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Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:13 am
I've been coughing nonstop for the past three days. It's so bad it's causing my head, ears, throat, and chest to hurt. It brings tears to my eyes. I've got a fever. I've tried about four different types of cough medicine, all of which didn't help at all. Cough drops helped for a little bit...but that was when the cough was far less harsh. I went to the doctor and he said it was just a cold and could be the start of the flu...*sigh* I just got over a cold not to long ago, and here I am sick again. I drink orange juice everyday, I dress warmly, I try my best not to catch things from other people. This stinks. </rant>
Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:21 am
That really sucks. Unfortunately though, it's that time of year when nearly everybody catches a cold. I've had a cold on an off now for the past month. I think all you can do is not let it run your life. Carry on as normal and try not to think about it. Unfortunately there's not much else you can do unless you want to spend two weeks in your bed and let life pass you by.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:37 am
Perhaps is whooping cough?
Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:52 am
I totally understand, I had the flu last week. I was getting treatment for other stuff too so it was a pretty rough week. I know what you're going thru. I've still got residual sniffles and a cough.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:36 am
try garggling asprin probley wont help the cough much but will help with sore throat and head ache
hope you feel better soon
Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:58 pm
Tasha7008 wrote:try garggling asprin probley wont help the cough much but will help with sore throat and head ache
hope you feel better soon
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks to you others for responding. And my doctor didn't mention anything about whooping cough...hmm...
Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:53 pm
Pair0dox wrote:Tasha7008 wrote:try garggling asprin probley wont help the cough much but will help with sore throat and head ache
hope you feel better soon
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks to you others for responding. And my doctor didn't mention anything about whooping cough...hmm...
My dad had whooping cough and I caught a slight variation of it from him, like whooping cough but not as bad. Trust me, if you had it you'd know about it. It's a cough that makes you suffocate and the reason of its name is that you make a 'whoop' kind of sound when you cough. I suppose it could turn into that though. Not to make you worried but if this cough goes on for longer than you expected, see a doctor.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:11 pm
I had something like that, I had a bad fever, kept coughing a lot, just not that much. Have you tried Tylenol (sp?) Severe Day or Night cough syrup? That's stuff's like miracle syrup. It better be for that price, anyway.
I warn you if you haven't tried it - it tastes like tooth paste. And not the good kind either.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:21 pm
Theres more than one type of whooping cough, and usually whooping doesnt actually happen and instead you cough endlessly for hours.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:26 pm
Ok, well then, I'm pretty sure it's not whooping cough. Just a really bad, annoying one. I looked up some stuff on whooping said something along the lines of coughing endlessly for a few good minutes then stops and you feel fine. I'm just coughing on and off all the time and feel bad the whole time. It's not to the point where I can't take in air and turn colors. So, I think it's not that.
Right now I'm on meds that my doctor gave me. But even this doesn't seem to help much. I haven't tried Tylenol cough mom's suppose to go to the store later, maybe that will do something for me.
What I really need is meds that will knock me out so I won't have to deal with myself for awhile. Lol.
Thanks again guys. I hope I'm feeling better soon...I've already missed work once. I had to stay home from school today cause the pain was so bad too.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:49 pm
My little brohters had whooping cough for a couple of weeks, every day around 5pm he starts coughing in 2 lots of 3 cough bursts, then stops, a minute later again. Its like that for the rest of the night.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:59 pm
Christopher wrote:My little brohters had whooping cough for a couple of weeks, every day around 5pm he starts coughing in 2 lots of 3 cough bursts, then stops, a minute later again. Its like that for the rest of the night.
Is that like a mild form of whooping cough? Cause when I read about it, it sounded far worse. Like, you be on the verge of sufficating. Turning blue and whatnot. Cause that kinda sounds like me...just cough burst ever few minutes....and it was real bad at night, I couldn't sleep at all.
Hmm, I'll try and see my doctor again and talk to him about it. I really hope it's not that...and I hope I'm not sick that long.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:43 pm
Your most likely getting the flu. My husband thought he was getting bronchitis but doc said it was the flu....then my son got it. *is armed with a can of lysol*
The worst thing about it was the cough/congestgion. Mainly the cough. They both ahd fevers too but that dwindled to normal after a couple days.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:51 pm
I, and many other people I know, have had a similar "cough" like that recently.
It's terrible, you cough for a few minutes then stop and your throat is raw.
I couldn't sleep much. Maybe you could try putting lavender drops or something similar on your pillow?
The most imortant thing, though, is rest. And drink/eat soft foods. Soup, hot lemonade, yoghurt and honey, jelly, goes on. Ooh, and lucozade is quite good too

Just drink loads of water - flushes the coming cold from your system.
Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:06 pm
Two words: Chicken soup. It's tasty, warm, and clears your throat a bit.
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