Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:36 am
I'm currently doing a work placement in an office. My superviser is an Asian girl called Razia. She can't be more than 25 years old yet she thinks she knows everything. She walks around telling people what to do, she does things wrong and it's so easy to know she's doing it wrong, but she always says it's right. She doesn't like me either. I'm 19 yet she treats me like a child. She jokes around sometimes and when other people say things to her, she laughs with them. I made a joke once and she gave me a dirty look. Other times she'd just plain ignore me. She thinks I'm unable to do things on my own incase I go wrong so she insists that I have my desk right next to hers so that she can check up on me. I'm sick of it. This is doing nothing for my confidence.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:44 am
I think you should sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that her actions aren't helping you fit in with this environment and she should watch what she says.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:49 am
I would be more inclined to speak to Razia's supervisor, and tactfully say that you feel you're not getting the most out of your work placement due to her management style, and ask if her supervisor has any suggestions. That leaves the door open for Razia's supervisor to say, "Oh, I know Razia can be a micromanager, let me talk to her," or to say "Razia's the best supervisor in the place, I've never had any complaints about her." Either way, you'll know exactly where you stand and can decide how worth it it is to you to continue there. The sad truth is, you will have a lot of supervisors like that in your career.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:45 am
I like both Ammer and Katy's suggestions, for different reasons.
Ammer's you aren't going over Razia's head and she's less likely to think you are betraying her or trying to get back at her (like she might do if you went to a supervisor).
Katy's you will know once you've spoken to the supervisor where you stand with Razia.
My first thought would be, do you have any friends at this workplace who you could trust? If you do and they've been working there longer perhaps try sussing out by talking with them the general opinion of the staff about Razia, that way the direction to head in (talk to her or talk to a supervisor) might become obvious.
Good luck anyways

Edit: Another thing I might suggest is if you've just been restricting yourself to doing the bare necessities at work perhaps trying going above and beyond what is required of you. I'm not saying work extra hours for nothing. Try finish your work early (and correctly of course) and then politely offer to help others out or go and find some other little jobs that might need to be done around the place (as long as you don't step on people's feet), maybe Razia or even one of her supervisors will notice your independence and dedicated work ethic and realise you don't need to be babysat.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:32 am
Is she hot at least?
Well, go slap her in the face with a chainsaw. It will help, trust me.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:27 am
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:Well, go slap her in the face with a chainsaw. It will help, trust me.
Might help with that particular problem, but it will bring up oh so many more.
Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:29 am
You have a couple solutions here.
We can go with the knife, wire, shotgun, chainsaw, blackmail, acidic perfume, vomit in a bag, dog crap in a bag, whoope-cushion, telephone pole, llama, ninja, mafia, German Shepred, mascara, sword, poison ivy...
The possiblities are limitless!
Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:34 am
I agree with Ammer's suggestion more. The basic courtesy in such situations is to bring up the issue directly with the person you are dissatisfied with first. Try to be as tactful and reasonable as possible and tell her that you feel belittled by the way she is treating you.
Complaining to her superior will only make matters worse, IMO, and she will resent you even more. At least try to settle the matter in private first, rather than jump the step and go straight to the superior.
Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:39 am
- I agree with the implements of torture fully and unabashedly -
*wipes tear from eye, one hand placed firmly against his chest, one saluting*
Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:39 pm
I agreed with Qanda, complaining to higher authority will make matter worst.
However, I think sitting down and talking to her about her bad attitude will not help either. No matter what, she is still 6years older than you, and in her own eyes, you are still a little girl. Imagine a little girl telling you that you got problem with your attitude. I dun think it feels too good.
One way to do it is to befriend with her. Find something that is good about her (sure there is something) and praise it infront of her. If she sugguested something that you agreed, or some points that you agreed, said that you agreed with her on that point in front of everybody. If you got something that you dunno (even tiny, unimportant things), asked her, telling her that you need an "expert" advise. Use the word "expert".
You dun have to "fake" yourself, I believe everybody will have something good or be right at sometime. You just need to find them and use them. If she stop hating you, she will give you lesser trouble. Remember that your aim is to work there and get the monthly salary, so dun make your life difficult by pulling a black face when you see her.
Smile, even if you hate her to core.
Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:39 pm
While it may feel like talking to Razia herself will be useless (at least that's how I'd feel) you should try to talk to her first. If that doesn't work, go to a higher authority. That way if she gets mad you will have a solid reason for going to her superior. I hope this gets resolved somehow, dealing with the people around you is the hardest part of life.
Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:15 pm
on_diet_cat wrote:I agreed with Qanda, complaining to higher authority will make matter worst.
However, I think sitting down and talking to her about her bad attitude will not help either. No matter what, she is still 6years older than you, and in her own eyes, you are still a little girl. Imagine a little girl telling you that you got problem with your attitude. I dun think it feels too good.
One way to do it is to befriend with her. Find something that is good about her (sure there is something) and praise it infront of her. If she sugguested something that you agreed, or some points that you agreed, said that you agreed with her on that point in front of everybody. If you got something that you dunno (even tiny, unimportant things), asked her, telling her that you need an "expert" advise. Use the word "expert".
You dun have to "fake" yourself, I believe everybody will have something good or be right at sometime. You just need to find them and use them. If she stop hating you, she will give you lesser trouble. Remember that your aim is to work there and get the monthly salary, so dun make your life difficult by pulling a black face when you see her.
Smile, even if you hate her to core.
I would entirely disagree with that.
How well do you think someone, especially someone as unpleasant as this woman would take it if you sat down with her and in nicer terms than this said 'you're a crappy person with crappy skills.' Is she going to be like 'oh thanks so much for raising this point, being the friendly pragmatist that I am, I'll try and change my ways!' or is she going to get offended and probably more unpleasant.
If you take it above her, you not only get to potentially ruin her employment or just humiliate her with disciplinary actions, but it's not exactly like your life is going to become rubbish because of it!
Seriously, there are authority figures for us to turn to for a reason, and that reason ISN'T for us to deal with problems on our own.
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:30 pm
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:You have a couple solutions here.
We can go with the knife, wire, shotgun, chainsaw, blackmail, acidic perfume, vomit in a bag, dog crap in a bag, whoope-cushion, telephone pole, llama, ninja, mafia, German Shepred, mascara, sword, poison ivy...
The possiblities are limitless!
I think that Full Metal Alchemist has the perfect attitude to life - Don't like it? Destroy it in someway shape or form

In fact, if you don't mind FMA, I might stick that in my siggy
Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:18 pm
SS is right. I don't see this woman reacting well to criticism of her people skills, judging by what you've told us.
Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:03 am
Phlameseeker wrote:Full Metal Alchemist wrote:You have a couple solutions here.
We can go with the knife, wire, shotgun, chainsaw, blackmail, acidic perfume, vomit in a bag, dog crap in a bag, whoope-cushion, telephone pole, llama, ninja, mafia, German Shepred, mascara, sword, poison ivy...
The possiblities are limitless!
I think that Full Metal Alchemist has the perfect attitude to life - Don't like it? Destroy it in someway shape or form

In fact, if you don't mind FMA, I might stick that in my siggy

If it fits, go ahead.
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