Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:17 am
I know I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but I've noticed many people on many occasions spell "sense" (like in common sense, make sense) as "sence". I wonder why is this so? Is it because it is trendy to do so, or because it is the way Americans spell it (I'm sure not the latter)? Or is it just a very common spelling mistake?
To see how common this spelling mistake is, just search for the word "sence". There are three pages of topics with it in them. That's a lot for a simple 5-letter-word.
Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:28 am
As a speaker for us foreigners, I think you pretty much spell it like that automatically if you don't know what the correct version is. Just to compare it with words like "fence" and "hence", at least in out eyes it’s more common to use a “c” instead of a “s” in many English words that are somewhat similar to that.
I used to think the spelling should be “sence”, but with some further education I have been enlightened, and have now a good senSe of how it should be written
Alas, I don’t know why people who have English as their mother tongue/first language make the same mistake, if this actually is correct information. If I'm right the formation "sence" is not correct at all, and you won't find it in dictionaries etc.
Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:08 pm
Qanda wrote:because it is the way Americans spell it
we certainly do not. this spelling mistake gets on my nerves too.
Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:13 pm
Yes, that mistake bothers me was well. -_-
Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:32 pm
That's not how Americans spell it.
I think it's a lot of what Silja said, you just think of what rhymes with it, and then you spell it that way.
Besides, I'd rather have 'sence' than 'sInCe!1!1!1!!! lolwth'.
Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:53 pm
force of nature for me.
i also put H's into sign now and then for some reason.
and Sence is right.. but for an entirely differant word with an entirely differant meaning.
goodly's a fun word too..
Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:51 pm
*muses* it bothers me a bit, too. I've never had a problem with spelling - it's always been pronunciation for me

English IS my first language, but when I was younger I would read all these words that I'd never heard before and I'd pronounce them in a rather odd fashion.
Another thing that bothers me is when people put 'loose' instead of 'lose'. It doesn't drive me crazy or anything, just something that makes me twitch whenever I see it
Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:17 pm
I think that people should maybe realise that...
A) We have many different people here, not all of whom were raised to speak English, let alone write it
B) We also have a lot of young members here who aren't that great at spelling (I myself have been known to change whole sentances just so I can avoid the use of a certain word).
C) It's a misspelled word. It is not the end of the world. If you see a glaring spelling mistake or something that bothers you, why don't you kindly PM the person and tell them about it (note the use of the word KINDLY), or PM a mod who might fix it (although that is not our general policy)
Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:59 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:C) It's a misspelled word. It is not the end of the world. If you see a glaring spelling mistake or something that bothers you, why don't you kindly PM the person and tell them about it (note the use of the word KINDLY), or PM a mod who might fix it (although that is not our general policy)
Spelling mistakes are commonly made by everyone in many instances, and I wasn't really bothered by that. I was more interested in why so many people spell that particular word like that. More out of curiousity, if you know what I mean.
Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:21 pm
I have to say the title of this topic made me twitch. =P
In general, when I see "sence" or "loose" instead of "lose", "there" instead of "their", etc, I twitch. Then I look to see who wrote it, and if English is likely to be their first language. If not, I'm not as bothered - I know English isn't an easy language to learn, and it is a mistake that makes sense, when you think about it.
(I'm guilty of rewriting sentences to avoid words too. =P)
Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:07 pm
English is a hard language soooo I can understand why people say sence instead of sense. And lots of the time when I'm typing I find myself just plainly typing the wrong word because I'm thinking of how it sounds in my head and now how to write it (I type really fast) and I'll be like: Yay I'm number won. And then I confuse myself lol. But yeah, it's annoying
Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:42 pm
I can spell fine when I'm writing, but on the computer, when I type faster than I write, my brain thinks: hear, I type here, for instance.
Typing that sentance made me mispell write twice
hehe, murphys law or somthing along those lines.
people already made that point, oops
Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:48 am
yeah, for me, it's just a spelling mistake, english is indeed my first language, yet when I'm on the computer, I have a tendency to make more spelling errors then I would like on a test or something. I also have a tendency to forget punctuation and what not when Im typing, probably because I type so fast and my brain isn't always keeping up with my fingers.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:38 am
You are great! = You're Great!
Your bag is so great = Your bag is so great!
People! Don't say "YOUR GREAT" because I might just have to smack yous silly.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:55 am
SL, did I ever tell you your great?
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