Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:54 am
I need to rant about this, and my friend's in the same boat so it;s not fun doing it with her.
I'm in the musical at my school (Oliver). One of my parts is an orphan, so we (There are around 80 of us) sing 'Food, Glorious Food' as the opening number for the show. (:o)
Anywho, me and my friend are still pretty much the only people whoactually know the words to the song and can sing it. (After one month and countless music rehearsals)
(1)Yesterday we had a music practice. We'd just warmed up and the music director (Sarah) asked the group in general what rules we had to follow with the song (a different song, btw) One smart-alecky girl raised her hand and gave a nice little detailed know-it-all answer. O'course, Sarah had to go praise in front of everyone. I was fine with that...until the next little detail: (quoting sarah here) "..and she was the only one who really knew her words to Food last week!"
AAAAARGH! Our little know-it-all friend doesn't even know the title of the song, heaven forbid the words!
Okay, now here's this on behalf of my friend Kat.
(2) Also yesterday, (I was gone, working ona nother number) Sarah was drilling the orphans on the words to 'Food'. After half n hour of ebdless, monotonous repetition, she asked my friend Kat to sing it alone. (she was in a group of people who...weren't doing so well) Kat, i'm sure, sang it perfectly (she's wonderful) but made one tiny mistake at the end. Meaning Sarah now thinks she's been following the other people and hasn't learned her words! One of the other people in that area later told Kat that she (morgan) has actually been following Kat...but heaven forbid Morgan tell Sarah that...
(3) Today we had choreography practice for Food. I'm the only one who practiced and therefore knew the dance. Again, one of the only ones who could sing the song (and did, till I was blue in the face) but heaven forbid anyone notice. How 'bout some acknowledgement here, people?!
Anyway. I'm done.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:58 am
Eh, people are always calling Lord of the Rings "Rings" and stuff like that, but it sure looks like Sarah is one of those social-ladder brats. My sympathies.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:59 am
I hate when that happens.
Fifth grade play. Me and this boy memorized the script in 3 days, so we were inging a song. We do it right, but the other two get it wrong. Then the teacher yells at us for acting like know-it-alls ans getting it wrong, and she made us sit down for the rest of the time. It's still nagging me, because I just wanted to show that I could do the part, unlike my cohorts during that play...evil people, getting me in trouble..*mumbles to an inaudible whisper*
Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:33 am
Sometimes teachers and similar figures have trouble understanding things. My chorus teacher (chorus is required) is still under the impression that people care when she does things like send them out of the class, or tell them that if they don't calm down she won't teach, or tell that they need to learn these things, or that we will be tested and graded. The people who talk and shoot rubber bands and make fun of everything she says or does really honestly don't care.
Teachers need to learn how kids' minds work before they are allowed to teach, because none of them seem to know that.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:13 am
You get to sing in Oliver! ? Oh the envy.
I didn't quite get what happened in 1, but still tis evil...
I hate that! I'm going to be working on two plays along with my class, but I'll probably get easy recognition because I do artwork on signs... that's EVIL...
*Gives a Huge Medal to Requiem*
Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:06 am
Pffft, honestly who goes into theatre because they are in search of external validation
That's how this gig works 99% of the time. When you're the only on edoing things rights, no one notices, but the minute you do something wrong... That being said, as long as you're truly enjoying yourself, that aura comes through and is far more perceptive.
I loved Oliver! I played Artful Dodger and I have to say that it was probably the coolest role I ever did. I wonder if I have any pics lying around that I could throw up here...
i also seem to recall no on ein our cast remembering the words to Food Glorious Food either.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:44 pm
Hehe, Oliver! I went to see that at The National Arts Center a little while ago. I feel sorry for you though. When something like that happenes to me, I take what the teacher says with a grain of salt. And what I have found is by the time of the play people hgave ussually realised that they need to know the words to the songs so they will probably know it, not great...but they willbe able to get the jist across. And just think if you and your friend know everything great, who will stand out more in the performance
Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:53 pm
Teachers get stressy when they do a production *nods* T'is the way of life. Just bear with 'em, and you'll be fine
Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:22 pm
Hehe, no one when we did the play knew the words to the first song. But there was one year who mainly populated the orphan cast, *cough*therejectyear*cough*
I didn't go for that one though, I was too young (6th form have priority in casting ¬_¬) .
Anyway, whenever that happens I just think: Well, won't they kick themselves when I've become famous?
If Sarah isn't such a nice person, who needs her recognition anyway?
Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:46 pm
Oh, another thing... I think it's wierd that nobeast knows the lyrics to "Food, glorious food"... but that's just me. Me who's watched the musical about five times and had it memorized on the third!
And you've had WAY more practices, and the lyrics written out and stuff. (I'm guessing)
Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:35 pm
Eo wrote:Oh, another thing... I think it's wierd that nobeast knows the lyrics to "Food, glorious food"... but that's just me. Me who's watched the musical about five times and had it memorized on the third!
And you've had WAY more practices, and the lyrics written out and stuff. (I'm guessing)
I know them and I haven't ever done the musical XD
Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:43 pm
jellyoflight wrote:Eo wrote:Oh, another thing... I think it's wierd that nobeast knows the lyrics to "Food, glorious food"... but that's just me. Me who's watched the musical about five times and had it memorized on the third!
And you've had WAY more practices, and the lyrics written out and stuff. (I'm guessing)
I know them and I haven't ever done the musical XD
Wellll... I meant the movie. I ALMOST saw the musical, which had closing night on my birthday and would have been perfect... but my mom forgot.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:42 pm
jellyoflight wrote:Eo wrote:Oh, another thing... I think it's wierd that nobeast knows the lyrics to "Food, glorious food"... but that's just me. Me who's watched the musical about five times and had it memorized on the third!
And you've had WAY more practices, and the lyrics written out and stuff. (I'm guessing)
I know them and I haven't ever done the musical XD
*snickers* wrong lyrics. XD
Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:46 am
aw, *hug* I know.
We were practicing for the school play last year, Broken Theory, and one of the other girls made a mistake during the dance, and so I glanced at her, and she was all like 'I didn' tmake a mistake!' so then we continued on, and at the end, when we were getting the C&C, the teacher was like, (to me) 'look forward! Stop looking at others! You should know the dance by now!' gah, it was so annoying >.<
I hope that everything goes well! Just be proud that you CAN do it well!^^* Maybe you could try speaking to Sarah? Then again, she might start thinking that you find yourself the all-amazing-god... *sigh* well, maybe just patience. I think that in the end, it will show who knows it, and who doesn't^_^
Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:19 pm
.:Requiem:. wrote:jellyoflight wrote:Eo wrote:Oh, another thing... I think it's wierd that nobeast knows the lyrics to "Food, glorious food"... but that's just me. Me who's watched the musical about five times and had it memorized on the third!
And you've had WAY more practices, and the lyrics written out and stuff. (I'm guessing)
I know them and I haven't ever done the musical XD
*snickers* wrong lyrics. XD

Ffff...same difference

*pokes j00*
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