Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:53 pm
wow man i'm so scared...
i'll explain: i'm here, sick, couldn't go to school, it's only 1 PM, neighbours are all home, but there is no sound in this room except for the humming of the PC, now i was watching some movies on flashplayer (i was bored) and i close it when i suddenly heard a shout of a man coming from our kitchen, it wasn't too loud and i don't even know it was a shout it was just one stupid 'DAA...' or something like that, i turned on the radio now and it's been 20 minutes now and didn't hear anything anymore, don't wanna go check it out though, so don't give me that advice
Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:58 pm
oooh... um... you should go check, but with a large blunt or sharp object!
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:02 pm
Yup, get a heavy or sharp object, sing a happy song and take a look
((I'm also sick and at home, hehe))
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:03 pm
sir_michael wrote:oooh... um... you should go check, but with a large blunt or sharp object!
*graps stapler* okay... i could try... it's been a while, let's see....
okay nothing there yet the door to the garage was open a little bit, but we're used to open doors here, it's also the way to the basement so i'm not gonna go there => i haven't been in my basement for a few months and there have to be some spiders

icky... oh well i'm gonna type really loud now so that if there is someone i scare him with my strong hands
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:05 pm
Jens wrote:sir_michael wrote:oooh... um... you should go check, but with a large blunt or sharp object!
*graps stapler* okay... i could try... it's been a while, let's see....
okay nothing there yet the door to the garage was open a little bit, but we're used to open doors here, it's also the way to the basement so i'm not gonna go there => i haven't been in my basement for a few months and there have to be some spiders

icky... oh well i'm gonna type really loud now so that if there is someone i scare him with my strong hands

That's good, and the stapler is a good choice too, it is large and blunt, and you can fire staples from it!
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:06 pm
Usually I can scare people away by singing a random song (like the Card Captor Sakura theme)
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:07 pm
tomatie wrote:Usually I can scare people away by singing a random song (like the Card Captor Sakura theme)

Are you good at singing, if so, then you can't really scare them off with your good singing
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:09 pm
Put on headphones and listen to music.
Drowns out all sounds, so if someone's gonna kill you, you at least won't hear them coming.
Oh, wait, is that not encouraging? Hmmm...
Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:23 pm
hahaha believe me, if there were a person, he would have to be very bad to hear ME singing

i'm terrible at that
Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:43 pm
Hehe. I'm sure you're not that bad a singer.
Blare music from your WMP. Yay.
Are you sure the shout didn't come from outside? Was your window open? Were any windows open? Or are they? I dunno how long ago this happened.
By the way... I love your profile...
Joined: 31 May 2004
Posts: 1338
Location: Land of the 1337
Very funny.
Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:24 pm
For a second I thought I had found my self on the nbs. *dose a double check to be sure.*:)
Take care of yourself and if an idiot should bother you make them regret it the rest of his/her life.
Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:21 pm
Sometimes I think I hear things. Then I get really scared and nervous lol. Since my computer is in the basement, I will grab one of my Dads golf clubs or anything heavyer I can find. Then I will yell at my computer "DAMN, I have Kartete Tomorw!" to make the person(who isn't actually there, just my imagination

) think I know Karate(I don't though) Then I will sneak upstairs and aearch the house. Yeah, I'm paranoid.
Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:35 pm
Once I heard soemone come into the house becasue the house alarm on the door beeped to let me know someone came in... and they walked past the computer roomn *wehre I was with the door closed* and back to the bed room where my friend was sleeping....then walked back out.
So I thought my friend was looking for me and went outside...and when I got up to follow her to tell her I was inside...she was still asleep in the room. And we were the only people home...
Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:17 am
You can do what I do, which is freeze and become paranoid, or stay where you are, and maybe call someone who might be willing to check it out.
Ooo... maybe you're hearing those voices again...
Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:18 am
Act like you think a family member you're really mad at came home, and start shouting at them. Maybe break a few glass things you don't need while you're at it, so the intruder also thinks you're drunk out of your mind (and armed with a broken bottle). I've heard it works like a charm, though you'll have to clean up glass shards in the end.
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