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:33 am
Well, if you don't have swimmers ear medicine, my mom always used to put a few drops of rubbing alcohol in my ears, it dries it right up. Just a few drops in, and lay with that ear up so it gets down in and dries up the water. Then do the other side. *shrugs* That's what my mom always did at least...whether or not it's safe I could never tell you but I can still hear just fine
Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:56 am
Well... When I got that in my ear, I slept on that ear and after a while of my constant complaining, my mom finally took me to the doctor to find out that I had blisters on my ear drum... It hurt like heck. I would suggest going to the docot after about 2 weeks if it doesn't clear up by then. :-D
Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:00 am
As far as I know, its not water in your ear. If it was, that would happen everytime you go in the water and put your head under. From what I know, and what it sounds like, it's built up pressure. It happens a lot when you dive or go for long periods of time underwater. Thats what it sounds like, at least. Thats what it always was for me. I couldn't hardly hear and I was swearing up and down I had water clogged in my ear. That happened when I was going for my Bronze Cross... But I'm no doctor.
Anyways, to help with ears I find chewing helps a lot.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:27 am
If you have a paperclip, you could try and dig it out...
Or you can try one of these more fictionous methods:
- Use a matchstick. Light it. Stick it up your ear. Run in circles screaming.
- Shake your head really fast. Stop if you fall unconcious.
- Put a vacuum cleaner hose thing up on your ear(WARNING. DO NOT ATTEMPT. THIS IS DANGEROUS)
- Eat a cat.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:30 am
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:If you have a paperclip, you could try and dig it out...
Or you can try one of these more fictionous methods:
- Use a matchstick. Light it. Stick it up your ear. Run in circles screaming.
- Shake your head really fast. Stop if you fall unconcious.
- Put a vacuum cleaner hose thing up on your ear(WARNING. DO NOT ATTEMPT. THIS IS DANGEROUS)
- Eat a cat.
Dont stick
ANYTHING into your ear.
The idea of rubbing alcohol seems like a good idea, but Id still go to the doctors!
Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:43 am
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:If you have a paperclip, you could try and dig it out...
Or you can try one of these more fictionous methods:
- Use a matchstick. Light it. Stick it up your ear. Run in circles screaming.
- Shake your head really fast. Stop if you fall unconcious.
- Put a vacuum cleaner hose thing up on your ear(WARNING. DO NOT ATTEMPT. THIS IS DANGEROUS)
- Eat a cat.
*runs away screaming*
Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:50 am
It's called a plunger.
I don't know what would help, try going to the doctor. (And incase that sounded sarcastic, I didn't mean for it to.)
Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:55 am
If it keeps up I would really see a doctor. I have a friend who had similar trouble because she swam a lot, but by the time they went to the doctors her ear got an infection or something to that effect. She ended up having to stay in the hospital for about a week getting her ear drained/cleaned out and getting special medicine and stuff. However she now remembers to wear her ear plugs everytime she swims. Just warning you, so you don't let it go too far.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:54 am
If you visited the doctor last time and still have some of the medicine he/she prescribed left in good condition (not expired and stuff like that), you could try using it. You should see a doctor soon though, because if you're this prone to infections they can do something to fix it.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:00 am
What you might want to do is get a small cotton ball or Q-tip and GENTLY try to soak up the water in your ear, if there is any. If that doesn't work, you really should, at least, think about going to the doctor.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:52 am
Well, I'd go to a doctor if I were you.
I had the same problem.
The gave me some perscription that I had to use an eyedropper to get in my ear......
Worked, but the ear hurt like heck.
And it kept me awake alot.
It is scary what comes on tv at 4 am. *shivers*
Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:56 am
[quote="Full Metal Alchemist"]
- Put a vacuum cleaner hose thing up on your ear(WARNING. DO NOT ATTEMPT. THIS IS DANGEROUS)
I think you were refferring to a nozzle?
Anywho, try sqeezing your nose and breath out really hard so the air comes out of your ears. I cant describe it any better than that.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:58 am
watericesage wrote:Anywho, try sqeezing your nose and breath out really hard so the air comes out of your ears. I cant describe it any better than that.
I wouldn't suggest doing that... it can really damage your eardrums. I think.
Just because Dopey can do it on Snow White and the Seven Dwarves doesn't mean its safe to do... he is a cartoon after all.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:11 am
Twizzler0171 wrote:watericesage wrote:Anywho, try sqeezing your nose and breath out really hard so the air comes out of your ears. I cant describe it any better than that.
I wouldn't suggest doing that... it can really damage your eardrums. I think.
Just because Dopey can do it on Snow White and the Seven Dwarves doesn't mean its safe to do... he is a cartoon after all.

Really? I do it all the time when I go swimming or go on an airplane. I learned it about 3 years ago, when I complained about the pressure in my ears while the plane was going down, a flight attendant told me to do that and I did it for airplanes ever since!
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