Oooh, I have quite a few.
I picked up 'Eh?' from you guys. Still not sure whether its pronounce more of an 'uh' or a 'ey'. But I'll continue pronouncing it 'ey'.
Smilies. I almost never used to use them, now most of my posts have them in it. I do it on AIM and MSN, too... I guess its a security thing, because you can't see peoples faces. Haha. Sometimes I use the ones that will turn into cute little faces, may favorites of these are:



, and

. I use all of them except for the rolling eyes one in my chats. I also like these little guys: o.o ^.^ ^_^' and a few others as well. I think I'm starting to use this one more: -.^ I got it from Scott.
Random phrases. It comes from talking with Medli too much.

Zorz, Piez... those are the more common ones. Sometimes I use Sunnie's Chu? and other things, rarely though. Whee!

I do have phrases of my own, so I'm not copying off them completely.
Real Life:
My mom's laugh. Seriously. Most of the time when I laugh, it sounds just like hers. Of course, it depends what type of laugh it is, but... yeah.
Random phrases. Picked these up from people, or kids at school... whatever. I use Gerbil alot, that word is two years old now.

But its fun to say!
Um... if I can think of anything more, I'll be sure to tell you!