Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:30 pm
Yes, I recently started knitting. I've learned the basics, which means the only things I can knit right now are scarfs (which is fine, knowing the current "fad" right now). I've finished one scarf and I'm proud of it, though there are many flaws in it, specifically I didn't bind it off correctly when I was done.
Talk about your own avdentures in the wonderful world of knitting!

If you could give me some advice for next time, that would be nice, too.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:32 pm
I was going to learn to knit, but haven't gotten around to it.
...Kinda like cross stitching and latch hooking. Though I actually did a bit of those before abandoning them. =P
Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:06 pm
Sometimes I get into some kind of knitting craze and knit a whole lot of things, then I get tired of it and stop
Never tried any complicated things yet, but I suppose I could give it a try... someday.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:15 pm
Ooooh! I recently learned how to knit, or the basics, anyway. I've only started a scarf though, and it's rather messy at the moment. Somehow I managed to get the yarn all tangled up after doing a few rows, and I don't think I can untangle it without totally taking apart the whole thing, so... Yeah, I haven't touched it in a while. :P I'm probably going to start something else soon though, I've been in the mood to knit for a while.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:59 pm
I only know the basic knitting stitch. I'm a horrible knitter. It's not that I lose stitches or anything, they just come out so uneven. I think I should try making a scarf with that weird textured string. It probably hides your uneven stitches really well.
However I can cross stitch like nobody's business.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:01 pm
Cyanna wrote:I only know the basic knitting stitch. I'm a horrible knitter. It's not that I lose stitches or anything, they just come out so uneven. I think I should try making a scarf with that weird textured string. It probably hides your uneven stitches really well.
However I can cross stitch like nobody's business.

The fancy, fluffy yarns do hide your mistakes really well, but they're a pain to work with. I learned that the hard way

Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:28 pm
Wow I havent done any knitting for years... I used to do it all the time, it was just one of those things that I forgot about... I remember knitting little stockings that I used to give people at christmas and fill them with little gifts.
If you are learning then a good thing to start with is to knit little squares, make sure they are all the same size and usually the church groups accept them as they sew them all together to make blankets.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:29 pm
My mom taught me to knit when I was in second grade. Naturally I haven't progressed very much past the basic scarf despite that. She's still trying to get me to learn how to crochet though.
Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:51 pm
I wish I could knit.
I don't knit. I bead on looms. Fuuuuun!Bracelets!l3e7!
Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:57 pm
Hehe! I know how to knit... but I wanna learn to crochet!
Anywho, knitting is kinda fun! (No I am not an old ladie) Although if I do patterns, like 2 lines knit, 2 lines purl, I'm bound to screw up sooner or later. >.>
Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:02 am
I found it required way to much attention compared to crochet.
Why don't ya get us a pic to show it off;)*looks around innocently than disappears in a puff of mist* you didn't read that^;)
Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:28 am
Bleh. I can croquet and that thing.. With the four hooks on it, and you go around then and pull the middle and it makes those huge things (Ohmigosh I just realised if I get into doing that again I could make a belt... Whee!)
But I can't knit worth garbage. Literally, the stuff I do isn't even worthy of the garbage.
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:23 am
I also like over sized cowboy hats
Fri Feb 11, 2005 2:21 am
I can crochet pretty well...never did learn to knit...
My mom knits obsessively, though. Don't expect to start a converstation with her without hearing 'Shh! I'm counting!' at least once. She can make a sweater in about three or four days, thus I have way too many of them x)
Fri Feb 11, 2005 2:54 am
I want to learn how to Knit.
But frankly...
i'd rather learn how to make nets. Like fishing nets, not to fish with... but just to know. *nod* that'd be cool.
My Grandma (Sweetest, most gullible best knitting grandmother ever), is going to teach me how to Knit this summer, when i'm done college.
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