Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:25 pm
It seems that at a school very close to mine, someone decided to take a gun to school and shoot it off (I'm guessing at someone). I haven't heard much about it and no one was hurt, but it makes you think what could be happening in your school. It's kind of scary though. o_o
Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:33 pm
x_x At a school in the next town over, there's a shooting incident about every month. o_o
But I know TONS of kids at my school have switchblade knives in their pockets, and it scares me. One kid in my gym class got mad at another kid and incidentally they were right next to my gym locker. He pushed the kid toward the wall and flicked his knife open and held it right next to the kid's throat. It scared me so much...
Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:36 pm
o_0 wrote:x_x At a school in the next town over, there's a shooting incident about every month. o_o
But I know TONS of kids at my school have switchblade knives in their pockets, and it scares me. One kid in my gym class got mad at another kid and incidentally they were right next to my gym locker. He pushed the kid toward the wall and flicked his knife open and held it right next to the kid's throat. It scared me so much...
That's kind of scary. o_0;
From what I've heard it's an elementary school I'm guessing 3rd to 5th grade (I'm guessing). That's the thing that scares me. Kids of that age with guns is sad.
I suppose it's a big thing here because nothing like that ever happens around here. WE get the occasional bomb threat, but nothing like this ever happens. It was a wakeup call.
EDIT: Turns out my sense of schools is very limited. It's a high school.
Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:12 pm
Makes me glad I homeschool..
Glad nobody was hurt.
Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:17 pm
There isn't much of that here where I live (Ottawa, Canada). It is a real shock when you hear about that anywhere in the country, but from what I hear in the news it seems kinda common in the US

I'm not saying it is but that is what the media says

. Actually, a few days ago some guys pulled a knife out in the locker room and held it to his throught at my school. He didn't do anything and I wasn't there, but it is scary knowing that that happened in your own school
Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:20 pm
people are mad.
all of them.
other than the utter waste of human life that this is, im staying way out of this one.
yes. i decided to listen to the voice in my head that portrays common sence today.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:39 am
That's scary... The closest we've gotten around where I live is a really small school 20-30 minutes got a bomb threat.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:42 am
I guess that's one reason why my dad doesn't keep his gun at our house... ;P
I've never seen any kids with guns or knives at my school yet. Only thing I've seen a kid have that he shouldn't have was a cigarette.
I found it odd how the bus driver made the kid next to him get rid of his lollipop when that dude had a CIGARETTE...
Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:23 am
There were these two serial killers in my elementary school in second grade...they put a bullet through the roof of the cafeteria and one in the library roof. The holes are still there
And, because I live near Miami, I hear about kids bringing knives and guns to school all the time. Nothing special.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:29 am
I was in junior high when Columbine happened. And then there was another shooting... Taber here in Alberta. *shudders*
There were constant threats in schools after that, people mocking the whole thing by writing random things like "We're going to blow up the school" and yaddah. They emptied my junior high after a threat, at noon. Two of the teachers refused to leave on the grounds that it was stupid.
Seven years after that, the schools still there. (I kinda wish it had blown up, but when no one was in it. That JH is horrible!)
It bothers me. To hear about things like this. And I won't get into why... but my feelings on it are nasty at best. Some people in this world... need serious help.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:23 am
In schools around here for the past few months its been pretty bad.
A kid brought a gun to school with a hit list. Someone told and he didn't even get to take it out before it was taken away, but he had the vice principle second, and another kid was first. There was about 10 people on it.
A teacher got killed by her husband in the parking lot.
A guy brought about 4 knives to school intending to harm people.
There was a few others fairly recently, but I can't seem to remember.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:50 am
Well it turns out (since I know most of the story now) that two guys got in a fight. One lost control of himself and pulled out a gun, he was threatening the other guy and pointed the gun at him. I guess while he was talking, he accidently pulled the trigger and shot a hole in the ceiling, luckily he missed the other guy. There's a chance it was gang related, but I doubt it.
Wow, you guys have some... disturbing school mates.

Glad I live in the boring suburbs of that city, none of them come here.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:59 am
Where I used to go, heaps of people had pocket knifes, and one had an army knife.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:20 am
the school i go to only has like 160 kids in all the grades: 2nd to 12th, but last year a girl was really psycho and was talking about how Clebold and Harris (sp?) were her idols, and the administration looked at her blurty online, and found out that she had a hit list... They expelled her, and she was in a psychiatric ward in the hospital for a couple of weeks... Then the hospital was stupid and released her in time for the Columbine anniversary... but luckily nothing happened
Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:01 am
Oh yeah... Well my school was bombed O_O
Well almost.
There was a terrorist attack in the neighborhood that my school is in, so alot of peoples houses were ruined, but I don't know what damage it did to the school.
It was like 20 years ago anyway.
And I remember at my old school in the US, a kid once brought a gun to school... But that was a year before I started there.
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