Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:18 pm
I actually feel good, marn! I had an excellent RP last night, I saved a mouse's life in horse riding class, and I learned how to control said horse O.O
... The character I Roleplay with, on the other hand, ain't feelin so good. That comes of having the side of your face shredded.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:27 pm
Groovy? XDD I haven't heard that word in years
Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:31 pm
Go get some James Brown.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:35 pm
I don't know why you'd save the mouses life, because if your barns like most barns i've been too, said barn has barn cats, and said mouse is a pest.
But congrats on controlling the horse. Are you taking group lessons or individual? Riding really isn't that hard. Are you in English or Western or Other?
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:25 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:*blinks*
I don't know why you'd save the mouses life, because if your barns like most barns i've been too, said barn has barn cats, and said mouse is a pest.
Because the dear little things have feelings, silly.
Yeah, congratulations in getting the horse under control. I tried riding lessions but it never really got started due to two bad owner experiences.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:29 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:Because the dear little things have feelings, silly.
Because the dear little things spread diseases, and dirty feed, and other such things. Don't get me wrong, I like mice, but not when they're in buildings, food, feed, or anything that should not involve them.
And don't give me the "we're intruding on their space" thing. The mice that I deal with, deer mice, live quite happily outside. They don't belong inside. They can survive outside without humans.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:33 pm
They still have feelings.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:41 pm
To be quite honest.
I don't care about their feelings if they're in my house, barn, tackshed, or feed room. If they're out in the open, i'm more then happy to let them live. But if they invade my space, they will be dealt with.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:58 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:To be quite honest.
I don't care about their feelings if they're in my house, barn, tackshed, or feed room. If they're out in the open, i'm more then happy to let them live. But if they invade my space, they will be dealt with.
Eh Iv'e also gone after my sahre of mice in the barn, horse barn, milk house, shop etc. They get into everything and cause problems. Thankfully the barn cat population has goen up a bit.
As for the horse thing, rock on. My sister in law has this one horse...that jsut doesn't like anyone but her....tried to throw me 5 times. Always tries to eat my hair too.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:09 pm
I've been attacked by a mouse when on the toilet. They must die.
Congratz on the RP + Horse
Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:38 am
we had a mouse in our cabin while 'camping' once, haha. actually, it was more like a retreat kinda thing. I do not consider staying in a cabin camping. Some girls screamed SOOO loud, it was soo pathetic *sigh* I just put my stuff on an empty bed, to make sure it didn't get contaminated. I could hear it at night XD teehee. *scufflescufflesqueak*
Congrats on the horse controling! As well as the rp! I love it when rps go well^_^ *nods*
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:05 pm
I have an affinity for small, injured creatures that people are trying to stomp. Poor liddle bugger. I put him outside, anyway, cause otherwise he'd freak the horses when they went in for grooming. Plus there's no cats there.
Group riding lessons... Western. 'Course, just because I learned to control Elmer doesn't mean I'll ever get the hang of, saay, Curtiss. (Curtiss threw someone in my sister's group last time, and someone in my group this time.)
I've had problems with mice at my own house - they poop all over and sometimes got into the food. But I just prefer putting them out in an isolated area where they would have no reason to go back to smushing them... I'm such a softie

He was like my Young Oak character too, he thought I'd kill him and when I picked him up he was a little too hurt to try to escape much. Dislocated leg from screaming girl stompage.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:01 pm
Congrats on everything, especially the horse!
I miss riding lessons...I was in it since I was six, but I had to stop when my dad went to law school because we couldn't afford it anymore...I've always prefered English over Western, though. English feels like you're actively riding, not just sitting there and letting the horse do all the work
Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:50 pm
I was trained english, but I ride Western/Australian now.
Aussie saddles are amazingly comfy, and depending on which type you get they do offer more contact with the horse.
Currently out of the three horses that live at my farm, two are rideable. Warg has navicular, so thats sad. But he's an ornery critter, so i'm happy not riding him.
My arab, Smoky is rideable... occasionally. He's just... very spooky. I used to jump with him, and then he developed shin splints, and we couldn't ride for well over a year. And then I went through a run of surgeries, and I couldn't ride. And since he's a rescue case, and a bit... strange in the head, he's reverted to not enjoying being ridden. He spooks a lot.
And then Reno... is our renters horse. Kinda nice bay arab. He's really quite weird. Has a super long neck, carries himself strangely, gives him an ewe neck. But eh's a nice guy, but when you go past a walk on him, ie trot... it feels like you're sitting on a jackhammer. He's rought. And I don't like that, considering my baby Smoky is the smoothest horse i've ever ridden.
What does Elmer look like? I've always loved lesson horses, they've got so much character.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:52 pm
Christopher wrote:I've been attacked by a mouse when on the toilet. They must die.
Congratz on the RP + Horse

That sounds like an...interesting story. O__O;;
Well anyway, congrats on your groovy horse riding. I've always wanted to ride horses. But you know, money, New Jersey, lack of skill.
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