Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:10 am
I GOT IN!*Does the happy dance*
Anyone else try out for Tech? Or am I still alone in a PPT-less school?
Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:16 am
Well, congratulations!
I can tell you that I didn't get in, but that's because I never applied there
Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:23 am
Wait...what's Brooklyn Technical High School?
I can tell you that I never got in either...because I too never applied
Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:07 am
I'd have to do some serious grade skippage to get into a highschool, and there's only one high school that I can go to (for my school district), so I can't say that I'm joining you.
But it's awesome! Congrats!
Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:07 am
*pokes DANZER* Congrats I guess are in order (no I don't have anything to break your heart this time.)
Never heard of it so I'm certain I haven't gotten accepted there.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:59 am
Heh, sorry.

Am going to my boring old school-district highschool. Probably could have gone to Arrowhead if I wanted to.. but nah. XD
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:52 am
Pteri Sage wrote:*pokes DANZER* Congrats I guess are in order (no I don't have anything to break your heart this time.)
Never heard of it so I'm certain I haven't gotten accepted there.
What, are you TRYING to break my heart?
Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:22 am
Awesome. I suppose that means that you live rather close to me........
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