Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:18 pm
I am sorry. I just don't feel like I am accepted as much as I used to feel. I may come a lot just to read the posts but I will not be posting.
People who made my stay at PPT worthwhile:
Adam: One of the first people I met on PPT. We have had our ups and downs, but you know I'll still always talk to you on AIM.
DM: We wasted a lot of time hating each other, and now I regret that. But I'll never ever forget you.
Sunnie: You helped me get through a lot of tough times. You have been such a good friend and continue to talk to you on AIM.
Last edited by
Jenna! on Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:21 pm
Don't leave!
Please Jenna, don't leave!
*builds a wall so you can't leave*
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:22 pm
Come on, don't go!
I know we've had our differences and I appologize if I've contributed to this, but please don't leave.
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:23 pm
Adam wrote:ZEGGO THE EGGO!
Don't leave!
Please Jenna, don't leave!
*builds a wall so you can't leave*
Adam, However that is only you that likes me. And two other people. That reminds me, I have to add shoutouts to people in my post.
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:24 pm
Me! How could you forget me?! Oh don't leave please!
Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:32 pm
Zega, don't leave! You're loved, believe me! Please don't go. I don't want you to go!

*Helps Adam build the wall*
Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:32 am
Thats just about it Im afraid. These posts are getting beyond a joke now. For somebody to say they are leaving when they actually intend to stay and even say as much is the proverbial straw too far. Im sorry if you feel unloved or unnacepted, Zega, but I dont believe these posts act as anything but avenues for very shallow ego pampering, and I quite frankly dont want that on these boards.
Expect an announcement on this sort of thing in the near future.
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