Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:15 am
Are there any languages that you've always wanted to be able to speak?
I've always fancied being able to understand Latin, and I'd like to learn Japanese too (though I'm trying to learn that by myself O_o).
Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:17 am
French, then Japanese.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:38 am
I've learnt frnch and german in the fast but I can;t seak either of them properly. I am starting spanish this year. I would love to learn Italian but it's not an option. I'd love to be able to speak any and all languages, but Italian stands out.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:43 am
I would like to learn Japanese, some of the Japanese internet sites and games look so pretty, but I just can't understand
I would also like to be able to write fluent English. (I'm dutch)
Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:16 am
ja adore french (i think thats how you spell it) I learnt french for 2 years but then we moved to a country that only ha sjapanese french and chinese clases and dont teach french
Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:20 am
I did study it for 2 years in school ( last year), but I was so lazy, I hardly managed to pass the subject.
Now I pretty much regret that I missed my chance to learn french.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:48 am
French and Japanese. :)
Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:33 am
Ooookay, let me get myself clear, I WANT to learn these, but CAN'T be bothered
French, japanese, Italian, spanish... more and more
Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:43 am
Working on the French, I bet I'll pwn you all with it... soon. Nah but seriously, been studying it for almost four years now.
Anyway, I'd like to learn a whole bunch of languages, Japanese, Italian but also maybe some native American language. Icelandic too, shouldn't be too hard for me to learn either, but I don't know where I could study it
luckystar101 wrote:ja adore french (i think thats how you spell it) I learnt french for 2 years but then we moved to a country that only ha sjapanese french and chinese clases and dont teach french
Nu-uh, it's j'adore

(if you wouldn't "pull together" the two words it would be je adore)
And yes, as long as I can correct someone's French I'll keep on doing it, irritating you all to the extreme
Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:47 pm
I used to do French and German at school. I can still speak some French and one of my friends was born in Germany so she helps me remember German.
I want to learn Spanish though
Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:17 pm
I took Japanese for two years (1 year primary, 1 year high school) but sadly gave it up to take another subject. I would like to be able to speak that, or any other Asian language for that matter. I'd like to be able to speak Welsh as well as some of the tribal type languages. Arabic, Spanish and Italian are of interest too. Some of the historical languages might be good.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:19 pm
I'm trying to teach myself Japanese, but I'd like to take a class on it because it's easier for me to learn things if I have someone speaking it for me.
And to all of you wanting to learn french: NO YOU DON'T! Run far away from any french teacher, especially if his name is Mr Johnson.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:34 pm
Well, the only languages I'm fluent in now are chatspeak and my own little language (Darnesian), but I rarely use either anymore (didn't ever use chatspeak in the first place, picked it up from friends, and people got annoyed with me when I used Darnesian because like only one person understands it, so I stopped using it).
Anyyyway, I would really like to learn Spanish or French (sorry Kyra!) because they are very widely used in the world.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:38 pm
Kyra wrote:I'm trying to teach myself Japanese, but I'd like to take a class on it because it's easier for me to learn things if I have someone speaking it for me.
I know sometimes if there are Japanese exchange students around they'll happily help people with their Japanese in exchange for assistance with their English. There seems to be a greater deal of them at Universities but I've run into and read little notices about it all over the place. For the past two years I've lived with a girl from Japan (as well as others) and having met some of their friends some of them are very enthusiastic about it.
Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:55 pm
I'd like to finish learning Spanish...I took two years, but stopped due to the fact only one school around here offers it, and I didn't get into that one. Meh.
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