Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:23 pm
I've been bed-ridden with the flu for almost four days now (yeah, I know...long way to go), and I gotta say, it sucks. Missing school and sleeping 20 hours a day might sound cool on paper, but trust me when I say that, in practice, it gets disconcerting. I also haven't eaten in four days, and I don't have any sensation of hunger. The thought of eating makes me sick (you if I weren't sick already...). Oh yeah, and the coughing...all that jazz.
Last night, before I went to sleep, my mom pressured me into taking a cold/flu relief pill that would take care of the coughing, aches, and stuffy nose business. I caved, even though I've been iffy about medicines after the dreaded Biaxin Incident.
Big mistake. The problem wasn't that the pill didn't work, it was that it worked a bit too well. Besides keeping me up all night (Mom took the last "nighttime" version and swore to me the "daytime" wouldn't keep me up...LIE!), it went to work clearing my stuffed-up nose. And with that, I found my new pal dysgeusia, a disgusting, horrible taste in your mouth that will not go away no matter what you do and makes everything you eat and drink taste nasty.
You see, a lot of what we percieve as taste is actually smell. When my nose was stopped up, I couldn't detect the nasty, putrid dysgeusia pouring in from the back of my throat thanks to some faulty sensory signal. But thanks to the pill, now I can! Now, everything tastes horrible, even water. Even air. Even the inside of my mouth.
Anyone know what to do about this? The internet's been of no help so far...
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:34 pm
You poor thing *massive hugs*
I really hope you get better soon, Chrome - you have alot of bad luck with illnesses
And if ye don't mind me asking, what was the "Biaxin Incident"...O.o
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:36 pm
I think I had that Chrome, all I did was brush my teeth and it was gone.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:52 pm
Trying brushing your tongue/eating hot sauce.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 7:21 pm
Brush your teeth and tongue, and use some mouthwash. You might also consider holding your nose when you eat - you'll only get four basic tastes, but it's better than what you've got now.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:24 pm
jellyoflight wrote:And if ye don't mind me asking, what was the "Biaxin Incident"...O.o
When I took Biaxin (for sinusitis) and went crazy and ended up calling 911 because I thought I had a brain tumor. "Going crazy" is one of the rarer side effects of the drug, but that didn't stop me from getting it.
Anyway, the medicine wore off, and now my nose is stopped up again! The bad taste is almost gone, yay! Thank you, Mr. Influenza Virus, I knew you'd come through. Now, please die.
*cheers and waves a little flag* GO WHITE BLOOD CELLS, GO!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:33 pm
ah, the Flu.
such an inconspicuous little sod.
been getting stronger of late, mutating to fight us and our defences, clever things Virie.
cant say i have any advice, ive got a powerful immune system it seems, worst i get is depression.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:42 pm
ChromeFox wrote:jellyoflight wrote:And if ye don't mind me asking, what was the "Biaxin Incident"...O.o
When I took Biaxin (for sinusitis) and went crazy and ended up calling 911 because I thought I had a brain tumor. "Going crazy" is one of the rarer side effects of the drug, but that didn't stop me from getting it.

Is that true?
Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:53 pm
ChromeFox wrote:When I took Biaxin (for sinusitis) and went crazy and ended up calling 911 because I thought I had a brain tumor. "Going crazy" is one of the rarer side effects of the drug, but that didn't stop me from getting it.
I must not laugh... must.. not.. laugh...
I'm sorry. That's just too funny. But I read some of the sideeffects and one of them was life-threatening diohhreah so count yourself lucky!
Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:38 pm
Angus Young wrote:ChromeFox wrote:jellyoflight wrote:And if ye don't mind me asking, what was the "Biaxin Incident"...O.o
When I took Biaxin (for sinusitis) and went crazy and ended up calling 911 because I thought I had a brain tumor. "Going crazy" is one of the rarer side effects of the drug, but that didn't stop me from getting it.

Is that true?
Why yes, it was a funny story actually (funny until we got the ambulance bill that is...). In a nutshell, I was prescribed Biaxin to treat my sinus infection. After a couple days of taking it, I started feeling dizzy, lightheaded, giddy, delirious, started forgetting things, etc. This progressed until I started having weird thoughts like I was the most intelligent person in the universe and I could predict the future (fortunately, I was home alone, so nobody saw any of this). This was all the Biaxin talking of course. But I thought my forgetfulness was due to a brain tumor, so I called 911.
This is kind of a suppressed memory, lol. The emergency medic dudes came piling into my tiny little apartment, and I (dressed in my pajamas in front of four grown men, yeah definitely a suppressed memory) explained my situation to them all crazy-style. They were clearly skeptical, I think they thought I was on drugs. Since they didn't buy it, I asked them to leave, saying it was a mistake, but they said they couldn't; it was against their policy or whatever. They HAD to hook EVERYONE up to the stretcher and haul em away (I think this was their way of putting an end to prank 911 calls). So they strapped me to a stretcher and off I went.
To add insult to injury, on the ambulance they gave me a breathing mask for no good reason (I think this is another one of their ways of stopping pranksters). When I got there, they asked me a whole bunch of questions, clearly not buying anything I said. I got a little irritated and snapped at them a few times. The funniest thing was when I told them my last name, and they thought it was a joke. My last name DOES sound very weird and almost pornographic, so I can kinda understand, but it was still frustrating. The other funny thing that happened was I accidently gave one of the medic dudes the wrong phone number (I meant to give him the one to call my brother), and he got in touch with one of my brother's cop-hating friends who got into a heated argument with the medic over the phone.
I ended up getting hooked up to an IV (turns out I was dehydrated, go fig) while my parents came to pick me up. Yeah...funny story.
Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:44 pm
ChromeFox wrote:Angus Young wrote:ChromeFox wrote:jellyoflight wrote:And if ye don't mind me asking, what was the "Biaxin Incident"...O.o
When I took Biaxin (for sinusitis) and went crazy and ended up calling 911 because I thought I had a brain tumor. "Going crazy" is one of the rarer side effects of the drug, but that didn't stop me from getting it.

Is that true?
Why yes, it was a funny story actually (funny until we got the ambulance bill that is...). In a nutshell, I was prescribed Biaxin to treat my sinus infection. After a couple days of taking it, I started feeling dizzy, lightheaded, giddy, delirious, started forgetting things, etc. This progressed until I started having weird thoughts like I was the most intelligent person in the universe and I could predict the future (fortunately, I was home alone, so nobody saw any of this). This was all the Biaxin talking of course. But I thought my forgetfulness was due to a brain tumor, so I called 911.
This is kind of a suppressed memory, lol. The emergency medic dudes came piling into my tiny little apartment, and I (dressed in my pajamas in front of four grown men, yeah definitely a suppressed memory) explained my situation to them all crazy-style. They were clearly skeptical, I think they thought I was on drugs. Since they didn't buy it, I asked them to leave, saying it was a mistake, but they said they couldn't; it was against their policy or whatever. They HAD to hook EVERYONE up to the stretcher and haul em away (I think this was their way of putting an end to prank 911 calls). So they strapped me to a stretcher and off I went.
To add insult to injury, on the ambulance they gave me a breathing mask for no good reason (I think this is another one of their ways of stopping pranksters). When I got there, they asked me a whole bunch of questions, clearly not buying anything I said. I got a little irritated and snapped at them a few times. The funniest thing was when I told them my last name, and they thought it was a joke. My last name DOES sound very weird and almost pornographic, so I can kinda understand, but it was still frustrating. The other funny thing that happened was I accidently gave one of the medic dudes the wrong phone number (I meant to give him the one to call my brother), and he got in touch with one of my brother's cop-hating friends who got into a heated argument with the medic over the phone.
I ended up getting hooked up to an IV (turns out I was dehydrated, go fig) while my parents came to pick me up. Yeah...funny story.
Dear Lord...-tries hard not to laugh, fails miserably-
Anyway, ginormous squishy hugs

Hope you feel better soon^^
Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:57 pm
Lol now i wanna know your last name.
Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:36 am
Angus Young wrote:Lol now i wanna know your last name.
Haha, me too. Thanks, Chrome. =P
Hope you get better soon
Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:42 am
...Interesting story.
To get rid of the taste next time, eat something with a sensationally strong taste (like jalapeno peppers) to try to get rid of it. It usually works.
Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:42 am
Lol got me all interested to know what the last name is too
Anywho... I hope you feel better!
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