Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:22 pm
On the jokes board, I have posted something amusing (which has been locked since it has swear words in the link so shhh). This person (tries) to insult me on my xanga, posting an insulting comment that is mostly based on assumptions and I replied to her, defending myself. Finally that person posts her last comment (and refuses to admit that she's lost). Then? Another person hops along and complimented on the first insultor's insults, and then made a new xanga account just to diss me! (anti_jyunion XDD) You guessed it, they just keep insulting me, trying to make me angry. I have some idea of who this 2nd insultor is and I'm thinking of how to confront her. I believe I have done nothing much harmful to her but hey, she just hates me

I'm so hatable.
Things are getting a tad out of hand and I'm not sure what to do to tell them to lay their hands off me. They're only dissing me to make themselves more secure (especially the 2nd one. If no one spoke up, she wouldn't have let her voice out....anonymously XD).
The first one also stole my art pieces from my deviantART and edited them. How can I report the ripping (posted on the forum already but no idea what action would be taken)?
Any suggestions on what to do?
(Feel free to pm me for whatever you need to know)
Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:35 pm
Beat them!

j/k hehe (I think)
Well it doesn't seem like ignoring is an option, or is it? I think if you can rally people up to go up against them (not physically hehe... but on this xanga thing) then it will work out well. I don't mean insulting them back or anything like that, but get a bunch of people to tell them that they are immature idiots that need to get a life. If other people also know who these people are, then they can help you in "owning" those two.
I posted a little "something" on their xanga it seems...
Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:56 pm
I saw your post yesterday, I didnt comment cos I thought it might be deleted anyway. The way that person acted was ridiculous, my 4 year old son has more sense and manners than that.
I havents seen the second persons posts but if he is as immature as the first one then I really wouldnt worry too much. I mean are you really supposed to get upset by someone calling you honey (especially if they cant even spell it!)
Personally I would just report them to whatever admin that site has, and keep deleting their messages. Dont even bother to reply to them, just delete them. They will soon get bored if they arent getting a response out of you!
Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:01 pm
dont get mad.
plot their downfall over the course of several weeks, wait until they have forgotten you, then punce like a hidden killy thing (i suggest a badger, theyre cool)
or ignore them, not what id do, but if im honest youre best off doing somthing simply because i dont.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:09 pm
xjox wrote:I saw your post yesterday, I didnt comment cos I thought it might be deleted anyway. The way that person acted was ridiculous, my 4 year old son has more sense and manners than that.
I havents seen the second persons posts but if he is as immature as the first one then I really wouldnt worry too much. I mean are you really supposed to get upset by someone calling you honey (especially if they cant even spell it!)
Personally I would just report them to whatever admin that site has, and keep deleting their messages. Dont even bother to reply to them, just delete them. They will soon get bored if they arent getting a response out of you!
I'm certain the second person is a girl. She gave herself away.
That might work, but the first person jeered at me for "deleting" his/her comment. I think they got angry since all my comebacks utterly kill them

They believe I didn't, why? because they wouldn't admit it (and wanting ME to admit I lost to them. 'Tis amusing!).
The second person cannot type proper English. I found it hard reading letters and simplified words...
That's a great idea Setekh, what about mushrooms?

Sorry, couldn't resist.
I want to do something that would crush them into little bits (a bit evil?)
Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:59 pm
Then do what someone else suggested on a different thread and just agree with everything they say! its very very annoying when you are trying to argue with someone and all they do is agree with you. So if they say you are smelly, say "I know, but i really dont know what to do about it. Thanks for pointing it out though, it was really nice of you!"
Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:05 pm
And that might work! I just had a talk with my friend and found out that these two may be working together all along and it fits in with the situation... Hm...
I'm thinking that I should really pwn them.
But yes, keep suggesting please, I need to have choices >.<
Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:08 pm
xjox wrote:Personally I would just report them to whatever admin that site has, and keep deleting their messages. Dont even bother to reply to them, just delete them. They will soon get bored if they arent getting a response out of you!
I really agree with this one, even if they call you a chicken or anything, they wont get a response. Just keep deleting the messages like you delete spam.
Anywho, something should be done for the graphic ripping person, try to contact the Xanga head top person thingy. Also try to give your images watermarks from now on?
Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:11 pm
Apparently she cut off my watermark.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:14 pm
_jaye_ wrote:Apparently she cut off my watermark.
maybe move your watermark to somewhere it owuld look stupid cut off.. it'll affect your image, but people will still see the image and see why you've moved the watermark.
and on the case of the annoying/insulting mesages, i agree that you should just ignore it, treat it as spam
Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:28 pm
I saw that topic yesterday. Basically, you have two options. Ignore them or agree with everything they're saying. Drives them mad. Trust me, it works.
Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:31 pm
Just go along with everybody else. Delete their messages and report them to some spiffy person for stealing your artwork. Or.. just let it go completely and ignore everything they do. :O
Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:08 pm
_jaye_ wrote: That's a great idea Setekh, what about mushrooms?

Sorry, couldn't resist.
I want to do something that would crush them into little bits (a bit evil?)
and snakes.. snakes too
as for evil.. i can do evil
maybe suggesting (and i mean suggesting) a lawsuit, maybe smthing like
"slander is throwned upon you know"
works for me when im in a happy mood.
Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:40 am
Oh dear.
Immature people are so incredibly's amazing. I hope you get it resolved

I find that agreeing DEFINITELY does work, (since my sister uses it against me, and I use it against myself, to stop others from insulting me:) mwahah.), pretend that you don't understand, or that you mistake what they say for something else maybe? Or ignoring. Yeah...
As for the ripping...Hmm, I'm really not sure O.O but yeah, just putting your watermark in the worst places^_^ like over a really complicatedly-coloured area. (Didn't know which adverb to use for complicated^^*) umm, yeah. or a really detailed area that would look bad deleted, as was said.
Sat Jan 29, 2005 2:44 pm
Do you mind pming me what they said? Xanga is down, and I'd like to give them a piece of my mind....
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