Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:44 am
Logfile for tonight. I's crying. I am. Oakleaf's found her father's bravery...
Snake Wraith: I know the dangers... but starving in poverty is no better." He shrugs, "I'm not convinced, frankly. My time in solitude has made me... ... cold. And the accounts of this camp and how it's being operated now... well... I'm beginning to doubt that you people would even survive in this place, much less deserve to dwell in this sacred place. I see continual weakness and complacence. The foolish lead the blind and with all the emotions running around it's barely tolerable. Everyone seems more content to cry about the past than make a future.
Pelthaus Aug'drasol: What are the dangers?
Christopher Young just listens for the moment.
Snake Wraith: Numerous... leftovers from ancient battles. Shades of the past. Intagible forces for which there are no names that survive in the common tongue. Here is the place where gods and immortal things fought without fear of mortal interference, long ago...
Pelthaus Aug'drasol: Is the water safe?
Snake Wraith: For drinking? Yes.
Christopher Young: What is it not safe for, then?
Pelthaus Aug'drasol: For bathing?
Snake Wraith: Define... safety?
Pelthaus Aug'drasol: What will not have harmful side effects, Melkor Valarauker?
Oakleaf Evolution hears this, and hears it well. Her ears go forward - she looks brave, actually fearless for once. Oakleaf bears many scars in her mind and heart as well as her skin, but for once the first kind does not shine through... she looks sane for a brief second. And then as she speaks in her own language, it's gone. She looks as mad as ever, and sounds crazier... but for her,There are no other words to describe this. "Faedros. On gulkat yrn Wylliam." And then Oak is off, leaving the tent with this strange announcement.
Christopher Young: [Valaraukar*]
Pelthaus Aug'drasol: [woopz lol]
Snake Wraith looks to Pelthaus... "Do not refer to me by that name." He says no more, just watches the reaction, or lack thereof.
You say, "[[I hope you guys are *touched*. That was a beautiful post to me... sniff... I'm really crying. But only I know what Oak's saying, and only Oak knows what she's saying... so nobody will ever know what just happened... ahh, I'll stick around OOC.]]"
Christopher Young: [Tell us what she said.]
You say, "[[Hrm... sure that wouldn't spoil it?]]"
Christopher Young: [Nope.]
Pelthaus Aug'drasol repeats the question. "What will not have harmful side effects, Melkor Valaraukar?" He never looks in Snake's direction, and his voice and face hold no inflection.
Snake Wraith smirks and then stands upright, "Well aren't you a big man? Then you won't have any trouble finding out everything else for yourself." He would then start on his way out of the tent.
You say, "[[ "Father. I have found your heart of bravery." Except... the way the "I" is stated... it's just so sad. She's disobeying Dethak and she knows it... she's referred to herself as if she were a soldier of some sort.]]"
And nobody responded.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:18 am

*is confused*
Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:20 am
*stares at post* *_*
Nooope, don't get it. Unless you meant the father part... then again, huh?
I'll just go and sit in that corner with Qanda and ponder for a while.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:29 am
If I'm not mistaken, Eo is referring to a roleplaying conversation.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:32 am
robot wrote:If I'm not mistaken, Eo is referring to a roleplaying conversation.
Yeah, I figured that since she is a very passionate roleplayer.
Last edited by
Kitten Medli on Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:25 am
Kitten Medli wrote:robot wrote:If I'm not mistaken, Eo is referring to a roleplaying conversation.
Yeah, I figured that since she is a very possionate roleplayer.

Yeah, I figured it was about an rp too, but I still get the "huh?" feeling
Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:08 pm
i roleplay and didnt get that.
though, to be fair tlazcotl the impassive doesnt talk much, he just hits things.
still, nice to see you have a hobby your passionate about
Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:23 pm
I, don't, get, it. :(
Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:53 pm
I think I do. *frowns* sort of. after reading the partial bits of Oak's story on Eo's website.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:58 pm
I think we need a bit more backstory to really get the emotions of the conversation. Not knowing the characters makes the story a bit more hard to follow
Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:47 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:robot wrote:If I'm not mistaken, Eo is referring to a roleplaying conversation.
Yeah, I figured that since she is a very possionate roleplayer.

Possion is fish in french.
Fishy roleplayer!
Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:58 pm
meowth1982 wrote:I think we need a bit more backstory to really get the emotions of the conversation. Not knowing the characters makes the story a bit more hard to follow

Yes... it would have been easier to understand if we had had more of a backstory. I got the 'Father' part... but I didn't get the part about the Soldier, and can only assum that its from an earlier period of time.
Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:15 pm
jellyoflight wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:robot wrote:If I'm not mistaken, Eo is referring to a roleplaying conversation.
Yeah, I figured that since she is a very possionate roleplayer.

Possion is fish in french.
Fishy roleplayer!

Actually, fish is
poisson in French
Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:38 pm
Silja wrote:jellyoflight wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:robot wrote:If I'm not mistaken, Eo is referring to a roleplaying conversation.
Yeah, I figured that since she is a very possionate roleplayer.

Possion is fish in french.
Fishy roleplayer!

Actually, fish is
poisson in French

Well, it was close enough to Medli's original spelling error. (I assume she meant it with an 'a,' not an 'o.')
Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:40 pm
Ahh... Furc.
Back in the day I was a loyal furcadian. And how I don't miss it.
It was invaded by frightning people that frighten me. And the Rpers I used to RP with dispersed... twas very sad indeed.
*shrugs and offers Eo a cookie*
Now I just RP... over MSN. AH... MSN... *huggles it*
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