Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:18 am
What are your opinions on it? I get really angry when someone posts a post like this:
lol lyk can u gie me a million nps
And when several people have politely responded...
smurf ok fine b that way
Arg, its like an itch you cant scratch when I read something like this. I mean, an occasional lol is okay.
Another thing that really annoys me is when someone calls another person a "new member" (The other word for it) in chatspeak.
How do YOU *points to you* feel about chat speak?
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:21 am
I hate chatspeak. I can understand it, but it drives me absolutely NUTTY to have to read it. I try not to talk to people who chatspeak.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:23 am
If it's just very little, like using 'u' instead of 'you', then I can tolerate it. But things like '0mfGGg lYk h3 iZz s00oOoOoOoo hOtTTTtTT!' uhhh no.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:40 am
It is very frustrating because I'm far from fluent in chat speak. I see the value in chat speak when it is used in such a manner that it becomes part of the lexicon and is sometimes more readily understood than normal typing. For instance.
Laughing out loud vs. lol
But when it gets into that 1337 speak, I can't understand a word and I'll just ignore the person.
(By the way, something far more annoying than chatspeak online is verbal chatspeak. I have a few aqaintances who use terms like "lol" verbally in their daily life. But it's also a group of people who have practically devoloped their own personal language of abreviations and nicknames. I think they do it because it makes them feel like they are somebody when in reality they are just another bunch of clicky girls who haven't moved past middle school.)
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:52 am
Chances are if you talk in chatspeak I don't like you very much and I might never like you because the fact you typed in chatspeak is forever branded into my mind.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:54 am
I absolutely HATE chatspeak. It really gets on my nerves, even if it's just using "u" instead of "you", "r" instead of "are", "4" instead of "four", "b" instead of "be" etc. etc.
I *can* however tolerate things like "g2g, gtg", "brb", "lol", "btw" etc.
1337 speak? I can understand maybe three words of that -___-;;
[Edit] BTW, if you talk any form of chatspeak, even the first I mentioned, most likely I won't like you very much, even if I don't even know you.
[Edit #2] The above is mostly because I think chatspeak is a huge sign of immaturity.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:11 am
Chatspeak immediately lowers my opinion of a person even before I get to know him/her. While I accept common terms like "lol", "btw", "fyi", etc, in which the original terms are too long to type out, I can't withstand the stupid ones like "lyk pwn ong" which sound like the babblings of a 5 year old.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:13 am
I can read and write it but I dont like either.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:32 am
Is it wrong to want to smash a nine-iron over the face of someone who says "Lyk OmG thatz kewl!!11!"
Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:47 am
Chao wrote:Is it wrong to want to smash a nine-iron over the face of someone who says "Lyk OmG thatz kewl!!11!"

Yes. You are supposed to use a bowling ball.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:54 am
Me! wrote:Wair Cun 1 G3t 0n3 0f d3m d4r3 3malze?
Thats the most chatspeak... ish (see I don't even know how to do it!) that i've ever done in my life.
EVER! And thats how I plan on keeping it.
It disturbs me.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:59 am
It depends what sort of chat speak it is for me. If someone just decides to use "u" for "you" and "r" for "are" and "y" for "why" and its in a IM conversation I can tolerate it. If however someone started talking like the post topic example "lyk awsom ch4t sp34k" I'd probably be inclined to ignore them. I find chat speak especially annoying when people don't even do it to "cut down on time" what is the point in writing "sp34k" or "ch4t" when you can just write "speak" or "chat", they have the same number of letters! I also think using chat speak on Boards and Forums where the posts last a reasonable amount of time is entirely unnecessary.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:08 am
Medusa wrote:I find chat speak especially annoying when people don't even do it to "cut down on time" what is the point in writing "sp34k" or "ch4t" when you can just write "speak" or "chat", they have the same number of letters!
I absolutely agree. This also applies to those who like to tYPe LIeK thIS, ie, they capitalise letters randomly for no rhyme or reason.
And Inrun, I couldn't understand your chatspeak.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:24 am
There's only really one place I can tolerate it, and that's in a game. If someone's about to attack me from behind, I don't want someone to waste time and type "LaceyJade, someone is going to attack you from behind!" Instead, it's a lot quicker to yell out "Lu, sum1 is going 2 atk u from behind!"
However, on forums, it's very stupid. There's no rush to type, so you might as well make yourself look a little bit smarter and use full words.
|33+ 5|>34|< 15 |=|_|/\/ +|-|0|_|&|-| ^___^
Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:31 am
I hate it with a passion. I used to use it...when I was about 9. That was simply because I was horrible at typing and it took forever for me to type anything.
The only person I don't mind minor chatspeak from is my dad - I've seen him type, and it's painful. I know he makes an effort, but he's a horrible typer. In fact, when getting an email from him, I prefer to see the chatspeak type stuff, it shows that he wrote it himself. Other than that, though, I just can't tolerate it.
And don't get me started on 1337. I can read it, and could type it if I had to, but it's just not worth the time or effort.
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