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Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:04 pm
Last night, my keyboard broke due to a CERTAIN LITTLE KITTY.
So we decided to buy one on our way to the store.
It's so cool! It was $21.87 and it's from Compaq, and it's black and silver.
Typing is so silent now thanks to this, it's music to my ears!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:32 pm
I like my keyboard nice and clicky. Whenever I get a new one, it has to be majorly clicky.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:41 pm
Zega wrote:I like my keyboard nice and clicky. Whenever I get a new one, it has to be majorly clicky.
I can see you now, weirding out all the sales assistants by typing away on all the sample keyboards in the store.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:45 pm
Zega wrote:I like my keyboard nice and clicky. Whenever I get a new one, it has to be majorly clicky.
I agree. A clicky keyboard provides you with the momentum to type even faster! People also get impressed when they hear the sound of your fingers flying over the keyboard.
Silent keyboards just don't have the "oomph" and satisfaction which clicky keyboards provide. You feel as if you are sinking your fingers into wool instead of hammering incisive words onto the screen.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:14 pm
Zega wrote:I like my keyboard nice and clicky. Whenever I get a new one, it has to be majorly clicky.
I like keyboards very clicky as well. Mine is like... 5 years old so it has food and all that crap sunken inbetween thelittle key thingys... ^_^' Heh... And not clicky keyboards have their purpose, like if you got up reeeeaaally eairly and you didn't want your parents to find out you were on your computer, I guess a silent keyboard would help...
Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:17 pm
Meow! I want a silent keyboard so I can type at 12am+ at night during weekends

Lucky you!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:23 pm
I like the clicky of my keyboard. But it used to be even worse, like REALLY loud. My mom would pratically kill me when she would see I was online at 4 AM hearing CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK. (Then again my space bar used to be broken, so it would make more of a BANG when I used it.)
Now my keyboard is semi-clicky. And I like it. ^___^ My friend has a silent keyboard and it drives me mad! But congrads on a new keyboard. I want a new one with the split down the middle. Doesn't hurt my wrists as much.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:53 pm
I need my clicky keyboard, I quite often type while looking at the tv (which probably accounts for the amount of typos I have!) so I need to hear that I'm actually typing!:P
Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:00 pm
Fiddelysquat wrote:Zega wrote:I like my keyboard nice and clicky. Whenever I get a new one, it has to be majorly clicky.
I can see you now, weirding out all the sales assistants by typing away on all the sample keyboards in the store.
I do that

and I test the mouse as well. I like the keyboard to be extra clicky, LOVE IT!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:04 pm
Mine is cool, too, and it is clicky, but not major clicky. I want the keyboard that is for games, and it has the certain keyes highlighted. So on I, it might have "inventory" as well as the I.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:26 pm
Argh I hate clicky keyboards. So nosiey lol, I like things quiet. I got rid of my laptop, and that had a built in keyboard that was really quiet, so now I have a new one and its so loud.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:34 pm
Take my advice, don't buy the SilentStride2000! It's NOT worth anything! It doesn't make your keyboard less clickly!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:47 pm
xjox wrote:I need my clicky keyboard, I quite often type while looking at the tv (which probably accounts for the amount of typos I have!) so I need to hear that I'm actually typing!:P
Oooh, me too!

We're more alike when I originally thought!
Besides... I like my clicky keyboards. It makes me so happy when my brother yells at me to be quiet when he's playing a game and I'm typing away. He says I sound like a machine-gun.
I do have to quiet it down quite a lot when my mom goes to bed... but then I type slower, it eliminates alot of the sound. But I miss my clickies when that has to happen! ;_;
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:55 pm
I wouldn't mind a new keyboard. Some sort of super infa-red optical wireless one that lets me type in the next room whilst watching TV with a little display that details what I've just typed :O !!!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:58 pm
Mine clicks, and it's at high speed too. The only keyboard in the house that doesn't really go' click is my dad's, but I'm not on his computer.
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